Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine is delighted to invite to join Blood Donation Initiative

The American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine and member company Sayenko Kharenko are delighted to invite you to join our Blood Donation Initiative.

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the need for blood donations has become even more crucial to help save lives and support the local hospitals in Kyiv. Donating blood is an easy way to help people: on donation can save as many as three lives. Your blood could go to lionhearted soldiers who are defending our nation, someone who’s been in a car accident or a child with cancer to name just a few.

We encourage you to bring your friends and relatives to participate in our Blood Donation Initiative. Let us come together to demonstrate our unity, compassion, and commitment to making a positive change in our community.

Please follow all the rules and recommendations to get prepared for donating blood.

Please take your passport and identification code with you. Citizens of other countries can also be donors if they have a residence permit in Ukraine and an identity document.

*DonorUA is an automated social platform for recruiting and managing blood donors designed to promote the blood donor movement in Ukraine.

The location will be sent with a confirmation email.


Ukrainian processing enterprises have received almost 500 grants for 2.4 bln UAH during year

For a year of action of the governmental project of grant programs “eRabota” the state has invested in business development 4 billion UAH, from which 2,4 billion UAH were given out in the form of grants for development of the processing enterprises, informed the first vice-prime minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko.
“On July 1 last year the government launched grant programs “eRabota” to support businesses in this difficult time, to help them recover and develop. During the year, more than 5,600 entrepreneurs have already received grants under these programs. In total the government has invested UAH 4 billion to activate the business sphere”, – as she said in the press release of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of Ukraine.
It is specified that with the grant funds the Ukrainians got an opportunity to start their own business, the already operating enterprises opened new directions, expanded the spheres of activity, increased the production of goods and services.
According to the message, since the start of the project “eRabota” in July 2022 under the program “Own Business” 5061 microgrants were given to the total amount 1.2 billion UAH, for the development of processing enterprises – 455 grants worth 2.4 billion UAH, for gardening and greenhouse development – 88 grants worth 325 million UAH.
The Ministry of Economy reminded that both current entrepreneurs and people without experience in business may apply for a grant. Applications are submitted through the portal “Diya” together with a business plan. An obligatory condition of receiving a grant is creation of new workplaces – from 1-2 at granting a micro-grant to several tens at granting grants under other programs.
Grant funds shall be returned to the state through taxes and fees paid during the operation of the enterprise within three years.
As reported, the eRabotka project was introduced by the government in July 2022 to support businesses and stimulate the creation of new jobs. It includes several grant programs. In particular, these are programs of micro grants for the opening or development of their own business, grants for the creation and development of processing enterprises, the establishment of orchards and vineyards, greenhouse industry.
Earlier, the Kiev Analytical Center “Expert Club” and its founder Maxim Urakin together with the founder of “Granta” company and grant projects implementation expert Olga Shaverina launched a series of YouTube videos devoted to the peculiarities of grant financing. Read more in the video at


Kiev Dobrobut launched physical rehabilitation department

Dobrobut Medical Network has launched a physical rehabilitation department at the therapeutic and diagnostic center at 3 Semya Idzikovskikh Street in Kiev.
According to the network’s press release, the department is headed by Daniil Safronov – one of Ukraine’s most experienced specialists in physical and rehabilitative medicine, a doctor of the highest category, a certified teacher of the Neurac method in Ukraine with experience working with injuries and their aftermath in the war zone.
“The war, which is in its tenth year in Ukraine, has given a powerful impetus to the development of physical rehabilitation, although there has always been a shortage of specialists in this field. I can confidently say that today Ukrainian physical therapists are among the best in the world,” Safronov says.
The new rehabilitation center will be dealing with the rehabilitation after injuries and operations on the musculoskeletal system, the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and pain syndromes, the rehabilitation of athletes, rehabilitation after combat injuries, the correction of posture disorders. Patients can receive counseling, physiotherapy, chiropractic and motor therapy.
In addition, rehabilitation services are provided to patients with degenerative changes in the spine and joints (osteoarthritis, herniations, protrusion), neuropathy (peripheral nerve involvement), pain in the muscles or soft connective tissues, tendinopathy (tendon involvement), slowly healing fractures, muscle atrophy, circulatory and innervation disorders.
The department is equipped with state-of-the-art focused shockwave and laser therapy units, Redcord suspension systems for kinesiotherapy and rehabilitation.
The nursing network reports that the new department will offer a no-cost rehabilitation assistance program for military personnel from July 3 through August 31 with the support of Direct Relief, an international charitable foundation.
“Dobrobut” is one of the largest private medical networks in Ukraine. The company’s portfolio includes 15 medical centers in Kiev and Kiev region, an emergency service, dentistry and pharmacies. Medical centers of network provide services for children and adults on more than 75 medical directions. Annually experts of “Dobrobut” carry out more than 7 000 operations. The network has over 2,800 employees.
Thanks to the cooperation with the international charitable organizations Direct Relief International, Children of War Foundation, International Medical Corps and University of Miami Global Institute, as well as thanks to the work of Dobrobut Charity Foundation, the network clinics continued their work even during the war and provided a significant part of medical care for months without compensation. From the very first days of the war, the Dobrobut Research and Diagnostic Center in Kyiv provided urgent 24/7 medical care to Ukraine’s defenders and war-wounded population. Thanks to the work of Direct Relief International and the Dobrobut Charitable Foundation, wounded warriors and people stranded by war can receive free care at the Dobrobut Treatment and Diagnostic Center.

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Ukraine’s largest mushroom farm has ceased operations

The mushroom and compost production of the Veres agro-industrial group of companies in Kaniv (Cherkasy region) has ceased production since July 2023, with production processes suspended and equipment mothballed, the mushroom news agency UMDIS reports.
According to the agency, the company has recently tried to find a tenant and maintain production, but to no avail.
As noted, the lion’s share of the mushroom harvest was collected for the needs of its own canning shop – Veres pickled mushrooms are known to most Ukrainians.
The Veres mushroom farm consists of 36 mushroom growing chambers of 700 square meters each, making it the largest in Ukraine. In the best of times, production reached 450 tons of mushrooms per month. Compost production was up to 3,500 tons of F2 compost per month. The company had been operating since 2004.
The reason for its closure was recent losses.
Veres Group, part of the Smart-Holding industrial and investment group, is a vertically integrated FMCG business specializing in the production of food products, including canned goods and sauces. Prior to the Russian invasion, the group comprised two processing and two agricultural enterprises, a logistics center for storing products, and a farm for growing champignons. The group’s facilities processed up to 25 thousand tons of fruit and vegetable products annually.
Before the war, products under the Veres brand were supplied to more than 35 countries. The group was among the TOP-3 producers of canned vegetables in Ukraine.
“Smart-Holding is one of the largest industrial and investment groups in Ukraine. It invests in mining and metals, oil and gas, banking, agriculture, shipbuilding, real estate and energy.

Pork imports fell 5.5 times in January-June

Ukraine in January-June reduced imports of fresh, chilled and frozen pork by 5.5 times, to 5.7 thousand tons compared to the same period last year, the Association “Pig Breeders of Ukraine” (ASU) said with reference to customs statistics.
“Last year there were many incentives to revive import activity: at the beginning of the year – the divergence of domestic and European quotations for pork, in the second quarter – tax incentives for certain groups of importers. This was layered on top of problems related to the disruption of supply chains, in particular the occupation of a large part of the country,” ACU explained.
According to analysts, the current rate of pork imports is the lowest in the last 6 years, it is significantly behind the previous year. Thus, during the first half of 2023, Ukraine imported 5.7 thousand tons of pork from abroad against more than 31 thousand tons in the first half of 2022.
The main reason for the weakening of import activity in the industry association names the strengthening of prices for pork in Europe, which remains the main supplier of these products to Ukraine.
“Although the EU pork market occasionally experiences negative price fluctuations (in particular those recorded in May), they are not protracted and mostly remain at a high level. This significantly limits the capacity of Ukrainian importers and a list of commodity positions, “passable” for the domestic market of meat “- stated in the message.
It is noted that in June 2023, the price of an imported kilogram primarily ranged in the range $2.28-2.99, and the weighted average was 2.56 $ / kg, whereas a year ago the bulk of pork imports came at $ 1.89-2.55 $ / kg, or an average of $ 2.21 / kg.
“Recently, from abroad comes mostly “budget” raw materials, which almost does not compete with domestic chilled pork, while the volume of imports remain quite “modest”, despite their increase in June”, – summed up the association.


RegioJet and Ukrzaliznytsia to launch new rail routes from Ukraine to Czech Republic and Germany

The largest private railway passenger carrier in Central Europe Czech RegioJet in partnership with Ukrzaliznytsia plans to launch in 2023 a flight Prague-Chop, and in 2024 two flights to Germany – Kiev-Berlin and Kiev-Hanover via Leipzig and Dresden, said the owner of RegioJet Radim Jančura in an interview for “Forbes Ukraine”.
“Historically, the train from Kiev to Berlin ran until 2012 and was very successful. But the German railroad at one time imposed commercial conditions that increased the cost of the train on the territory of Germany. It made the route unprofitable and the trip was closed,” – he said.
The RegioJet head said the company has optimistic expectations for this project, as many more Ukrainians travel to Germany than to the Czech Republic.
Yanchura also underlined that RegioJet has a different business model from the state operators, so UZ will not have to share the revenues with the Polish and German railroads.
Speaking about the flight to Chop, the RegioJet head noted that the company has the largest share of transportation on the popular route Prague-Kosice.
“We would like to continue this route to the Ukrainian city of Chop in Transcarpathian region, and in the future to Mukachevo,” Jančura said.
According to him, the company now agrees with “Ukrzaliznytsia” schedules and conditions, so we plan to run a new train to Chop during 2023.
Yanchura added that launching a train to Mukachevo is more difficult.
“The main obstacle is the Chop-Mukachevo track section is not electrified: it used to have a contact network, but later part of it was dismantled,” the RegioJet owner noted and added: – We are ready to electrify this section at our own expense.
The head of RegioJet did not name the cost and timing of the project. According to him, they will be known after the Ukrainian authorities and UZ will approve the technical audit and determine the scope of work.
According to him, after Ukraine joins the EU, RegioJet will be able to operate trains itself in Ukraine, having received a license.
“This is how we work in all countries of the European Union. In the EU, anyone can get access to the railway infrastructure by paying a fixed tariff,” Yanchura explained.
The RegioJet owner noted that the company relies on residents of small towns rather than the population of large cities with well-developed airports.
In addition, according to Yanchura, the company is working on the possibility of RegioJet trains, still following only to the Polish Peremyshl, to the Ukrainian border station “Mostiska-2” and plans to implement this project by the end of 2023.
“For this purpose it is necessary to complete the passenger platform and the pedestrian bridge. We are ready to build it at our own expense, “- said the owner of the company.
He also said that he is ready to buy in Ukraine passenger railway cars in large quantities, but their price should be up to $ 1 million per piece.
RegioJet is the second biggest bus carrier in Europe after Flixbus and the biggest private railway passenger carrier in Central Europe. The company has licenses to operate in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria and Poland. Last year, RegioJet carried 11 million passengers.

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