Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“DTEK Energy” has produced first two shearers for mines

“In January 2024, DTEK Energy produced the first two shearers for Ukrainian mines – a tunneling machine and a shearer.

“It is important that factory workers do not lose momentum in the difficult conditions of war and continue to contribute to the common cause… This year, the miners’ task remains unchanged – despite the war, to maintain coal production at the maximum and sufficient level,” Ildar Saleev, the company’s CEO, wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

According to him, in addition to shearers, the energy holding’s machine builders also manufactured and repaired 90 units of mining equipment, as well as 67,000 parts and components in January.

As reported earlier, DTEK’s machine builders manufactured 15 new roadheaders and shearers and 1.1 million spare parts for Ukrainian coal miners in 2023.

“DTEK Energy ensures a closed cycle of electricity generation from coal. The installed capacity of thermal power generation amounted to 13.3 GW as of January 2022. The company has established a full production cycle in coal mining: coal mining and enrichment, machine building and maintenance of mine equipment.

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Slavgorod Reinforcement Plant increased net profit to UAH 19 mln in 2023

Slavgorod Reinforcement Plant (SARP, Dnipro region) ended 2023 with a net profit of UAH 18.93 million, up more than four times year-on-year in 2022.

According to the announcement of the general meeting of shareholders of SAZ to be held on March 22, the issue of profit distribution is on the agenda.

The draft resolution of the meeting on this issue provides for the profit to be left at the disposal of the company “to be used for statutory purposes”. There are no plans to accrue or pay dividends.

According to the information prior to the announcement, as of the beginning of 2024, the company’s retained earnings amounted to UAH 20.35 million (UAH 1.42 million a year earlier).

During the year, SAS managed to reduce its current liabilities by 2.1 times to UAH 25.89 million, and no long-term liabilities appeared. The value of the company’s assets decreased by 16.8% to UAH 46.83 million, in particular due to a 46% decrease in total receivables to UAH 7.1 million.

The agenda of the meeting also includes the report of the supervisory board, approval of the results of financial and economic activities, approval of the report of the audit company AF Financier, and amendments to the charter.

According to the NSSMC, as of the third quarter of 2023, Promarmatura PrJSC (Dnipro) owns 53.5661% of SAZ PrJSC, and Interbranch Assembly Base Generalmashkontrakt PrJSC owns 22.0307%.

Promarmatura JSC, which specializes in the production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, is owned by its director and chairman of the supervisory board of SAZ, Ihor Mezhebovsky, and Oleksandr Chelyadin (50% each). In 2022, the company generated UAH 155 million in net income.

The authorized capital of SAZ PJSC is UAH 0.045 million, the nominal value of a share is UAH 0.25.

According to the website, at the meeting on December 15, 2023, the shareholders decided to increase the authorized capital of SAZ JSC by UAH 1.375 million through the placement of additional shares (without a public offer).

Slavgorod Valve Plant was founded in 1926 as a cast-iron valve manufacturing company. Today, it specializes in manufacturing steel pipeline equipment (shut-off, control, and condensate traps) and completing it with flanges. It also produces fixtures for securing mine workings in coal mines, forging and stamping for parts of automotive and agricultural machinery.

According to the company’s 2022 financial statements, its net profit amounted to UAH 4.59 million, compared to a loss of UAH 0.58 million a year earlier, with net income growing by 15% to UAH 35.13 million.


OKHMATDET Hospital and St. Nicholas Church in Kiev will be illuminated to remind Ukrainians of their struggle with rare diseases

75% of Ukrainians with rare diseases remain in Ukraine despite the war, while 25% are abroad. On the International Day of Rare Diseases, which is celebrated in the last days of February, Kiev will talk about support for orphan patients and look for a solution on how to create equal European conditions of support and treatment for patients with rare diseases in conditions of full-scale war.
On Tuesday, February 27, Kiev will host a panel discussion with 40 experts. The discussion will be attended by representatives of Eurordis, European Parliament, ERN, European doctors and patient communities, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, Ministry of Health, NHSU, State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”, representatives of health departments and administrations from the regions, representatives of manufacturers of innovative medicines, expert doctors in orthopaedic areas and representatives of public organizations.
The discussion will be webcast in two languages: Ukrainian and English.
Venue: Hyatt Regency (5 Alla Tarasova Street, Kyiv).

Moderators of the event: Elena Filinyuk (SAFEMed) and Tetyana Kulesha (OS “Orphan diseases of Ukraine”).
The discussion will start at 10:00

“We realize that in the conditions of a big war it is difficult to talk about support for certain groups of the population. But in Ukraine there are orthane patients who are fighting, there are patients who are volunteering, there are relatives of patients who are volunteering or have gone to the front. Orphan patients have to live in a double war: for the life of the country, and for their own, – says the chairman of the OS “Orphan diseases of Ukraine” Tetyana Kulesha, – In addition, patients who are now abroad, started to receive therapy there, they will not return home, where there is no such treatment”.
During the public discussion they plan to touch upon such issues as:
– priorities of the state policy on providing Ukrainian orphan patients with treatment,
– the possibility to receive care through NHS packages,
– introduction of mobile palliative care,
– access to the latest medicines and therapies,
– European experience useful for Ukrainian orphan centers, for orphan doctors and many other issues.
At the end of the day at 18:00 two landmark buildings in Kiev – Okhmatdet NDSB and St. Nicholas Church – will be illuminated with colored lights, which has already become a tradition of Rare Diseases Day celebrations. In this way, the organizers want to remind a wide range of people about the need for treatment and support for orphan patients.


Register of gambling addicts grew 8 times in year

99% of gambling addicts put themselves on the “black list”

The number of gambling addicts is growing from year to year. Currently, Ukraine has a register of problem gamblers – people who are restricted from accessing gambling facilities and participating in gambling. According to the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL), 3,871 people have been included in the list over the three years of its existence. The vast majority – 87% of them – were added to the list in 2023.

3.7 thousand people are on the Register of Gambling Problems as of the beginning of 2024.

Since its inception, 3871 people have been included in the list. The vast majority – 87% of them – were included in the list in 2023. Over the past year, the number of gambling addicts on the list has increased 8 times.

Over the past two years, 171 people have been excluded from the Register due to the expiration of the restrictions. Of these, 60 people were excluded in 2022, and another 111 – last year.

99% of the individuals were included in the Register at their own request for self-restriction. Only 1% were included in the Register by the decision of the HQCJ. At the same time, no one was included in the Register by a court decision.
Currently, Ukrainians can be included in the Registry of Gambling Addicts in three cases: by applying for self-restriction on their own, by a decision of the CRAIL based on a request for restriction from relatives, and by a court decision. Thus, Ukraine does not have clear statistics on the actual number of citizens with gambling addiction, and the figures from the relevant register do not reflect the full picture.

It is important to note that only temporary bans on visiting gambling facilities are provided for gambling addicts in Ukraine – for a period of six months to three years. Upon expiration, these restrictions are automatically terminated.

It is also worth noting that in December 2023, Law 9422 was adopted, which prohibits the issuance of loans to gambling addicts included in the Register. However, this restriction is valid only if the list indicates that the person used credit funds for gambling.


Head of NKREKU has resigned from his post

The head of the National Commission for State Regulation in the Spheres of Energy and Public Utilities (NKREKU), Konstantin Ushchapovskyy, has resigned as its head.

“Yesterday (February 22 – ER) ended the last day of my powers as head of NKREKU. And soon, together with colleagues, by secret ballot, we will elect a new head of the regulator,” he wrote in his Facebook.

As the NKREKU noted on its Facebook on Friday, Ushchapovskyi has been a current member of the regulator since today (February 23 – ER).

In the post, Ushchapovsky added that in his position as a member of the NKREKU will continue to work on the implementation of solutions necessary to stabilize the market, its further development and integration into the EU, calling the critical issue of resolving the debt crisis on it.

He pointed out that the regulator and the Ministry of Energy have already developed a list of necessary regulations and measures that should be implemented in the near future.

According to the law on the NKREKU, the head of the Commission is elected by its members by secret ballot for a period of two years. One and the same person cannot be elected chairman for two consecutive terms. In case of expiration of the term for which the chairman of the NKREKU was elected or early termination of his powers, the vote to elect a new head shall be held within 10 days from the date of termination of these powers.

As explained to Energoreforma in the NKREKU, until its head is elected, the Commission cannot hold meetings, as only he has the authority to sign the agendas of meetings and adopted resolutions and orders.

As reported, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on July 1, 2020 approved the scheme of rotation of members of the NKREKU until 2025. According to the decree No. 258, the first (until July 1, 2020) rotation applies to the commission member Olena Antonova, who challenged her dismissal in court. She is followed by Krivenko’s rotation (until July 1, 2021), then Oleksiy Magda (until July 1, 2023), then Olga Babiy and Dmytro Kovalenko (until July 1, 2024), and after that Ruslan Kaidash and Valeriy Tarasyuk (until July 1, 2025).

The competition is announced three months before the end of the term of office of one or another member of the regulator. The competition committee should select two candidates for consideration and approval by the government.

At the end of May 2023, the competitive commission for the selection of candidates to the NKREKU elected two candidates for the position of a member of the regulator in the person of Oleksandr Kosyanchuk and Mikhail Bno-Ayriyan.

The government is still undecided on the choice.

Meanwhile, Mykhailo Bno-Ayriyan became the head of the European Integration Committee of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine (FEU) in August 2023.

Thus, one seat is vacant in the Commission. Apart from Kostyantyn Ushchapovskyy, it includes Olha Babiy, Dmytro Kovalenko, Ruslan Kaidash, Valeriy Tarasyuk and Oleksandr Formagyi.

Strong winds in Kiev on Friday and at weekend, first level of danger is declared

Wind gusts of 15-20 m/s on Friday and Saturday afternoon in Kiev and in the region, the I level of danger, yellow, has been declared, Ukrhydrometcenter reports.

On Saturday, February 24, in the capital and in the region of variable cloudiness, without precipitation, wind southeast, 7-12 m/s, in the afternoon gusts of 15-20 m/s. The temperature in the region is 2-7° warm at night and 8-13° during the day, in Kiev – 5-7° warm at night and 10-12° during the day.

On Sunday and Monday, February 25-26, in Kiev region and the capital is cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, wind southeast, 7-12 m/s.

Temperatures in the region at night 1-6° warm, in the afternoon 5-10°, in Kiev – at night 3-5° warm, in the afternoon 7-9°.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, February 27-28, in the region and the capital without precipitation. The temperature in Kiev at night about 0°, in the daytime 5-7° warm, in the region – at night from 2° warm to 3° frost, in the daytime 3-8° warm.