Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Germany to increase ammunition supplies for Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine

The German Armed Forces have extended to about 4 billion euros a contract with arms manufacturer Rheinmetall to make ammunition for Leopard 2 tanks, it is expected that some of this ammunition will be supplied to Ukraine, according to the Rheinmetall Group’s website.

“The Bundeswehr has extended the existing framework contract with Rheinmetall for the supply of tank ammunition worth around 4 billion euros…. The order expresses the armed forces’ desire to close the resulting stockpile gaps and increase the overall ammunition supply in view of the security situation. The framework agreement also provides for the delivery of a significant amount of tank ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the statement said.

It is also noted that “by the end of 2030 under the concluded framework agreement may be purchased several hundred thousand combat and training ammunition of various designs of 120 mm x 570 caliber, similar to those fired by the main gun of the Leopard-2 main battle tank.”

According to the company, the first delivery of ammunition worth about 309 million euros took place immediately after the contract was signed.

It is emphasized that for many countries that use the Leopard battle tank with 120mm smoothbore gun, Rheinmetall is the main supplier of ammunition of this caliber.

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Founder of Agroinvest 2018 buys local “Greenhouse Combine”

Akhtyr City Council deputy, founder and director of Agroinvest 2018 Ltd. and “Akhtyr sewing factory” Roman Maslo acquires 51.8% of shares of the local PJSC “Greenhouse combine” from its director Vladimir Tsiluyko.

As reported on behalf of Maslo brokerage company LLC “Dominanta Trade” (Kiev) in the disclosure system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NCSSM), the corresponding agreement has already been concluded, according to the results of which he will become the owner of 63.262 thousand shares.

At the end of June, Teplichny Kombinat announced that Agroinvest 2018 legal counsel Valentina Udovichenko was elected as the new head of its supervisory board Valentina Udovichenko, and the auditor – Vita Maslo, who own 0.022% of shares each.

PJSC “Greenhouse Combine” was registered in 1996, specializes in the cultivation of vegetable and melon crops, their transportation, wholesale and retail trade. According to data in the disclosure system, Tsiluyko owns another 45.6813% of the company’s shares.

In 2022, Teplichnyy Kombinat’s net loss rose to UAH 25.886m from UAH 2.75m a year earlier, while net income fell to UAH 4.175m from UAH 40.922m.


SpaceX launch with batch of Starlink satellites canceled 40 seconds before liftoff

The launch of a Falcon 9 rocket with the next batch of 54 mini-satellites to replenish the orbital constellation of the Starlink system’s global Internet coverage network, scheduled for Friday, was canceled 40 seconds before liftoff, developer SpaceX said.

No reason was reported. The backup launch date is Saturday, July 15.

This is Starlink’s 94th internet satellite launch since May 2019 and its 25th since the beginning of this year. SpaceX has already put more than 4,700 of these satellites into orbit. Some of them failed or went out of orbit. More than 4.4 thousand devices remain in orbit in working condition.

The first reusable stage of the launch vehicle, which is being used for the 16th time, will have to make a controlled vertical landing after separation on the offshore drone platform A Shortfall of Gravitas, located 642 kilometers from the spaceport in the Atlantic.


India plans to send interplanetary station to Moon today

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) plans to send its Chandrayaan-3 (Chandrayaan-3) automated interplanetary station to the Moon on Friday.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is scheduled to be launched on July 14, 2023, at 2:35 p.m. Indian time (12:05 a.m. QT) from the launch pad of the Satish Dhawan Space Center located on Sriharikota island.

According to the organization’s plan, the spacecraft will be launched into orbit using an LVM-3 launch vehicle, after which the probe will begin its autonomous flight to near-lunar orbit.

The Chandrayaan-3 station consists of three components – a landing module, a propulsion module and a lunar rover – whose main purpose is to demonstrate and test the technologies required for interplanetary missions.

After the spacecraft enters lunar orbit, its landing module will have to make a soft landing on the surface of the Moon, then the rover, equipped with various research equipment, will move off the platform and begin chemical analysis of the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth. The lunar rover mission is designed to last 14 Earth days.

A previous attempt to send a landing module and a lunar rover to the Moon was made in 2019 as part of the Chandrayaan-2 mission. Then the orbiter managed to enter the lunar orbit, but due to communication problems, specialists were unable to correct the landing of the landing module separated from the interplanetary station, as a result of which it crashed on impact with the lunar surface.

Orbiter mission Chandrayaan-2 remained in orbit and continues to collect scientific data on the Earth’s natural satellite. No such orbiter mission is planned for Chandrayaan-3.

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Democratic Bulgaria party proposes to transfer 100 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine

The Party “Democratic Bulgaria” (PP-DB) proposes to transfer to Ukraine about 100 armored personnel carriers from the warehouses of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry, Euronews Bulgaria reports citing MP Ivaylo Mirchev.
“The APCs, produced in the 1960s and 1970s, were purchased by the then “Internal Troops” (today’s gendarmerie) but were not used and are no longer needed. Bulgaria pays a lot of money for storage and maintenance of this equipment,” the newspaper quoted the MP as saying.
According to him, the initiative involves Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov, Defense Minister Todor Tagarev, Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Defense Hristo Gadjev, as well as the leader of the party GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) Boyko Borisov.
It is noted that the draft decision of the National Assembly will be presented on Thursday and supported by the PP-DB, GERB and DPS (Movement for Rights and Freedoms) parties.
Mirchev hopes that Bulgaria will still be able to take advantage of the promised US military aid in exchange for providing Ukraine with Soviet-era equipment.
In addition, he noted that the sale of nuclear equipment to Ukraine “is also a very favorable deal, because in this way we (Bulgaria – IF-U) will not only help the Ukrainians to complete their NPPs and return a significant part of our investments”.


Moldovan Railways gave big discount for transportation of agricultural products from Ukraine

Moldovan Railways has agreed to grant a discount of 27% to the existing tariffs for transit transportation of Ukrainian agricultural products through the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the direction of the ports of Reni, Giurgiulesti and Galati, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Mykola Solskiy, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova Volodymyr Bolia and the head of the Moldovan railroad agreed on the discount at an online meeting. The meeting was attended by representatives of Ukrzaliznytsia JSC.
According to the message, tariff conditions for transit cargoes will be calculated as a discount to the base tariffs if all forwarding organizations comply with transportation volumes.
For recalculation of the tariff it will be necessary to fulfill one of two conditions – to produce the established volume of cargo transportation for the month or to keep the average monthly volume of transported cargo for the last three months at a level that exceeds or corresponds to the established volume of cargo transportation for the month.
The new tariff conditions will take effect on July 15, 2023.
You can familiarize yourself with the size of the tariff coefficients here:
