Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Stalkanat” has increased its profit by 2.2 times

PJSC “Production Association “Stalkanat” (Odessa) on the results of work in January-March this year, increased net profit in 2.2 times compared with the same period last year – up to 77.304 million UAH.
According to the interim report of the company, net income for this period decreased by 3.2% – to UAH 701.047 mln.
Undistributed profits amounted to UAH 234.019 mln as of March 31, 2023.
As reported, in 2022 “Stalkanat” received a net profit of 325.073 million UAH against a slight loss a year earlier, while 2021 ended with a net loss of 309 thousand UAH.
The general meeting of shareholders, held on September 3, 2021, decided to separate PJSC Stalkanat-Silur and create a new company – PJSC Stalkanat with the transfer of its property, rights and obligations according to the approved distribution balance sheet.
PA Stalkanat-Silur PJSC (Odessa) previously had two branches – in Odessa and Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region on the NKT. On December 1, 2016, the company’s management officially notified about the shutdown of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk – a relevant announcement was published in the Uryadovy Kurier newspaper. Later, the management of PAO Stalkanat-Silur PJSC stated about the seizure of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk on NKT and sent a corresponding statement to the National Police.
The charter capital of PJSC Stalkanat is UAH 17.736m.


Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2023

Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2023

Source: and

KZHRK decreased production of sinter ore by 31.4%

Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Deposits Plant (KZHRK) in January-April of this year reduced the production of marketable iron ore by 31.4% as compared to the same period last year – up to 805 thousand tons.
According to the company, in April, the mine “Pokrovskaya” produced 60 thousand tons of ore, “Krivoy Rog” – 70 thousand tons, “Kozatska” – 55 thousand tons and “Ternovskaya” also 55 thousand tons, the total for the combine in April – 240 thousand tons.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, in the first quarter of 2023 KZHRK reduced the production of marketable iron ore from underground mining by 36.4% y-o-y, to 565 thousand tons.
Pokrovskaya Mine produced 55 thousand tons of ore, Krivoy Rog also 55 thousand tons, Kozatska – 60 thousand tons, and Ternovskaya Mine also 60 thousand tons. The total output of the combine in March was 230 thousand tons.
In February, all four mines produced 50 thousand tons of ore each, totaling 200 thousand tons per month.
In January 2023 mine “Pokrovska” produced 25 thousand tons of ore, “Kryvorizka” – 40 thousand tons, “Kozatska” – also 40 thousand tons, and “Ternivska” – 30 thousand tons, the total output of the combine in January – 135 tons.
In 2022, KZHRK reduced the production of marketable iron ore from underground mining by 32.8% versus the previous year, to 2.888 million tons.
KZHRK specializes in underground mining of iron ore. KZHRK has four mines: “Pokrovska” (formerly “October”), mine “Krivorozhskaya” (“Rodina”), “Kozatska” (formerly “Gvardeyskaya”) and “Ternovskaya” (formerly the Ordzhonikidze mine, then named after Lenin).
Starmill Limited owns 99.88% stake in the company.
As previously reported, SCM Group owns a certain stake in KZHRK, while Metinvest Group is not related to KZHRK. At the same time, SCM Group is only an investor, while Privat Group exercises operational control over the plant.

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After war, 15 million citizens of Ukraine will need psychological help – Ministry of Health

About 15 million Ukrainians may need psychological help after the war, Oleksandra Mashkevych, director of the Health Ministry’s Medical Services Department, forecasts.
“According to our tentative calculations, about 15 million citizens will need psychological help and psychosocial support,” she said on the air of the National Telethon on Thursday.
Mashkevich noted that different groups of population will need such assistance, including children, veterans, servicemen, their families, returnees from captivity and others.
She recalled that for psychological assistance under the initiative of the first lady of Ukraine Elena Zelenskaya, the Ministry of Health has developed a project to provide such assistance at the primary level of medical care.
“The state has already trained about 10 thousand primary care doctors. They have received special training from the WHO and the Ministry of Health and already have skills in primary psychological care. Any person who experiences anxiety, some changes in his behavior and feels that he needs help, can go to these doctors and undergo a mental health screening to identify deeper problems and respond in time,” she said.
At the same time, the DHS spokeswoman added that a patient can go to a family physician for such help.
“We’re talking about additional skills specifically for doctors who received additional training during the war and gained skills that they, unfortunately, could not get when they were studying in medical schools,” she said.

Price of buying and selling agricultural land in Ukraine in 2023 increased by 20%

Purchase price of agricultural land in Ukraine in January-April 2023 increased by an average of 20%, since the beginning of the year there have been 13 thousand such transactions, said the Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy on digitalization Denis Bashlyk at a press conference.
“Even if we take away the inflation factor, we see that the growth (of prices) continues. But there is no such growth in the regions that are close to the fighting,” he said.
The deputy minister said that in Lviv region at the beginning of May this year the average cost of one hectare of agricultural land amounted to 162 thousand UAH, while at the opening of the market it was 51 thousand UAH. In Kyiv region, according to him, the price has grown from 48 thousand UAH to 148 thousand UAH per hectare.
At the same time, in Chernihiv region one hectare of land costs on average 23 thousand UAH, while before the war it cost 16-17 thousand UAH, Bashlyk added, suggesting that the price increase is due to inflation.
“In 2021 in Ukraine there were 66 thousand land sales transactions for a total area of 153 thousand hectares. In 2022 there were 53 thousand such transactions, with the market actually did not work for almost half a year due to restrictions on access to registries,” the Deputy Minister also said.
СЕО “ProZorro.Selling” Sergey But reported that from the moment of launching electronic land auctions in October 2021 the system “ProZorro.Selling” already completed auctions for the purchase and lease of agricultural land for more than 1.2 billion UAH.
As reported, the market of agricultural land in Ukraine began to work on July 1, 2021. At the first stage of the reform only citizens of the country got the right to buy and sell agricultural land, one individual will be able to hold no more than 100 hectares.
The right to purchase agricultural land from January 1, 2024 will be granted to legal entities created in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, and the ultimate beneficiary of one or more legal entities will be able to consolidate through them a total of not more than 10 thousand hectares.

State-of-the-art diagnostic tools to fight cancer available at CSD LAB Medical Laboratory with discounts

Each tumor has its own unique features and contains a combination of genetic abnormalities that determine its aggressiveness and response to treatment. And it is the knowledge and understanding of these anomalies that enables the doctor to determine the treatment tactics.

How does it work?

Since 2021, the CSD LAB medical laboratory has been providing cancer diagnostics based on the unique NGS (next-generation sequencing) technology from the leading manufacturer Illumina. This technology allows you to completely and accurately identify genetic abnormalities within a single test and is the gold standard in the field of oncology.

Special offer in May.

We want to make these latest technologies available to every Ukrainian, so we are reducing prices for the most popular NGS panels in May:

-MyGene BRCA1/2 (NGS, hereditary mutation screening, blood, Illumina) / N – 9,800 UAH instead of 11,500 UAH;

-MyGene HRR (NGS panel of hereditary mutations in 32 genes for ovarian, prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer, blood, Illumina) / N – UAH 11,610 instead of UAH 12,900;

-MyAction BRCA1/2 (NGS, full spectrum of mutations, histological material, Illumina) / N – 7 11 900 UAH instead of 13 500.

Validity period: 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2023

Details of the promotion on the website