Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine in March 2022 exported 5.97 million tons of goods worth $2.7 billion, which is 2.2 times less than in February in terms of quantity and half in value, while imports of goods to Ukraine in March amounted to 5 million tons $5.9 billion, which is more than three times less than in February. “Ukraine’s export volume in March amounted to 5.97 million tons worth $2.7 billion. While in February, the state exported 13.1 million tons of goods worth $5.3 billion. The main export items are ores, corn, ferroalloys and oil “, the Ministry of Economy said in a release on Sunday. The export of metals and agricultural products was particularly affected, however, the volume of exports of a number of goods with deep processing remained practically unchanged compared to the pre-war period, the Ministry of Economy added. The Ministry notes a significant reduction in metal exports. In particular, the export of flat products fell by almost 10 times – from 437 thousand tons in February to 47 thousand tons in March. “For some metallurgy positions, exports were not made at all. This is primarily due to the physical destruction of metallurgical facilities and the stoppage of production,” the ministry commented. In March, Ukraine exported 1.1 million tons of corn, 309 thousand tons of wheat, 118 thousand tons of sunflower oil, 40 thousand tons of soybeans. This is four times less than in February, according to the data of the Ministry of Economy. “At the same time, for many items of goods with deep processing, the volume of exports remained at the level of the previous month and even increased. These are, for example, cable products, the export of which amounted to $111 million ($130 million in February) or wood facing sheets – $32 million against $26 million in February,” the Economy Ministry said. Due to the Russian invasion, Ukrainian imports suffered significant losses: if in February the state imported 5 million tons of goods worth $5.9 billion, then in March – 1.6 million tons worth $1.8 billion, the report says. Currently, the most important imports to Ukraine are gas, oil, oil products and coal. “The enemy is deliberately undermining the economy of our state by blocking domestic exports. The traditional route for the export of export goods was the Black Sea ports, blocked today by Russia. In addition, the occupiers are attacking metallurgical enterprises and agricultural infrastructure in order to prevent the restoration of our capabilities in the future. All this threatens not only Ukraine, but also the whole world, because our state was the guarantor of food security in a number of countries in Africa and the Middle East,” the press service of the Ministry of the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Sviridenko quotes. To counter this, Ukraine is increasing the capacity of rail, road and river transport on the western border of Ukraine, attracting manufacturers, traders, transport companies, Sviridenko noted. “The remnants of basic agricultural crops in Ukraine are enough to ensure exports. In addition, the start of the sowing campaign inspires restrained optimism for the future harvest,” the head of the ministry said.

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Structure of export of services in Ukraine in 2021

SSC of Ukraine


European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson believes that the export of electricity from Ukraine has a positive effect on Poland, the Energy Ministry said.

“Kadri Simson stressed that Ukraine, after synchronization, is already becoming an important factor in the reliable operation of the European energy system. She noted that the auctions launched for the export of electricity from Ukraine to Poland had a very positive effect on the energy supply of the latter,” the ministry said in a statement following an online meeting with European Commissioner for Energy Minister German Galushchenko on Thursday.

According to the release, the parties also discussed issues of compliance with the nuclear safety of Ukraine and Europe in the context of the visit of IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to Ukraine.

Galushchenko, referred to by the press service of the ministry, during the meeting noted that the head of the IAEA recognizes Ukraine’s significant potential in nuclear energy.

At the same time, the minister pointed out that the presence of Russian troops at nuclear facilities not only threatens nuclear safety, but can also cross out the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian nuclear industry.

In addition, the head of the Ministry of Energy once again emphasized that Ukraine can help European countries “jump off the hook” of Russian fossil fuels, in particular by providing its underground gas storage facilities and electricity supplies.

“Coordination of the position of Ukraine and Europe is very important for ensuring nuclear and energy security,” Galushchenko stressed.

As reported, NPC “Ukrenergo” on March 28 began holding auctions for access to interstate cross-sections for the export of electricity to Poland.

Prior to this, all import-export auctions were stopped due to the entry of the Ukrainian energy system into an isolated mode from February 24. The unification of the energy systems of Ukraine and Europe took place on March 16, after which work began on the resumption of the commercial exchange of electricity. Other destinations are not yet open.

Export to Poland starts from March 30th. All the capacity offered at daily auctions for March 30-April 2 was bought by DTEK group companies – D.Trading LLC 210 MW on March 30, DTEK Zakhidenergo JSC 210 MW on March 31 and 190 MW each on April 1 and 2.

According to the data on the ENTSO-E website, physical exports were carried out on March 30 at 210 MWh, except for the first three hours of the day, when deliveries were 70 MWh, 100 MWh and 200 MWh, on March 31 – at 210 MWh -h all day, and on April 1, deliveries of 190 MWh are planned all day, there are no data for April 2.



The UK denies Russia and Belarus access to Most Favored Nation tariff for hundreds of their exports, imposes a 35% import duty on a number of Russian goods, including vodka, and, same as the European Union, bans exports of luxury goods to Russia, the British government said in a statement on Tuesday.
“The UK denies Russia and Belarus access to Most Favored Nation tariff for hundreds of their exports, depriving both nations key benefits of WTO membership,” the statement said.
Same as the EU, London bans “exports of luxury goods to Russia alongside its G7 allies,” the statement said. The ban applies to vehicles, clothes and art.
The British government also “published an initial list of goods worth GBP 900 million – including vodka – which will now face an additional 35 percent tariff, on top of current tariffs,” the statement said.

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The Government of Ukraine introduces a ban on the export of fertilizers from Ukraine, Minister of Agrarian Policy Roman Leschenko said on Facebook.

“In connection with the martial law, in order to maintain balance in the domestic market of significant mineral fertilizers, the government introduces a zero quota for their export. That is, a de facto ban on the export of fertilizers from Ukraine,” he said.

Leschenko said that this applies to nitrogen (TN VED code 3102), phosphorus (TN VED code 3103) and potassium (TN VED code 3104) mineral or chemical fertilizers.

According to him, this list also includes complex fertilizers – containing two or three nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; other fertilizers; goods of this group in tablets, packages with a gross weight of not more than 10 kg (TN VED code 3105).

“I emphasize that this ban is of forced and temporary nature and is used to restore the balance of certain goods in the domestic market and ensure the sowing campaign, which is extremely important in order to prevent a food crisis in Ukraine and the world,” the head of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy said.

As reported, a few days earlier, the government added fertilizers to the list of critical imports, for the purchase of which it is allowed to buy foreign currency.



Consumer goods giant Unilever has said that the company continues to condemn the war in Ukraine, has stopped business operations in Ukraine and has suspended all imports and exports of our products into and out of Russia.
“We continue to condemn the war in Ukraine as a brutal and senseless act by the Russian state. Our business operations in Ukraine have stopped and we are now fully focused on ensuring the safety of our Ukrainian employees and their families, including helping with their evacuation where necessary, and providing additional financial support,” Unilever CEO Alan Jope said in a statement posted on the company’s website.
He said that the company has suspended all imports and exports of our products into and out of Russia, and we will stop all media and advertising spend.
“We will not invest any further capital into the country nor will we profit from our presence in Russia. We will continue to supply our everyday essential food and hygiene products made in Russia to people in the country. We will keep this under close review,” he said.
“We join calls for an end to this war and hope that peace, human rights, and the international rule of law will prevail,” he said.
Unilever brands include Lipton, Dove, Vaseline, Cif, Signal, Domestos, Rexona AXE, Chistaya Liniya, Barkhatnye Ruchki and Inmarko.
In Ukraine, the company has a tea factory in Hostomel near Kyiv, which is the scene of heavy fighting.
In Russia, it has ice cream plants in Tula Region and Omsk, tea, cosmetics and household cleaner production facilities in St. Petersburg, and a cosmetics factory in Yekaterinburg.

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