Business news from Ukraine

Reception on occasion of 78th anniversary of proclamation of Italian Republic was held in Kyiv

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo held a solemn diplomatic reception on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic in solidarity with Ukraine and compatriots who are currently living and working in Ukraine.

The term of office of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine, Pier Francesco Zazzo, will end at the end of June this year. On his last National Day as Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine, the diplomat welcomed distinguished guests.

The solemn event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Ukraine, representatives of the government, including Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevhen Perebyinis, businessmen, members of the Italian diaspora, educators and cultural figures.

Ambassador of Italy to Ukraine Pier Francesco Zazzo in his welcoming speech noted that this year Kyiv celebrates the Day of Proclamation of the Italian Republic again in tragic conditions due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“We stand with a country that is fighting to defend values such as freedom and its national identity, and we will continue to provide our full support as long as necessary to achieve a just and sustainable peace,” the diplomat said.

The Ambassador emphasized that Italy, as a responsible member state of the European Union, NATO and the G7, will continue to provide Ukraine with comprehensive support at the bilateral and multilateral levels, in the political, economic, military and humanitarian spheres.

In his speech, Mr. Ambassador also emphasized that Ukraine is a priority topic of the Italian presidency of the Group of Seven and reminded that the first G7 Leaders’ Summit was convened by the Prime Minister of Italy Mrs. Giorgia Meloni in Kyiv, on the second anniversary of the beginning of Russian aggression, and noted that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been invited to the next Leaders’ Summit in Borgo Eniazia.

In conclusion, the Head of the Diplomatic Mission reminded that in 2025 Italy will host the Ukraine Recovery Conference, which demonstrates Italy’s long-term commitment to Ukraine’s economic recovery and expressed hope that a just and lasting peace for Ukraine will soon be achieved, respecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, with security guarantees for its future.

Italy recognized Ukraine’s independence on December 28, 1991. Diplomatic relations with the Italian Republic were established on January 29, 1992.



Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Forecast of dynamics of changes in ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Source: and

American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine invites to Summer Blood Donor Day

AmCham Ukraine and member company Sayenko Kharenko are delighted to invite you to our Summer Blood Donation Day.

Right now, Ukraine needs blood more than ever, especially during these challenging times of Russia’s full-scale war. Your donation can make a real difference and save lives.

Bring your friends, family, and everyone who wants to join this important cause. Let’s come together, donate blood, and show our support. Plus, there will be refreshments and great company.

We can’t wait to see you on June 20 and make a positive impact together.

Follow all the rules and recommendations to prepare for donating blood.

Please take your passport and identification code with you. Citizens of other countries can also be donors if they have a residence permit in Ukraine and an identity document.

Due to security reasons, venue details will be provided one day in advance. The location has an underground shelter.


World grain harvest will be 1.2% higher than a year earlier – FAO

World grain production in 2023-2024 will be 1.2% higher than a year earlier, amounting to 2.846 billion tons, taking into account the increase in barley, rice and sorghum production, FAO (the UN Food and Agriculture Organization) predicts.

According to its review, global production of corn and wheat will decline, while barley, rice and sorghum production will increase. In addition, the recent unfavorable weather conditions in the Black Sea region are likely to lead to a decline in global wheat production, but this possibility is not yet reflected in the forecast.

At the same time, global grain stocks are likely to increase by 1.5% compared to the initial level and reach a record high of 897 million tons. Corn, barley, sorghum, and rice stocks are expected to increase, while wheat stocks may decline. The global stocks-to-use ratio is likely to remain at 30.9%.

In addition, the FAO revised its forecast for global cereal consumption in 2024-2025 by 0.5% to a new record level of 2.851 billion tons, which it explained by an increase in food consumption, especially rice.

Global grain trade will decline by 1.3% compared to the previous year to 481 million tons, due to lower prospects for corn trade. International trade in rice is expected to grow strongly, FAO predicts.


Real GDP in 2021-2025 (forecast)

Real GDP in 2021-2025 (forecast)

Source: and

343 Ukrainians filed for bankruptcy in first 5 months of 2024 according to Supreme Court

The number of bankrupts since the beginning of the year

343 Ukrainians filed for bankruptcy in the first 5 months of 2024, according to the Supreme Court. This is 2.2 times more than last year. In total, almost 2,000 bankruptcy cases have been opened in Ukraine over the past 5 years.

Since the beginning of the year, 343 Ukrainians have filed for insolvency. The number of bankruptcy cases increased by 2.2 times compared to the same period last year. By the way, 575 people received this status last year.

The fewest bankruptcy cases were opened in 2019. It was the first year when the law allowed citizens to declare themselves insolvent in court. Back then, 22 bankruptcy cases were opened. Since then, the number of people who wanted to declare themselves insolvent has been steadily increasing: 8.3 times in 2020 and 2.7 times in 2021.

“In my opinion, court statistics do not reflect the real number of debtors in difficulty who could benefit from bankruptcy proceedings. However, this procedure is not well-known and widespread among Ukrainians, and there are several reasons for this: it is expensive, complicated and incomprehensible without the help of a lawyer, for whom the debtor may simply not have the funds. In addition, creditors and financial institutions are not very willing to file their claims in such court cases, hoping to collect the debt after the person’s solvency is restored and save on legal fees, or vice versa, trying to torpedo the procedure by discrediting the debtor. On the other hand, citizens also need to realize that this procedure is not about writing off debts, but about trying to find an agreement with creditors through the court procedure and the insolvency officer,” comments Denys Likhopiok, attorney at law, insolvency officer, member of the Qualification Commission of Insolvency Officers, bankruptcy specialist.

In total, 1,993 bankruptcy cases have been opened against Ukrainians. Every second bankrupt is between the ages of 25 and 45: 58% or more than 1.1 thousand. A third of bankrupts are over 45 years old – 38.3% or 764 people. The lowest number of bankrupts is among young people under 25 – only 3.7%.

The gender distribution was almost equal. 54% of all bankrupts are men, and 46% are women.


The Verkhovna Rada allowed individuals to become bankrupt in October 2018. The procedure became fully operational in 2019. Since then, a person in a difficult financial situation can initiate bankruptcy and, after going through the entire procedure, get rid of debts.

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