Rural people in general feel more secure than urban residents in the current situation in Ukraine, says political analyst Serhiy Lozovsky.
“People in villages feel themselves the least exposed to danger. And sociological studies confirm this. Rural residents have enough inner strength to secure themselves and their families. As to residents of cities, where government agencies must ensure security, there is a problem which makes them feel less secure in cities,” Lozovsky said, while commenting on a joint survey conducted by the Active Group and the Expert Club in a program on the latter’s YouTube channel.
According to the expert, this is caused by the fact that law enforcers often demonstrate poor response to acts of violence and violation of law.
“This often happens during mass events when law enforcers stand in line and show no response to beatings they witness,” Lozovsky said.
Earlier, at the press center of the Interfax-Ukraine News Agency, the Active Group and the Expert Club presented the results of their second joint survey. This time they studied Ukrainians’ opinion about work of central government agencies and local governments, unemployment growth caused by the quarantine restrictions, the population’s attitude towards official statistics on the coronavirus (COVID-19) incidence rate, as well as the main issues of concern for urban and rural residents.
The survey showed that the population in general negatively treats the incumbent government. Local governments enjoy the highest rating among Ukrainians – 45% of respondents praised their work, 38% said the president was doing a good job, and only around 20% praised the country’s prime minister.
Some 10.5% of those polled said the National Police worked good, while more than 55% said the opposite. Local police stations have the highest rating – 22% praised their work, while 39% said it was bad.
The main issues of concern for urban and rural residents include: quality of roads (54% of respondents), condition of the public facilities (44.7%), condition of the infrastructure inside buildings (43.5%), unemployment (34.2%), housing and utility tariffs (31.1%), mass renaming of streets, cities and villages (29.2%).
Additional information about the survey is available on the website of Active Group and on the Expert Club YouTube channel.
The video is available on the YouTube channel:
Almost 60% of Ukrainians call themselves Europeans, according to the survey held by Active Group sociological company. This is evidenced by the results of a common study conducted by Active Group sociological company and the Experts Club company and presented at the Interfax-Ukraine agency.
“Being asked if he/she considers himself/herself a European, 43.4% of respondents said affirmatively, 14.6% said rather yes, while 13.6% said rather no, and 24.1% said definitely no,” said head of Active Group Oleksandr Pozniy at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv.
Another 4.3% found it difficult to answer this question.
According to the expert, 64.5% of citizens consider it important to introduce a visa-free regime with the countries of the European Union, while 72.3% did not use these preferences.
A number of 25.7% of respondents said visa-free regime is very important, according to 38.8% of the respondents it was rather important, for 18.8% – rather not important and 8.2% of the respondents considered it to be strongly useless.
According to the survey, only 23.5% of respondents took advantage of the “visa-free” opportunity to travel to European Union countries, 4.2% found it difficult to answer the question.
According to Active Group, the survey was conducted by telephone interview on June 7-9. Some 1,236 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for the uncontrolled territories and Crimea. The study is representative by age, gender and place of residence. The sampling error does not exceed 2.8%.
Only 15% of citizens know the Constitution of Ukraine good enough, head of Active Group sociological company Oleksandr Pozniy said. This is evidenced by the results of a common study conducted by Active Group sociological company and the Experts Club company and presented at the Interfax-Ukraine agency.
“Being asked if one read the Constitution of Ukraine, 15% of respondents said that they have read it carefully and know it well,” Pozniy said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine in Kyiv on Monday.
According to him, in a course of the telephone poll carried by the Active Group from June 7 and 9, a total of 1,236 people from all over Ukraine, except of occupied territories and Crimea, were polled. The poll’s margin of error does not exceed 2.8%.
According to the survey, 42.3% of respondents read only separate provisions of the Fundamental Law, 24.1% once read something, but no longer remember it, 16.8% did not read, 1.8% found it difficult to answer.
At the same time, 81.6% of respondents believe that the Constitution should be known (48% say it is not necessary to know, 33.6% – rather should know).
According to 4.3% of respondents, it rather unnecessary to know the Constitution, 2.3% – it should not be learned at all, and 11.8% found it difficult to answer.
Nearly 51.6% of respondents did not face a situation where ignorance of the provisions of the Constitution caused them difficulties or problems; 16.1% – faced such a situation; 23% – could probably faced it, but are not sure; and 9.3% found it difficult to answer the question.
According to Active Group, the survey was conducted by telephone interview on June 7-9. Some 1,236 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except for the uncontrolled territories and Crimea. The study is representative by age, gender and place of residence. The sampling error does not exceed 2.8%.