Business news from Ukraine

Insurer “Nadiyna” will increase the authorized capital up to UAH 32 mln.

Shareholders of PJSC Insurance Company Nadiyna (Kyiv) at the meeting on April 17 will consider the issue of increasing the authorized capital up to UAH 32 million by conducting an additional issue of shares in the amount of UAH 17 million.

In the agenda of the meeting, published in the information disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), it is noted that the issue will be made by increasing the nominal value of each share from UAH 1.875 thousand to UAH 4 thousand at the expense of directing to the authorized capital of the company part of the profit for 2023, namely UAH 17 million.

As reported, IC “Nadiina” in January-September 2023 has collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 99,575 mln, which is by 1,68% more than in the same period last year. Net premiums increased 3,01 times – up to UAH 44,430 mln, and earned premiums – 3,55 times, up to UAH 44,086 mln.

The volume of insurance payments and indemnities made by the company for the nine months of 2023 compared to the same period of 2022 has grown 3,04 times – up to UAH 5,721 mln. Thus, the level of payouts has grown by 3,83 p.p. – to 5.75%.

Profit from operating activities in January-September 2023 has grown to UAH 27,042 mln, and net profit of the insurer has increased to UAH 25,198 mln.

IC Nadijna was registered in the Unified state register of legal entities, physical persons-entrepreneurs in 2006.

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Efarm Pro and Kobzarenko Plant presented “People’s Demining Machine” machine

Efarm Pro and Zavod Kobzarenko Ltd. have presented the demining machine “Narodnyi Deminrovshchik”, which has already passed the first successful tests at a military training ground and is now at the certification stage, First Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko said.

“Efarm Pro and Kobzarenko Plant LLC, which are participants of our innovation bootcamp, presented the “People’s deminer”. It has already passed the first successful tests at a military training ground. The machine is currently undergoing certification,” she wrote on Facebook.

According to her information, the system implies automatic work on large areas with an accuracy of up to 2 centimeters along a given route. The prototype was developed on the basis of the Ukrainian tractor T-156, but it was fully modernized. The machine can be controlled remotely.

“This is another step towards the safety of both our people and our lands,” Sviridenko summarized.

Kobzarenko Plant was founded in 1993 as a Ukrainian-German enterprise “Fligel” (renamed to “Kobzarenko Plant” in 2008). The company started its activity with the production of wheelbarrows and carts for homesteading. Currently it is the leading Ukrainian manufacturer of tractor trailers, hoppers, tanks, fertilizer spreaders, etc. As of 2018, the plant employed 700 workers.

It has two production workshops and warehouse complexes in Sumy region, as well as a plant in Poland Kobzarenko Sp. z.o.o., which manufactures machinery and works as a service center for start-up, maintenance, debugging of machinery in Europe and Poland.

Efarm pro brand belongs to Gardarika Tres LLC (Gardarika Tres LLC) – manufacturer and distributor of agro-equipment. It specializes in the production and sale of precision farming systems. Registered in 2014 in Kiev, it has a production site in Sumy region.

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Excise duty on gasoline in Ukraine will gradually increase by 68% by 2028

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a draft law amending the Tax Code of Ukraine, which provides for a gradual increase in excise duty on motor fuels by 2028, including gasoline by 68%.

The government’s representative in parliament, Taras Melnychuk, announced the approval of the draft law at a government meeting on Friday on Telegram.

According to his message, the draft law, in particular, proposes to set new rates of excise tax on fuel, taking into account their minimum level provided for by Directive 2003/96/EC, which comes into force on January 1, 2028. As noted in the report, a schedule of annual increases in such rates is established from July 1, 2024 to January 31, 2027 inclusive.

At the same time, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak (Voice faction) published a schedule of rate increases to the draft law on his Telegram channel, according to which in the first half of this year the excise tax on motor gasoline will be EUR 213.5 per thousand liters, and in the second half of this year – EUR213.5/thousand liters, and in the second half of the year it should increase to EUR242.6/thousand liters and after further gradual increase in 2025-2027 in 2028 it should be EUR359/thousand liters. Thus, based on these figures, the excise tax on gasoline will increase by 68% from 2024 to 2028. The excise tax on diesel fuel, which is EUR139.5/thousand liters, should increase to EUR177.6/thousand liters in the second half of the year and to EUR330/thousand liters in 2028 (plus 136.5%).

As for liquefied gas, the figures are EUR52/thousand liters, EUR55.6/thousand liters, EUR70/thousand liters (plus 34.6%), and for alternative fuels – EUR162/thousand liters, EUR184.08/thousand liters, EUR272.4/thousand liters (plus 68%).

As reported, in mid-March 2022, the Rada adopted a law on additional tax incentives to support businesses during the war, aimed, in particular, at keeping fuel prices down. According to the law, fuel was temporarily subject to zero excise duty and 7% VAT instead of 20% for the period of martial law.

On September 21, 2022, the Rada adopted draft law No. 7668-d on the return of excise taxes on motor fuels, setting them at EUR 100 for gasoline and diesel (hereinafter referred to as per 1 thousand liters), EUR 52 for liquefied gas, butane and isobutane, and EUR 100 for alternative motor fuels and biodiesel. VAT for all fuels remained at 7%.

However, according to this document, from July 1, 2023, the level of fuel taxes returned to the pre-war level: VAT – up to 20%, excise tax on gasoline – up to EUR213, diesel fuel – up to EUR140 per 1 thousand liters.

There 4.9 mln registered IDPs in Ukraine

There are 4.9 million registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine, the Ministry of Social Policy reports.

“The war started by the Russian Federation has forced many Ukrainians to leave their homes to escape enemy shelling or occupation… In total, there are 4.9 million IDPs in Ukraine today, including those who moved after 2014,” the ministry’s press service said in a statement.

It is noted that the number of those who have become internally displaced or have moved again since 2022 has reached 3.5 million.

Westinghouse produces 1000th component using additive manufacturing for VVER-440 fuel assemblies

Additive manufacturing reduces production and time costs while meeting the highest safety standards in the industry

CRANBURY TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania, March 2024 – Westinghouse Electric recently achieved a new milestone by producing its 1,000th fuel plate using additive manufacturing (3D printing). This is an important achievement for the industry: the first time additive manufacturing has been used to produce safety-related components that have entered mass production.

A fuel assembly component manufactured using additive manufacturing

The current additive manufacturing plates are installed in VVER-440 fuel assemblies, allowing for redesign of the lower part of the assemblies. This ensures their more reliable operation.

“This achievement demonstrates the development of additive manufacturing from prototyping to full-scale production. In addition, it creates concrete value for our customers,” said Lou Martinez Sancho, chief technology officer and executive vice president of research and innovation at Westinghouse. He also added: “This is yet another leading-edge achievement for Westinghouse in additive manufacturing technology, supporting our strategic plans to improve safety, efficiency, sustainability and energy security.”

The move continues Westinghouse’s leadership in using additive manufacturing in the nuclear industry to achieve cost and time reductions and to deliver advanced energy production solutions. In 2015, the company conducted the first-ever radiation exposure study of nuclear reactor components manufactured using additive manufacturing. In 2020, Westinghouse installed the first safety-related component made using additive manufacturing, a plugging device, in an active commercial reactor.


The Westinghouse Electric Company is shaping the future of carbon-free energy by providing safe, innovative nuclear technologies to utilities around the world. Westinghouse installed the world’s first commercial water-water reactor in 1957, and the company’s technology powers nearly half of the world’s active nuclear power plants. More than 135 years of innovation make Westinghouse the partner of choice for advanced technologies spanning the entire nuclear energy lifecycle. For more information, visit and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, IN 01.01.2024-31.01.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, IN 01.01.2024-31.01.2024)