Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Canadian government introduces new migration program for Ukrainians

The Canadian government has introduced a new temporary migration program for Ukrainians that allows them to obtain permanent residence in the country, the press service of the Ministry of Immigration of Canada reports.
Applications for participation in the program will be opened on October 23.
It will be open to Ukrainian citizens whose close relatives have Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status. According to the program, close relatives include children, parents, grandparents, spouses, and siblings.
The program also allows third-country nationals to apply if their spouse has Ukrainian citizenship but cannot leave Ukraine or is dead or missing.
There is currently no information on the application deadlines and fees, but it will be available on October 23.


Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill increases production by 6.5%

In January-September 2023, Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill (ZhPPM, Lviv region) produced products worth UAH 397.8 million, up 6.5% compared to the same period in 2022.

According to statistics provided to Interfax-Ukraine by UkrPapir Association, in physical terms, corrugated packaging output increased by 18% to almost 17 million square meters, containerboard by 22.4% to 12.1 thousand tons, and paper by 9.6% to 3.3 thousand tons.

In particular, in September, the plant increased its production of paper and cardboard by 4.7% to 1.7 thousand tons by September 2022, and corrugated packaging by 10.3% to 1.83 million square meters. Compared to August this year, paper and cardboard production decreased by 20%, and corrugated packaging by 6.5%.

Zhytomyr Pulp and Paper Mill has a paper production capacity (base paper for corrugation, linerboard, cover paper) of 43 thousand tons per year, cardboard production capacity of 50 thousand tons, corrugated cardboard and corrugated packaging capacity of 120 million square meters, and cast containers (tray for 30 eggs) capacity of 72 million units per year.

As reported with reference to the association’s data obtained from the main industry enterprises, in the first nine months of the year, Ukraine produced 405.3 thousand tons of paper and cardboard (9.8% more than in the same period in 2022), and 379.6 million square meters of cardboard boxes (17.7% more).

In 2022, Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill produced goods worth UAH 510.8 million, up 23.1% year-on-year, while net profit increased by 67.5% to UAH 41.76 million.


Nova Posta plans to open in six more EU countries by the end of the year

Nova Posta Group plans to enter the market of six more European Union countries by the end of the year, opening its first branches there, Nova Posta co-owner Vyacheslav Klimov said at the Kiev International Economic Forum this week Vyacheslav Klimov at the Kiev International Economic Forum held this week.

“We have expansion going on. There are already eight countries. There will be six more by the end of this year,” Klimov said.

As the company’s press service specified to Interfax-Ukraine, Nova Post branches will appear in Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, France and Austria.

Klimov noted at the forum that two languages – local and Ukrainian – will be working in Nova Post branches abroad.

“We have made a firm decision that two languages will be spoken in Nova Post branches in Europe. It will be the local language and it will be the Ukrainian language,” said the co-owner of the company.

He also said at the forum that the company’s group allocates about 100 million hryvnias per month to the needs of the army. Klimov specified that 3249 employees of the company are currently in the AFU, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion 99 colleagues have died.

As reported, Nova Post has already opened 62 branches in Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Romania, Germany and Moldova.

In the network Nova Posta in Ukraine at the beginning of July 2023 included more than 10 thousand offices and more than 14 thousand post offices.

The Group includes Ukrainian and foreign companies, including Nova Posta, NP Logistics, NovaPay payment system and Nova Posta Global.

Germany to provide Ukraine with additional 200 million euros to support education and health care

Germany will provide Ukraine with an additional 200m euros to support education, the health care system and drinking water supply, as well as reconstruction of cities.

This was announced by the German government’s commissioner for Ukraine’s reconstruction, Jochen Flasbart, during his visit to Ukraine, Deutsche Welle (Deutsche Welle) reported citing DPA.

According to the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development in Berlin, Germany has allocated about 1.1 billion euros to support civilians since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

On October 20, Flasbart announced on social network X that he had arrived in Kiev together with German Federal Minister for the Environment Steffi Lemke.

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Climate office opened in Ukraine

The Climate Office, opened with the support of the European Union and the International Climate Initiative (IKI), will start operating in Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine has announced.

According to its Facebook post on Saturday, the Climate Office was launched at the International Conference “United for Justice. United for Nature” conference held on October 20-21 in Kyiv, was opened by the head of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine Ruslan Strilets, European Commissioner Virgijus Sinkevicius and German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection Steffi Lemke.

It is noted that it will support the government of Ukraine in implementing climate policy, help regions and businesses implement decarbonization and adaptation projects, and become a tool for attracting green finance for Ukraine’s post-war recovery. In addition, it is indicated that the office will be one of the key stakeholders that will facilitate Ukraine’s cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and accession to the international carbon market, and will develop an emissions trading system in Ukraine.

According to Strilets, this is the last link that will complete the development of climate governance in Ukraine.

“Today, a titanic work is being done to ensure that our country becomes a member of the European Union and is within the CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism). Next year we plan to launch a pilot national emissions trading system (ETS). We will give producers the opportunity to try to make transactions in the ETS market and understand how this market works,” explained Strelets one of the areas of the office’s work.

According to the minister, carbon certificates are to be introduced in 2025, which will allow Ukraine and its producers to sell excess CO2 that has not been emitted.

“In 2026, the emissions trading system will be fully operational in Ukraine. For now, we need to verify all the available data and show the world our potential for free allowances. We are ready to share our emissions and contribute to the global climate track. The support of our partners is important for our country, and we have really felt it from the very beginning of our struggle for justice and peace,” the head of the Ministry of Environment emphasized.

As reported, in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine in early October, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets said that he considers it necessary to adopt a law on the national TRS next year in order to implement it in 2025 and thus avoid obstacles to Ukrainian exports related to the entry into force of the CBAM on January 1, 2026.

“If we create our own national ETS that is fully in line with the European one, including the price of CO2 emissions, or integrate our ETS with the European one, then we are not afraid of CBAM at all. Because we will already be in this CBAM within its borders. Now those who want to supply us with products will have to pay. In fact, our task is to move the CBAM border and be inside this project,” Strelets said.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is an instrument of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) for international financing of climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation.