Business news from Ukraine

According to research, Ukrainian citizens have mostly negative attitude towards Iran

Active Group and Experts Club have conducted a joint study on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East. The research was presented at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency in June 2024. The research was presented by Maksym Urakin and Oleksandr Poznyi. The results of the study are as follows:

The results of the study are as follows:
Completely positive – 1.7
Mostly positive – 5.0
Mostly negative – 22.7
Completely negative – 53.6
Difficult to answer – 17.0%.
Positive – Negative – 69.6%.

On January 22, 1992, diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Iran were established. Since the end of January 1992, the Iranian Embassy has been operating in Kyiv.

The joint research by Active Group and Experts Club on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East was conducted in April-May 2024. It covers such countries as Turkey, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, India, China, Republic of Korea, DPRK, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, and Iraq. Full information on the research is available on the website of the Club of Experts at

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Ukrainian citizens have a mostly positive attitude towards Turkey – study

Active Group and Experts Club have conducted a joint study on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East. The study was presented at the Interfax-Ukraine news agency in June 2024. The research was presented by Maksym Urakin and Oleksandr Poznyi. The results of the study are as follows:

The results of the survey are as follows:
Completely positive – 7.7
Mostly positive – 47.4
Mostly negative – 14.1 %.
Completely negative – 2.4
Difficult to answer – 28.5%.
Positive – Negative – 38.5

On November 20, 1991, Ukraine and Turkey established consular relations. On February 3, 1992, the Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the two countries was signed. On April 3, 1992, the Embassy of Turkey was opened in Kyiv.

A joint study by Active Group and Experts Club on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the countries of East Asia and the Middle East was conducted in April-May 2024. It covers such countries as Turkey, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, India, China, Republic of Korea, DPRK, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, and Iraq. Full information on the research is available on the website of the Club of Experts at

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Results of a joint study by Active Group and Experts Club on the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the Middle East and Central Asia

According to Ukrainians, the countries of the Arab world are neutral in the Russian-Ukrainian war. This was revealed by a joint study by Active Group and the Experts Club think tank, “Attitudes of Ukrainians toward the Middle East and Central Asia,” which was presented at Interfax-Ukraine on Tuesday.

“The analysis includes a predominantly positive attitude of our citizens towards such countries as Israel (72.5%) and Turkey (55%), while the attitude towards other countries in the region is mostly neutral. Ukrainians are extremely negative about Iran (76%) and mostly negative about Afghanistan (52.6%),” said Oleksandr Poznyi, director of the research company Active Group.

In addition, the expert added that Ukrainians are mostly positive about countries with which they have trade or cultural ties. This is natural, as such ties promote mutual respect between societies and countries.

In his turn, Andriy Yeremenko, founder of the research company Active Group, emphasized that the attitude of Ukrainians towards the Middle East and Central Asia varies depending on many factors.

“We can see that the attitude of citizens is really certain only in relation to two countries – Iran and Israel. These are the countries where the percentage of those who find it difficult to answer is less than 20%. The rest of the countries have a much higher percentage of uncertainty, which indicates that Ukrainians are not well informed about these countries,” emphasized Eremenko.

Maksym Urakin, founder of the Experts Club think tank, added that building cooperation with the Middle East and Central Asia is very important for the development of the Ukrainian economy, especially in the agricultural and IT sectors. These industries have great potential for development and can become the basis for a mutually beneficial partnership.

“It is necessary to implement a state strategy to reduce the trade deficit and increase Ukraine’s export potential. This will create a more balanced and sustainable economy that will be less dependent on external factors. Ukraine may be interested in agricultural products, IT clusters, and educational services. We are interested in sales markets, agricultural technologies, metallurgy, and chemistry,” Urakin emphasized.

According to him, trade between Ukraine and the countries under study is currently growing rapidly.

“Turkey is the largest trading partner among the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, accounting for more than half of all trade with these countries. This shows the importance of Turkey for the Ukrainian economy,” the founder of Experts Club added.

According to Urakin, a balanced foreign economic policy in the region can not only significantly improve Ukraine’s relations with Middle Eastern countries, but also have a positive impact on the overall state of the economy.

The results of the study are available here.

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Kyiv presents an assessment of public opinion regarding performance of Ukrainian authorities and institutions

Ensuring the stability of the energy system and organizing international support are the tasks that Ukrainians believe the government is doing best. At the same time, the lowest ratings were given to the state’s efforts to fight corruption and manage the seized property of sanctioned persons. These data were presented by Active Group at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

“Our research was focused on assessing public opinion, which is a key element in the process of governance. We decided to find out how and in what state public opinion is now regarding certain socially important issues,” said Roman Yaroshenko, director of the Foundation for Research for the Future.

He also emphasized that an important part of the research was to study attitudes towards various agencies and organizations.

In his turn, Andriy Yeremenko, founder of the research company Active Group, emphasized that modern technologies were used to analyze the survey results. According to the survey results, the statistical error does not exceed 2.2%, which makes the data quite representative.

“Answering the question ‘What tasks does the Ukrainian government do best?’ 29.6% of Ukrainians said that they are coping with ensuring the stability of the energy system, 26.6% – with organizing international support, 20.7% – with defense against Russian aggression. The last on the list were the tasks of fighting corruption: only 3.5% of respondents believe that the government has coped with this task; managing the property of sanctioned persons, which is handled by the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) – 2.5%; and justice – 1.1%. A third of respondents (33.2%) believe that the government is not coping with any of the tasks, and one in five (21.3%) have not decided on the answer,” said Andriy Yeremenko.

To the question “What is your attitude to the seizure of assets of persons under sanctions in Ukraine?” 72.8% of Ukrainians answered positively, of which 50.9% were very positive, 21.9% were rather positive, and 12.6% were neutral. On the other hand, 3.9% of respondents have a negative attitude toward asset seizures, including 3.3% who are rather negative and 0.6% who are very negative. 10.7% of respondents have not decided on the answer.

To the question “In your opinion, how transparent is the management of seized assets in Ukraine?” 12.9% of respondents believe that it is transparent, of which 2% said it is completely transparent, and 10.9% said it is mostly transparent. However, 62.7% of respondents believe the opposite, of whom 35.1% said it is mostly not transparent, 27.6% said it is completely not transparent. A quarter of respondents (24.4%) have not decided on their answer.

Answering the question “In your opinion, how effective is the management of seized assets in Ukraine for the state?” 13.9% of respondents believe that it is effective, of which 2.2% said “completely effective” and 11.8% said “mostly effective”. On the other hand, half of the respondents (50.3%) do not think so, 43% of them said that management is mostly ineffective, 7.3% – completely ineffective. More than a third of respondents (35.7%) have not decided on the answer.

The respondents were also asked “Which of these bodies best contribute to Ukraine’s development?” According to the respondents, the Security Service of Ukraine (29.4%), the President (27.8%), and the local authorities of your city (20.7%) are the best helpers. The last places on the list are occupied by the Prosecutor’s Office (3.5%), the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Agency for Finding and Management of Assets Derived from Corruption and Other Crimes (3.3%). The fact that no government agency helps is believed by 36.4% of respondents.

The full presentation with the results of the survey can be downloaded here.

The research was conducted by Active Group using the SunFlower Sociology online panel. Method: Self-completion of questionnaires by Ukrainian citizens aged 18 and older. Sample: 2000 questionnaires (representative by age, gender and region of Ukraine). Data collection period: May 4, 2024.


Ukrainians cautiously optimistic about future – sociological survey

The number of Ukrainians who believe that the next year will be successful is 17.7% higher than the number of those who believe that the next year will be unsuccessful. While the number of those who rate the past year as more successful is only 1.7% higher than those who rate it as more unsuccessful. These are the results of a sociological survey conducted by Active Group on December 30, 2023, using the SunFlower Sociology online panel.

Answering the question “In which areas did the Ukrainian government work best in 2023?”, the highest rating was given to attracting international economic support, which was indicated by 44.5% of respondents. Attracting international political support came in second place, with 33.5% of respondents mentioning it. Attracting international military support was named by 32.7% of respondents as the third most successful area of work of the Ukrainian authorities. The three areas of work of the government that respondents mentioned the least were “Ensuring the safety of citizens in the government-controlled territory” (5.3%), providing support to socially vulnerable groups (5.0%), and ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens in the government-controlled territory (1.4%).

Next, respondents were asked to answer the question of how much they trust the following politicians. It turned out that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has the highest level of trust among the respondents. Thus, the number of those who trust Zelenskyy (fully or partially) exceeded the number of those who do not trust him by 48.9%. Mykhailo Fedorov is on the second place from the proposed list, who also has a positive balance of trust, amounting to 24.1%. The number of those who trust Vitali Klitschko is only 1.9% less than those who do not trust him. The rest of the politicians from the proposed list (Dmytro Razumkov, Volodymyr Groysman, Oleh Tyahnybok, Oleh Lyashko, Oleksiy Arestovych, Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko) have a negative balance of trust and distrust, with percentages ranging from -20.5% to -76.6%.

Thus, the leaders of trust are Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Mykhailo Fedorov, who are trusted (partially or fully) by 71.3% and 56.1% respectively. And the leaders of distrust are Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko, who are distrusted (partially or completely) by 75.7% and 84.1% respectively.

Respondents also assessed the usefulness of the work of the top three politicians – Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Petro Poroshenko, and Yulia Tymoshenko Volodymyr Zelenskyy received the highest score. 20.9% of respondents consider his activities “extremely useful” and 38.1% consider them “more useful.” The overall balance of usefulness and harmfulness for Zelenskyy is 31.5%.

Petro Poroshenko has a much more negative perception. Only 5.0% of respondents consider his activities “extremely useful,” and 15.3% – “more useful.” Instead, 22.5% consider his activities “more harmful” and 47.5% – “exclusively harmful”. His overall balance is -49.7%.

Yulia Tymoshenko also has mostly negative assessments. Only 1.7% of respondents consider her activities “exceptionally useful,” and 5.9% – “more useful.” However, 29.4% consider her activities “more harmful,” and 34.7% – “exclusively harmful.” The overall balance of usefulness and harmfulness for Tymoshenko is -56.5%.

Answering a couple of questions “Which of these politicians has done the most/least for the development of Ukraine?” Only Volodymyr Zelenskyi (48.4%) and Mykhailo Fedorov (9.8%) received a positive balance of answers. The rest of the politicians received a negative balance. The worst performers were Oleh Lyashko, Petro Poroshenko, and Yulia Tymoshenko with results of -38.4%, -39.0%, and -45.3%, respectively.

Next, respondents were asked to give their assessment of politicians’ openness to people, their ability to represent Ukraine in the international arena, and their moral and professional qualities.

Openness to people:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is considered the most open (45.2%), but 14.5% consider him the least open, with a difference of 30.7%.

Vitali Klitschko has a positive balance (10.6% vs. 8.7%), with a difference of 1.9%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has the worst balance (-27.4%), with 2.1% against 29.5%.

Representation of Ukraine in the international arena:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy leads (56.7% vs. 11.7%), with a difference of 45.0%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (10.3% vs. 4.3%), with a difference of 6.0%.

Petro Poroshenko has a significant negative balance (-29.0%), with 9.0% vs. 38.0%.

Moral qualities:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy also leads (44.2% vs. 13.4%), with a difference of 30.8%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (11.3% vs. 4.7%), with a difference of 6.6%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has the worst balance (-37.4%), with 2.5% vs. 39.9%.

Professional qualities:

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is again the leader (40.4% vs. 15.0%), with a difference of 25.4%.

Mykhailo Fedorov has a positive balance (16.8% vs. 4.4%), with a difference of 12.4%.

Yulia Tymoshenko has a significant negative balance (-31.7%), with 5.0% against 36.7%.

Summing up the assessments of individual qualities, we can conclude that Volodymyr Zelenskyi with an average score of 48.4% and Mykhailo Fedorov with an average score of 13.1% are perceived most positively among the above-mentioned candidates. The most negatively perceived are Petro Poroshenko, with an average negative rating of 38.4%, and Yulia Tymoshenko, with an average negative rating of 37.6%.

The study was conducted by Active Group with the help of the SunFlower Sociology online panel. Method: Self-completion of questionnaires by Ukrainian citizens aged 18 and older. Sample: 2000 questionnaires (representative by age, gender and region of Ukraine). Data collection period: December 30, 2023. The theoretical error of the study does not exceed 2.2% (for results close to 50% with a confidence level of 0.95).

You can join the SunFlower Sociology online panel and receive a monetary reward for completing surveys by following the link.

Sociological study of personal and political leadership in Vinnytsia region

Almost half of the voters in Vinnytsia region (47.4%) would support Vladimir Zelensky in the presidential election. These are the data of the sociological research conducted by the company “Active Group” on August 29 – September 2, 2023.

Assessing the direction of development of the country, the region and their city residents of Vinnytsia region believe that the country as a whole is developing in the right direction. The option “Completely true” was chosen by 22.4% of respondents, “Rather true” – 32.4%. “Rather wrong” was chosen by 18.6%, “Completely wrong” – 10.1%, 16.5% found it difficult to answer the question. 19.3% of respondents believe that the situation is developing in the right direction in Vinnytsia region, 41.3% believe that this statement is “Rather true”. 18,3% are convinced that this statement is “Rather wrong”, and 7,8% chose the option – “Completely” wrong. Another 13.3% chose the option – “Difficult to answer”. At the same time, only 18.6% agreed with the option that their city (OTG) is developing in the right direction, and another 33.9% agreed with the option that this is happening “Rather true”. The answer – “Rather wrong” was chosen by 21.6%, “Completely wrong” – by 14.3%. 11.6% chose the option “I find it difficult to answer”.

Answering the question “Which civilian structure, in your opinion, makes the greatest efforts to implement defense measures?” 39.6% of respondents are fully convinced that it is the OBA. 10.2% believe that it is the regional Rada, 18.1% believe that it is the Rada of the territorial community. 15,5% – none of these structures, 16,6% find it difficult to answer.

Regarding the awareness of the activity of local officials, 74.1% of respondents have heard about the activity of the OBA (Serhiy Borzov), 43.2% – about the activity of the chairman of the territorial community, 30.8% – about the activity of the regional council (Vyacheslav Sokolovyy)

To the question – “Which of these people, in your opinion, most influences the situation in Vinnytsia region?” 63.2% answered that it is Serhiy Borzov, 41.1% – Volodymyr Groysman, 25.2% – Petro Poroshenko, 22.3% – Vyacheslav Sokolovyy.

The distribution of answers to the question – “In your opinion, which of them primarily represents the interests of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky?” was as follows: Serhiy Borzov – 52.4%, Vyacheslav Sokolovyy – 5.4%, Chairman of the OTG – 8.3%, People’s Deputy from our district – 7.6%, none of them – 10.3%, the other – 2.6%, I find it difficult to answer – 13.4%.

The assessment of the leaders of trust on a ten-point scale was as follows: Sergei Borzov – 6.23 points, Irina Borzova – 5.82 points, Larisa Bilozir – 5.16 points, Nikolai Kucher – 4.93 points, Sergei Morgunov – 4.8 points.

On the question – “Which of these people would you vote for, if the election of the President of Ukraine were held in the near future and the following candidates were running?”, the leaders of the election race would be in Vinnytsia region as follows: Volodymyr Zelensky – 47.4% among all respondents. Petro Poroshenko – 10.7%. Serhiy Pritula – 7.8%. Dmytro Razumkov – 3.3% Yulia Tymoshenko – 3.2%. Igor Smeshko – 2.4%. Oleksiy Arestovich – 2.0%. Oleg Lyashko – 1.5%. Oleg Tyahnybok – 1.1%. Volodymyr Boyko – 0.6%. Would look for someone else – 6.2%. Would spoil the ballot – 1.0%. Would not go to the elections – 3.9%. I find it difficult to answer – 8.8%.

The situation is as follows by party: Servant of the People – 33.4% among all respondents. European Solidarity – 10.5%. Groisman’s Ukrainian strategy – 9.2%. August 24 – 3.4%. Batkivshchyna – 3.5%. Reasonable policy – 2.8%. Strength and Honor – 2.0%. Freedom – 1.5%. Voice – 1.3%. Other – 2.2%. Would spoil the ballot – 1.8%. Would not go to the polls – 6.7%. I find it difficult to answer – 18.8%.

As for the sources of information, 56.5% of Vinnichi residents would get it from Facebook, 37.5% – from Telegram, 34.8% – from the central television, 29.2% – from personal acquaintances or relatives, 27.8% – from Viber, 26.2% – from Instagram, 21.8% – from YouTube. Other sources of information received less than 20% of the respondents’ votes.

The full presentation with the results of the research can be downloaded at the link.

The research was carried out by the company “Active Group”. Survey method: personal formalized interview (face-to-face). General population: men and women over 18 years old living in Vinnytsia region. Sample: 2043 questionnaires (representative by age, gender and type of settlement). Data collection period: August 29 – September 2, 2023.
