Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

PrivatBank has tripled its net profit

The net profit of state-owned PrivatBank (Kyiv) in January-September 2023 amounted to UAH 43.37 billion, which is 3 times higher than the same period in 2022, according to the bank’s unconsolidated report for the third quarter.

According to the report, the state-owned bank’s net profit for the third quarter amounted to UAH 13.62 billion, which is UAH 0.082 billion less than in the second quarter, and at the same time UAH 6.08 billion more than in the same period last year.

According to the report, PrivatBank’s net interest income increased by 64.5% year-on-year to UAH 43.18 billion in January-September 2023, including a 40.7% increase to UAH 15.32 billion in the third quarter, which is UAH 1.2 billion less than in the second quarter of this year.

Net fee and commission income for the first nine months of this year increased by 25% to UAH 17.45 billion compared to the results of 2022. However, in the third quarter, this figure was 1.5% lower than in April-June this year, but 1.3% higher than in the third quarter of 2022 – UAH 5.81 billion.

A significant contribution to the improvement of the bank’s financial result was made by a decrease in the loss from impairment for the first nine months of this year to UAH 0.072 billion, while in the same period last year this figure was UAH 17.34 billion. According to the report, in July-September, the bank even made a profit of UAH 0.697 billion under this item, compared to UAH 0.051 billion in the previous quarter and UAH 9.73 billion in the third quarter of last year.

PrivatBank also reports that its total profit for January-September this year reached UAH 49.52 billion, 3.5 times higher than in the comparable period of 2022. However, in the third quarter of 2023, the total profit decreased by 42% compared to the second quarter and amounted to UAH 13.63 billion, exceeding the total profit for the third quarter of 2022 by 43%.

According to the report, in 9M2023, the bank’s assets increased by 12%, reaching UAH 605.26 billion as of September 30.

This growth is explained by the increase in the amount of funds with the NBU from UAH 11.46 billion to UAH 59.32 billion, funds on correspondent accounts and overnight deposits with banks: in Ukraine, they amounted to UAH 2 million for this period (data for 2022 are not available), in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) – from UAH 58.1 billion in 2022 to UAH 75.22 billion as of September 30, 2023.

As for loans and advances to customers, they grew by 32% to UAH 89.82 billion in January-September this year. On the contrary, loans and advances to banks decreased by 10.7% to UAH 93.81 billion since December 2022, including UAH 93.14 billion in NBU certificates of deposit (CDs) and UAH 0.67 billion in escrow with the NBU. At the same time, UAH 55.5 billion of these are CDs at 16%, UAH 26.3 billion are CDs at 22%, and UAH 10 billion are CDs at 25%.

The loan portfolio of legal entities grew by 15.8%, including repurchase agreements to UAH 2.87 billion (no data for 2022). The largest increase in the retail portfolio was recorded in credit card loans (+16.8%), consumer loans (+94.5%), and car loans (up 2 times).

Finance lease loans and receivables increased from UAH 167.93 billion to UAH 169.35 billion. Overall, financial leasing receivables decreased significantly in all segments, both for individuals and legal entities, as well as for small and medium-sized businesses and enterprises.

At the same time, investments in securities decreased slightly for the first time this year, from UAH 239.75 billion to UAH 239.18 billion.

In the first nine months of 2023, PrivatBank’s customer accounts increased from UAH 471.97 billion to UAH 509.94 billion, and equity increased from UAH 57.79 billion to UAH 83.11 billion.

The provision for expected credit losses increased from UAH 174.35 billion in 2022 to UAH 182.41 billion in September this year.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of September 1, 2013, PrivatBank is the leader in total assets (UAH 642.3 billion) among 64 operating banks in the country and ranks third in terms of the number of branches – 1131.


On November 16, Kyiv Investment Forum 2023 will be held in Brussels

On November 16, Brussels will host the Kyiv Investment Forum 2023, which this year will focus “on long-term strategies for the sustainable recovery and development of the Ukrainian capital, as well as its integration into the global economic space,” the press service of the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) reports.

“The forum will take place on November 16 in Brussels and will bring together city leaders, European and Ukrainian politicians, leading economists, investors and urbanists,” the KCSA said on Wednesday, citing the Department of Economics and Investments, which is organizing the event.

The forum’s main session will reportedly focus on Europe’s changing geopolitical landscape and the growing importance of megacities. Participants will examine the challenges of conflict and war, emphasize the value of sustainable development and the recovery of war-affected communities. It will include four panel discussions and two sections on challenges and problems in both wartime and post-war.

The Forum will also include a panel discussion on investments in transformation, including business ecosystems and innovation clusters.

“A separate discussion will be devoted to restoring the mental health of the population, social integration and adaptation of veterans and people affected by wars


American Chamber of Commerce and Sayenko Kharenko Invite to Join Blood Donor Day

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and member company Sayenko Kharenko are delighted to invite you to join our traditional Blood Donation Day.

During these challenging times of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the need for life-saving blood donations has never been more critical. Each drop of blood donated can make a significant difference and help save lives.

Join us and encourage your colleagues, friends, and relatives to participate.

Please follow all the rules and recommendations to get prepared for donating blood.

Please take your passport and identification code with you. Citizens of other countries can also be donors if they have a residence permit in Ukraine and an identity document.

*DonorUA is an automated social platform for recruiting and managing blood donors designed to promote the blood donor movement in Ukraine.

Due to security reasons, venue details will be provided one day in advance. The location has an underground shelter.

Mark your calendars for a meaningful and impactful event – AmCham Ukraine Blood Donation Day!

Our team can’t wait to see you on November 10.

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Starting November 1, speed limit in Kyiv is 50 km/h

From November 1 to April 1, a single speed limit has been introduced in the capital: the speed limit in the city is 50 km/h, except in areas where the speed limit is lower, the press service of the Kyiv City State Administration reports.

“In the areas where the speed limit was 80 km/h in the previous period, the speed limit signs “80” have already been dismantled,” the press service said in a statement on its Telegram channel.

It is noted that 10 sections of the road with a speed limit of 80 km/h were previously identified for the period from April 1 to October 31.

“We urge drivers to be careful and comply with the speed limit,” the Kyiv City State Administration called.


CSD LAB network was enriched with ten new laboratory offices

October was full of new openings for CSD LAB. The network of laboratory offices has grown by ten locations and today counts 91 offices. Thus, the company is confidently going to the planned indicator of 100 offices by the end of the year.

Out of ten openings, three were in the capital. Also new locations were opened in the following regional centers: Odessa, Dnipro (two new laboratories), Chernivtsi, Lutsk and Mykolaiv. Another new city on the coverage map is Vizhnitsa, Chernivtsi region. Although the city itself is relatively small, the agglomeration together with the surrounding villages reaches 30 thousand people. Thus, CSD LAB increases its presence not only in large cities, but also in small settlements. Exactly where there is an unmet need for professional laboratory diagnostics.

“New laboratory offices are not just dots on the map. As a socially responsible business CSD LAB actively invests in Ukraine and the health of Ukrainians. We do our best to ensure that every citizen has access to expert diagnostics. For this purpose, we are becoming closer geographically, as well as integrated into the Medical Guarantee Program of the National Health Service, which allows us to do a large number of tests on a free basis on the referral of a doctor”, – said CEO of CSD LAB Oleksandr Dudin.

Recall that at the beginning of the year CSD LAB network had 40 laboratory offices. Thus, for the current year the number of the company’s offices has already more than doubled. Which also ensured the creation of more than 300 new jobs.

About the company:
CSD LAB is one of the leading laboratories in Ukraine, providing more than 1,500 tests: from general blood analysis to determination of genetic disorders in tumors by NGS method. For 13 years CSD LAB has been one of the largest pathomorphologic laboratories in Eastern Europe.

Demand for new passenger cars in Ukraine has almost doubled

Registrations of new passenger cars in Ukraine in October this year increased by 83% compared to October 2022 – up to 5.7 thousand units, and are 0.7% higher than in September 2023, Ukravtoprom reported on its Telegram channel.

According to the association, Toyota continues to hold the lead in the market with a 40% increase in registrations by October last year – up to 929 units, Volkswagen’s second result is 574 cars (three times more), and Skoda (in September – 4th position) took third place, pushing BMW aside, with an increase of 46%, up to 477 units.

BMW’s fourth result is 461 cars (up 3.6 times), and Renault closes the top 5, as it did a month earlier, with 432 cars (+60%).

The top 10 in October 2023 also included: Nissan – 309 units; Hyundai – 240 units; Mercedes-Benz – 224 units; Mazda – 220 units; Peugeot – 200 units.

The title of the month’s bestseller, as in September, went to the Renault Duster with 387 registrations (in October 2022, it was the Toyota RAV4 crossover).

“Ukravtoprom states that in January-October 2023, Ukrainians purchased and registered 49.6 thousand new passenger cars, which is 60% more than in the same period last year.
