Business news from Ukraine

Another 7 ships with corn and wheat left ports of Ukraine

Seven more ships carrying corn and wheat left the ports of Ukraine on Tuesday, the Anadolu agency reports, citing the Turkish Defense Ministry.
The export of agricultural products from three Ukrainian ports continues under the agreement on the corridor for grain, concluded on July 22.
Earlier, the UN reported that the Joint Coordinating Center (JCC) allowed seven vessels with corn and wheat to leave the ports of Ukraine on Tuesday as part of the Black Sea Grain Initiative. According to the UN, the ships Captain Dimitrios (65 thousand tons of corn), Super Saka (29 thousand tons of wheat and 21 thousand tons of corn), Fanaria (18 thousand tons of wheat) will go to Spain. The ships Propus (8.5 thousand tons of corn), Ata Ocean (6.3 thousand tons of sunflower oil) and Greifswald (492 tons of corn) are planning to head to Turkey. In addition, the Yada Team ship will deliver 64,951 tons of corn to Israel.
In Istanbul on July 22, with the participation of the UN, Ukraine, Turkey and Russia, two documents were signed on the creation of a corridor for the export of grain from three Ukrainian ports: Chernomorsk, Odessa and Yuzhny.

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Prices for wheat from Ukraine rose insignificantly, corn quotes are stable – Barva Invest

Prices for wheat from Ukraine for the period from August 26 to September 8 slightly increased against the backdrop of a gradual resumption of its exports by sea, corn quotes on the Ukrainian market are stable, according to the Telegram channel of the consulting company Barva Invest.
As, on September 8, quotations of wheat from Ukraine on the terms of delivery of CPT are estimated at 4.9-6.4 thousand UAH / ton, while on August 26 – 4.5-6.4 thousand UAH / ton, on August 11 – 4 3-6 thousand UAH/ton, and on August 4 – 3-5.5 thousand UAH/ton. The spot price of corn at the Chop checkpoint near Hungary for the period August 26-September 8 remained at $240/ton.
According to Barva Invest, the December futures of wheat from the Black Sea region Black Sea (BWFU2) as of September 8 decreased by 5.9% compared to August 26 – to $317.25/ton, however, on the European exchange Euronext (EBMU2) increased by 0.5%, up to EUR328.75/ton, and on the Chicago Stock Exchange (ZWU2) – by 9.8%, up to $8.44/bu.
Thus, wheat quotes for the reporting period were influenced in different directions by the rise in prices for other grain crops and the expectation of increased demand from importers against the backdrop of statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin criticizing the Istanbul grain agreements that allegedly the “grain corridor” from Ukraine is used to supply food to EU countries, not to poor third world countries.
“Wheat quotations reacted with active growth to another portion of demagoguery from Russia regarding the export of Ukrainian grain from Ukrainian ports within the grain corridor … (Putin – IF) said that he would consult with his henchmen and Turkey regarding the need to limit Ukraine’s export destinations,” the consulting company emphasized. company in the message.
The investment company clarified that by September 8, the December futures for corn from the Black Sea region (BWFU2) slightly decreased by 0.8% compared to August 26, to $310.75/ton, while on the Chicago Stock Exchange (ZCU2) it increased by 3 .2% to $6.71/bu.
Quotes of corn on the world market also changed in different directions, prices were influenced by the market’s expectation of a possible decrease in estimates of the American crop in the September report of the US Department of Agriculture, fears about the prospects for corn yields in the US and the EU due to record drought, concerns about the prospects for a global recession, as well as subsidence oil prices.
The key transactions with soft commodities were the purchase by Japan of 95 thousand tons of wheat (from the USA and Canada), Iraq – 100 thousand tons of wheat (from the USA), Jordan – 120 thousand tons of wheat, South Korea – 60 thousand tons of wheat and 206 thousand tons of corn. In addition, the Philippines announced a tender for the purchase of 100,000 tons of feed wheat, Japan for 70,000 tons of feed wheat, and South Korea for 55,000 tons of wheat.
As reported, in response to Putin’s criticism of the Istanbul grain agreements, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on September 8 that Ukrainian grain is being shipped to Asia, Africa and Europe. Prior to this, the President of the Russian Federation was outraged by the allegedly larger share of agricultural products that goes along the grain corridor from Ukraine to the EU, and not to poor third world countries.
According to Zelensky, 54 ships with agricultural products have already been sent to Asia, 16 to Africa, 32 to Europe. At the same time, part of the European supplies are subsequently redirected to Asian and African countries, the President specified.
On July 22, in Istanbul, with the participation of the UN, Ukraine, Turkey and Russia, two documents were signed on the creation of a corridor for the export of grain from three Ukrainian ports: Chornomorsk, Odessa, and Pivdenny.
As of September 6, the total tonnage of grain and other food products exported from three Ukrainian ports is, according to the UN, 2.213 million tons. In total, the movement of 204 vessels has been allowed at the moment – 108 arriving in Ukrainian ports and 96 leaving them.

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First train with 1.2 thousand tons of Ukrainian corn arrived at port of Rostock

A trial train of 21 wagons with 1.2 thousand tons of feed corn has arrived in the port of Rostock (Germany), and soon three more trains with corn from Ukraine will enter the country, according to the website of the German publication NRD.
According to him, the train with corn was on the road for about eight days, which included reloading agricultural products into narrow-gauge wagons at the Ukrainian-Polish border, after which DB Cargo delivered the cargo to Rostock, where agricultural products were reloaded into port granaries. The publication clarifies that last year’s corn crop is in good condition.
It is specified that BAT Agrar from Ratzeburg (Germany) is coordinating the arrival of trains. It is not yet known where the agricultural products that arrived at the port of Rostock will go next.
“Due to Russia’s aggressive war in Ukraine, many export routes of local agriculture have become difficult or impossible. However, in accordance with the agreement, exports across the Black Sea have started again this month,” the publication recalled.
As reported, in April, the German concern Deutsche Bahn and its subsidiary logistics company DB Cargo began redirecting grain exports from Ukraine through the railway infrastructure instead of their traditional export through Ukrainian seaports, which were blocked by the Russian fleet at that time.
Michael Theurer, parliamentary secretary at the German Federal Ministry of Transport, said that Germany is obliged to ensure the shipment of 20 million tons of grain from Ukraine to prevent starvation on the planet.

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US Department of Agriculture increases forecast for harvest of corn in Ukraine from 25 mln tons to 30 mln tons

In its August report, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) increased the forecast for the harvest of Ukrainian corn in 2022/2023 marketing year (MY, July-June) compared to July by 5 million tons – up to 30 million tons from 25 million tons, and its export estimate has been raised by 3.5 million tons to 12.5 million tons from 9 million tons.
According to a report on the website of the US Department of Agriculture, the estimate of domestic corn consumption in Ukraine has been increased by 1 million tons – from 9.5 million tons to 10.5 million tons.
In the new forecast, the agency also increased the forecast for wheat exports from Ukraine in 2022/2023 MY by 1 million tons – up to 11 million tons from 10 million tons, while the assessment of its harvest remained at the same level – 19.5 million tons. At the same time, the forecast for its domestic consumption in Ukraine was also left at the same level of 10.2 million tons.
In addition, the forecast for carry-over stocks of wheat at the end of the current marketing year has been reduced – from 5.24 million tons to 4.24 million tons compared to 5.84 million tons at its beginning.
According to the report, in general, the forecast for the feed grain harvest in Ukraine for 2022/23 MY was increased by 5.7 million tons – up to 37.46 million tons from 31.76 million tons, and its export – by 3.5 million tons, up to 14 .33 million tons from 10.83 million tons.
As reported, since the beginning of MY 2022/2023, Ukraine has exported 2.21 million tons of grain and leguminous crops, which is 2.1 times less than in the previous MY. The country supplied to foreign markets 1.45 million tons of corn (26.1% more than in 2021/2022 MY), 562 thousand tons of wheat (3.2 times less), 192 thousand tons of barley (8.4 times less) and 5.1 thousand tons of flour (3.2 times less).

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Against backdrop of crop failure in Europe, EU plans to import 13 mln tons of corn from Ukraine

The lowest corn harvest since 2007-2008 is expected in the countries of the European Union, which is caused by an abnormal drought that has gripped the main corn-producing countries in the past few weeks.
Against this background, the EU imports 13 million tons of corn from Ukraine to cover its needs, according to the website of the electronic grain exchange GrainTrade with reference to the report of the chief analyst of Argus Media (France) Nathan Cordier, which he announced during the meeting of grain traders “Trend and Hedge Club”.
According to him, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary are the largest corn producers in the EU, and production performance in these countries will be disappointing in 2022.
“We expect Romania to harvest 8 million tons of corn, Hungary 4.5 million tons, and Bulgaria 15 million tons. These countries exported corn to Spain, Italy and Turkey, which were the main markets. low harvest in Brazil, exported grain to the Middle East and North Africa. This season, we expect that the supply of exports will be low,” GrainTrade quoted Cordier’s report as saying.
The expert noted that three heat waves have occurred in France since the beginning of corn sowing, so its harvest is expected at 11.2 million tons, and will be harvested from only 68% of the area. Thus, the yield of corn in France will be only 8 tons / ha, which is the worst result of the country in the last 20 years.
According to Cordier’s forecasts, Europe will be forced to import 23 million tons of corn to cover its needs, of which it will import 13 million tons from Ukraine, and another 5 million tons from Brazil.
As reported, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Solsky in early August announced an increase in the forecast for the harvest of grain and oilseeds in Ukraine this season by approximately 5-7 million tons – up to 65-67 million tons from 60 million tons.
At the same time, in the July report, the US Department of Agriculture forecasts the harvest of Ukrainian wheat in the 2022/2023 marketing year (MY, July-June) at the level of 19.5 million tons, its export – 10 million tons, domestic consumption within the country – 10.2 million tons. The corn harvest is estimated at 25 million tons, export – 9 million tons, domestic consumption – 10.7 million tons.
In early July, the Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) increased the forecast for the harvest of grain and oilseeds in Ukraine in 2022 by 4.4% compared to the May forecast – up to 69.4 million tons from 66.5 million tons.
According to her forecasts, in 2022, a wheat harvest is expected at the level of 20.8 million tons (+ 8.3% compared to the organization’s May forecast); 27.3 million tons of corn (+4.6%); 6.6 million tons of barley (forecast kept); 9 million tons of sunflower (forecast kept); 2.2 million tons of soybeans (+4.7%); 1.5 million tons of rapeseed (+13.3%).

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International research company Corteva Agriscience to raise export of corn seeds from Ukraine to EU by 16 times

The international research company Corteva Agriscience has established export supply chains for corn seeds from Ukraine to the EU, and in the context of the Russian military invasion plans to increase its exports to European countries by 16 times by the end of the year compared to last year.
According to a press release from the company, as of early August, it has already shipped 3,000 tonnes of corn seeds grown at its seed complex in Poltava region to the European Union.
The company clarified that, for security reasons, it suspended the operation of the seed plant immediately after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but at the initiative of the employees themselves, after some time, resumed the operation of the enterprise. The launch of its work made it possible to provide Ukrainian farmers with seed material that is critical for the sowing campaign.
Corteva, in the context of Russian aggression, also for security reasons, refused to supply seeds of Ukrainian production by land to the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, but expanded logistics to the EU as much as possible.
“On the production lines of the Corteva plant in Ukraine, high standards of seed production have been introduced, which allow us to produce goods that meet all the quality criteria adopted in the EU. Seeds are controlled by many indicators at all stages of production – from field to bag, and meet the maximum requirements of both Ukrainian, and foreign farmers choosing Corteva genetics,” the company said.
Earlier, in April, the company decided to leave the Russian market due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Corteva Agriscience is a global agricultural company. It offers farmers comprehensive solutions to maximize yields and profitability. It has more than 150 research facilities and more than 65 active ingredients in the portfolio.

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