Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrgazvydobuvannya” launched three more wells in June

Ukrhazvydobuvannya (UGV) in June launched three more wells in the east of the country with the total production of 425 thousand cubic meters of gas per day.
“Ukrhazvydobuvannya, which is part of Naftogaz group, launched three high-efficiency wells with a total production rate of 425,000 cubic meters of gas per day. Two of them are new, the third got a new life after overhaul,” announced the company on Wednesday.
As Naftogaz head Alexei Chernyshov noted, the two new wells were drilled by UGV at the old field.
“This is a very good result, which was made possible by the development analysis and the use of the constructed 3D model. Such modern approaches made it possible to launch a total of 10 new wells in the field, the daily production of which exceeded 3 million cubic meters,” explained Chernyshov, quoted on Naftogaz’s website.
As the company informed, one more well, on which the overhaul was carried out, has been working at the field for almost 30 years. Prior to the repair work, gas production from it was insignificant, but after its transfer to the higher horizon, the well increased production tenfold.
“In the first half of 2023 our company has already put into operation 11 high-efficiency wells with an output of over 100 thousand cubic meters a day each. Four of them produce more than 300 thousand cubic meters per day. These are indicators which gradually draw us closer to our goals – increase of gas production”, Acting Director General of Ukrgazvydobuvannya Oleg Tolmachov said.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, Ukrhazvydobuvannya has set a goal to increase its own production of natural gas by 1 billion cubic meters in 2023, up to 13.5 billion cubic meters. In 2022, the company produced 12.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.
Naftohaz Ukrayiny owns 100% of Ukrhazvydobuvannya shares.

Lebanon opens market for export of sheep and goats from Ukraine

Lebanon has opened a market for the export of small ruminants from Ukraine, particularly sheep and goats for slaughter, according to the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.
According to the State Consumer Service, this is the third certificate, which the countries have concluded. Previously, the competent authorities of Ukraine and Lebanon had agreed on the forms of certificates for export of milk and dairy products and cattle for slaughtering from Ukraine.
You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for obtaining the certificate and the information required for its issuance on the official web portal of the State Service for the Protection of Consumers in the section “International Cooperation” – “Veterinary and Safety” – “Certificates for export from Ukraine”.

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Demand for new buses in Ukraine decreased by 13%

Primary registrations of new buses (including minibuses) in Ukraine in June fell by 13%, or by 19 units, as compared to May of this year – down to 147, according to statistics of the association “Ukravtoprom”.
According to the data disclosed in the Association’s Telegram channel, compared to June 2022, when only 32 buses were registered, the market has quadrupled.
Buses of Citroen brand with registration of 64 vehicles (in June 2023 – 3 vehicles) held the leading position last month (as in May), second place was taken by Ataman produced by Cherkasy Bus JSC with registration of 48 vehicles against 41 vehicles in May 2023 and three in June last year.
The third place is held by the Ukrainian Etalon, despite the registration of only six vehicles against 32 in May 2023.
At the same time, according to information in ProZorro, buses of this brand have recently more often won tenders for the purchase of school buses by regions of Ukraine at the expense of local budgets and subventions from the state budget.
Buses Volkswagen with registration of two cars (as in May) maintained the fourth place in the ranking of sales of new buses in June, the same number of registered buses ZAZ, Ford and Turkish Guleyuz.
Moreover, in June one bus by Renault and one by Ruta were registered in Ukraine.
Thus, in January-June 2023 the total number of new buses of all classes in Ukraine was 779 buses. – almost 2.2 times more than during the same period in 2022.

“Verallia Ukraine” received more than 91 mln hryvnia in net profit

Glass packaging manufacturer “Verallia Ukraine” (village Zarya, Rivne region), a subsidiary of French Verallia, in January-March this year received a net profit of 91.06 million UAH against a loss of 84.64 million UAH for the same period in 2022.
According to the company’s quarterly report released Tuesday in the National Securities and Stock Market Commission’s (NSSMC) information disclosure system, the company’s net income rose 46.5 percent to UAH 636.04 million.
“During the first quarter of 2023, Verallia Ukraine continued its core business despite the martial law, mobilization of a significant number of employees and active hostilities in the country, and did not lose its position in the glassware market in Ukraine. In particular, in the first quarter it began to gradually increase the number of products manufactured,” the company noted.
According to the report, the gross profit of the company for the specified reporting period amounted to 201.7 million UAH against a loss of 42.61 million UAH in the first quarter of 2022, while operating profit was 164.31 million UAH (a loss of 67.81 million UAH).
PJSC “Verallia Ukraine” produces glass containers for alcoholic beverages and food, the company employs over 480 people.
The immediate parent company is German Verallia Deutschland, while the actual control is exercised by Verallia Packading.
According to the company’s website, in early April of this year, thanks to partners and the Verallia Group, it restarted a furnace that had been in continuous operation since 2016, but was controlled shut down in February 2022 with the start of a full-scale war.
“After the refurbishment of the glass shop, production was started with orders for key customers such as Nemiroff, Bayadera and Lutskfoods. We see that the Ukrainian market began to recover, and our partners are in urgent need of high-quality glass, so we restore production of the Selective Line premium line and positions of larger sizes, up to 1.75 liters,” – noted in a statement on the website.
According to Verallia Ukraine’s annual report on the company’s website, last year it posted a loss of UAH 37.21 million against a net profit of UAH 19.13 million a year earlier, with net income up 16% to UAH 2 billion.
Verallia Group, according to its website, is a European leader and the world’s third largest producer of glass packaging for beverages and food. It has 34 glass factories, five plants for the production of décor and 12 centers for processing of glass cullet (glass products) in 12 countries, annually produces 17 billion glass bottles and cans for delivery to 10 thousand companies – from local family-owned manufacturers to large international brands.


Buffett Foundation to donate harvesters and tractors to Ukrainian farmers

The Victory Harvest Charitable Foundation will receive 10 combine harvesters and five John Deere brand tractors from the foundation of American philanthropist Howard G. Buffett, which will be transferred exclusively for use by Kherson farmers for harvesting and during the next sowing season, the Foundation’s press service has reported.
“Russia’s war against Ukraine has become especially devastating for the people of Kherson region. The flooding of lands caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka dam has now been added to the constant shelling. Our foundation aims to extend support to farmers with these special harvesters and is also working to accelerate demining in the region,” the press service quoted the words of Buffett at a meeting with the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration during a visit to Kherson region.
The donated John Deere equipment includes five S770 combines, five S760 combines and five 8430 tractors and has an estimated commercial value of more than $5 million.
The Howard G.Buffett Foundation also donated two DOK-ING minesweepers, along with metal detectors, vehicles and other demining equipment, to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. Thanks to this equipment, more than 20 hectares of land in Kherson region have already been cleared and more than 72 explosive items objects have been removed.
This donation to the Foundation is the addition to agricultural equipment previously donated to the Victory Harvest Foundation with a total value of more than $27 million.

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Energy imports to Ukraine in 2021-2022

Energy imports to Ukraine in 2021-2022

Source: and