Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Naftogaz” paid UAH 6.1 bln in taxes in January

In January 2024, Naftogaz Group companies paid UAH 5.6 billion in taxes to the state budget of Ukraine.

“8.5% of all tax revenues to the state budget of Ukraine in January 2024 are taxes paid by Naftogaz Group. We are talking about the amount of UAH 5.6 billion,” the group said on its website on Tuesday.

Another UAH 0.5 billion was transferred to local budgets.

“Naftogaz Group remains one of the largest taxpayers in Ukraine and a reliable support for the state budget. In total, over 31 days of January 2024, we have already paid UAH 6.1 billion in taxes to the country’s consolidated budget,” the group’s CEO Oleksiy Chernyshev said as quoted on the website.

As reported, in 2023, Naftogaz Group companies paid UAH 90.2 billion in taxes, UAH 83.4 billion of which went to the state budget and UAH 6.8 billion to local budgets.


Ukraine increased pig iron production by 42% in January

Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises increased pig iron production by 41.5% to 555 thousand tons from 384 thousand tons in January this year.

As reported, Ukraine increased pig iron production by 6.1% to 6.003 million tons in 2023.

In 2022, Ukraine reduced pig iron production by 69.8% to 6.391 million tons.

In 2021, the company produced 21.165 million tons of pig iron (103.6% compared to 2020), 21.366 million tons of steel (103.6%), and 19.079 million tons of rolled products (103.5%).

Ukraine almost doubled steel production in January

According to Ukrmetallurgprom, Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises increased steel production by 91.6% in January this year, up to 544 thousand tons from 284 thousand tons in January 2023.

As reported, in 2023, Ukraine increased production of total rolled products by 0.4% compared to 2022 to 5.372 million tons, but reduced steel production by 0.6% to 6.228 million tons.

Ukraine reduced steel production by 70.7% in 2022. In 2021, 21.366 million tons of steel were produced (103.6%).

Ukraine significantly increased rolled steel production in January

Ukrainian steelmaking companies increased their production of rolled products by 75.9% year-on-year to 453 thousand tons from 257 thousand tons in January this year, according to preliminary data.

In 2022, Ukraine reduced its production of general rolled products by 72% compared to 2021, to 5.350 million tons.

In 2021, 19.079 million tons of rolled products were produced (103.5%).

In 2023, Continental paid UAH 1.4 bln in taxes to budgets of all levels

In 2023, the agricultural holding Continental Farmers Group paid UAH 1.4 billion to the budgets of all levels and allocated UAH 37.7 million for social projects, the holding’s press service said on Tuesday.

“As an honest and responsible business, we constantly report annually on taxes paid and financial support to the communities we cooperate with. I would like to emphasize that Continental Farmers Group is and will remain a reliable long-term partner for both its shareholders and the state, especially in this difficult period,” the press service quoted Georg von Nolken, CEO of the agricultural holding, as saying.

According to the report, support for Ukrainian defenders remains an integral part of Continental’s social responsibility policy. Since February 2022, the agricultural holding has allocated UAH 55.1 million to help the military.

Mriya Agro Holding and CFG, united under the name Continental Farmers Group, have been operating as a single business since November 2018, when Mriya entered into an agreement with international investor Salic UK to sell its assets.

Salic was founded in 2012. Its sole shareholder is the Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund, which invests in agricultural and livestock production.

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EBRD to cover up to 50% of risk on new loans to Ukrgasbank

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) intends to assume up to 50% of the risk on newly issued loans to state-owned Ukrgasbank (Kyiv) totaling the equivalent of EUR50 million.

According to the EBRD on Monday, its board of directors planned to consider this project at a meeting on February 9, but has not yet made a final decision.

It is noted that the guarantee financing is planned to be provided in two equal tranches, with the second tranche not yet agreed, and the total amount of EBRD financing is EUR 12.5 million.

The project also includes a sub-limit of up to EUR 10 million, or 20% of the covered portfolio, to finance long-term investments by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to modernize their technologies and equipment in line with EU standards, including investments in green technologies (70% of the sub-limit), and to increase their competitiveness.

According to the EBRD, the facility will be mainly used to support lending to Ukrainian private companies operating in primary and secondary agriculture, as well as other critical sectors such as food processing, retail, and logistics.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of December 1, 2023, Ukrgasbank ranked 5th in terms of assets (UAH 180.85 billion) among 63 banks operating in the country.

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