Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


The sales of Renault cars, the leader of the Ukrainian market of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, increased by 35% in January-June this year compared to the same period of 2018, to 6,600 units, while the market during this period grew by 0.2%, to 42,600 units, Director General of Renault Ukraine LLC Francois Marriott has said.
“Renault’s share of the passenger and commercial auto market has grown to 15.5% compared with 11.5% in the first half of last year, and we want to keep these rates until the end of this year. We are confident that we will be able to remain the market leader for the fifth year in a row [in 2018 the share was 12.5%],” he said at a press conference in Kyiv.
At the same time, he stressed that the Ukrainian market of new cars today is in a state of stagnation, and the main reason for this is a significant increase in registrations of used cars. He said Renault had the best dynamics of market share growth among all car brands.
The expert noted that the company’s forecast for the market of new passenger and commercial cars for the current year is 90,000 units (in 2018 some 87,000 cars).
“If to analyze the situation for 2018 and the six months of this year, then for one sold new car there are three registered used imported vehicles, which are unsafe on the roads and do not meet environmental standards,” he said.



Ukrainian low-cost carrier SkyUp Airlines (Kyiv) in January-June 2019 carried 668,500 passengers, including 484,900 (72%) transported on charter flights and 183,700 (28%) – on regular. The airline currently operates flights to 47 destinations, the company’s press service told Interfax-Ukraine. Among them, 31 destinations are regular routes and 16 are charter flights.
The most popular destinations of regular flights for the six months of 2019 were: Barcelona (Spain), Tbilisi, Batumi (both in Georgia), Alicante (Spain), Larnaca (Cyprus).
Popular charter flights were Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Marsa Alam (all in Egypt), Antalya (Turkey), Monastir (Tunisia).

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The Revealing Information (RI) law firm and LLC DTP Expert RI Group (LLC Accident Expert RI Group) have launched a project to protect motorists in accidents, and plan to make it available throughout Ukraine, the law firm said in a press release.
DTP Expert RI Group Partner Oleksandr Keer said the project is needed because of “the increasing number of cases where incorrectly filed documents about the accidents do not let objectively determine who caused them and, therefore, who should seek compensation for damages suffered in court or insurance companies.”
Practice shows that the final result on recovering property and health damage depends on how administrative offense protocols and traffic accidents reports have been drawn up at the scene of an accident. They will later be sent to the court or an insurance company, he said.
Keer also stressed that transport companies, including those in municipal ownership, can also participate in the project along with the owners of personal vehicles.
“We are faced with the fact that no one represents the interests of utility carriers in the event of an accident. The carriers are often found guilty of accidents because the second participant in the incident hires a lawyer and uses professional legal assistance. As a result, utility companies suffer significant damages,” he said.
Keer says independent technical examinations carried out after accidents often help to objectively establish the causes.
“The accuracy of the paperwork influences the final decision of the investigator, the court and the insurance company,” he said.
Keer added that the project for the protection of accident victims provides for settlement by negotiation between parties to the accident, thus avoiding lengthy consideration of the case.
He said that in European countries, representatives of law firms engaged in protecting accident victims travel to the scene of accidents. The police in such cases are not involved, he said, adding there is no such practice in Ukraine.
Keer said the project is already working in 22 regions of Ukraine. Its offices are located in regional centers, while they have the resources for rapid response and departure to the scene.
As reported, according to the National Police of Ukraine the number of registered accidents from January to April 2019 was 47,400, which was 4.2% more than in during the same period in 2018.
According to the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine, from January to March 2019 it took an average of 76 days to settle insurance claims for damage caused to property declared for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners (from the time of the accident to the last payment).
Insurance companies over the period increased the amount of insurance premiums collected under agreements on compulsory insurance of vehicle owners’ civil liability (OSAGO) by 12.3% compared to the same period of 2018, to UAH 2.023 billion, while insurance claim payments grew by 13%, to UAH 1.022 billion. The number of OSAGO contracts, meanwhile, increased by 3.3%, to 3.364 million.
Revealing Information is an all-Ukrainian legal association of a wide range of experts providing services for the protection of the rights of victims from any types of offenses, fraud and banditry. Services of the association include legal support of business, analytical information support and investigative activities, measures to counter the illegal seizure of property, support for clients in criminal, economic and civil disputes, etc.

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Five Ukrainian parties are likely to overcome the 5% election threshold in the upcoming elections to the Verkhovna Rada, and two other parties also have chances to qualify for parliament, considering the margin of error, the Razumkov Center sociological service said in presenting the findings of a public opinion survey on Thursday. The poll of 2,018 respondents aged 18 and older, which Razumkov Center conducted in all regions of Ukraine on July 12 to 17, 2019, showed that 40.2% of all respondents and 44.4% of those who are determined to go to polling stations and have decided for whom to vote are planning to vote for the Servant of the People Party.
Another 12.1% (13.3%) said they would vote for Opposition Platform – For Life, 7.7% (8.5%) for Batkivschyna, 6.8% (7.5%) for European Solidarity, and 6.1% (6.8%) for Holos.
Taking into account the theoretical error margin of 2.3%, two more parties also have chances to be elected to the Rada, as 4.0% (4.5%) said they would vote for Power and Honor and 3.0% (3.3%) for Radical Party.
All other parties running in the elections are unlikely to garner more than 2.5% of votes given by those determined to go to polling stations.
At the same time, 9.5% of the respondents who said they would go to polling stations are still undecided about their preferences.
Another 8.2% of those polled said they would ignore the elections.
Servant of the People has the relatively largest number of supporters in the southern (56.4% of all respondents) and the central (37.8%) macro-regions of Ukraine.
The Opposition Platform – For Life party enjoys better support in the eastern (22.4%) and southern (13.3%) parts of the country.
Batkivschyna has the best chances in the central (10%) and western (7.4%) parts of the country.
European Solidarity should get 6.9% in the central and 8.9% in the western macro-regions.
Holos has the highest support in the western region (12.1%).
“The younger the respondents, the more likely they are going to vote for Servant of the People (the party is supported by 25.3% of those who are 60 or older and by 48.1% of young people aged from 18 to 29). The Holos party also has the highest percentage of support in the youngest age group (18-29 years). Electoral support for the Opposition Platform – For Life, Batkivschyna, and Power and Honor is more prominent among senior age groups,” the sociologists said.



Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of july 19

One troy ounce=31.10 grams



National bank of ukraine’s official rates as of 19/07/19

Source: National Bank of Ukraine