Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine exported 1.7 million tons of agricultural products through the ports of Odesa as part of the grain initiative

Ukraine exported 1.7 million tons of agricultural products from the ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdenny in the first month of the grain initiative, the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine reported on Friday.
According to the release, during August, 68 ships left the unlocked ports, the ports of destination of which are located in 18 countries of the world.
At the same time, 19 vessels departed from the port of “Odesa”, 13 from “Pivdenny”, and the port of “Chornomorsk” sent 36 vessels.
According to the ministry’s announcement, as part of the grain initiative, three times more agricultural products were exported from the ports of Odesa in August than during this month by road transport.
“Only in August, more than 1.7 million tons of food were exported through the ports of Great Odesa. During the same period, almost 1.6 million tons were exported through the Danube ports, about a million tons by rail, and more than 600 thousand tons by road,” commented the Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov.
According to him, in September, it is planned to reach the rate of transshipment through unblocked sea ports at the level of at least 3 million tons of products. At the same time, it is planned to export at least 8 million tons by all modes of transport.
According to the ministry, in August, Odesa Port exported 419,000 tons of agricultural products, Chornomorsk – 848,000 tons, and Pivdenny – 459,000 tons. At the same time, Ukrainian agricultural products went mainly to Asia (726 thousand tons), Europe (640 thousand tons) and Africa (365 thousand tons). Also, 60.8 thousand tons were sent to Ethiopia and Yemen as part of the UN food program.
According to the ministry, 66.9% of exported agricultural products fell on corn, 21.6% – on wheat, 4.8% – on barley and 6.7% on other agricultural crops: sunflower, rapeseed, bran and pulp.
In turn, Kubrakov emphasized that in August, about 5 million tons of agricultural products were exported from the unblocked and Danube ports, by rail and by road. According to him, this is a record figure since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia.
As reported, on July 22 in Istanbul, at the suggestion of the UN, Ukraine, Turkey and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres signed an initiative on the safe transportation of grain and food products from the Ukrainian ports of Odesa, Chornomorsk and Pivdenny.

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Ukrzaliznytsia exported a record 1.6 million tons of grain since beginning of war

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (UZ) in August 2022 exported a record 1.6 million tons of grain cargo since the beginning of Russian aggression, which is 1.74 times higher than in July (917 thousand tons), this growth was achieved thanks to the unblocking three Ukrainian seaports within the framework of the Istanbul grain agreements.
At the same time, 805,000 tons of grain were transported through land border crossings on the western border last month (in July – 716,000 tons), and 795,000 tons (190,000 tons) were delivered to ports, such data were announced by the Deputy Director of the Department of Commercial Work UZ Valery Tkachev during an online meeting with industry participants on Thursday.
According to him, in August, Ukrzaliznytsia loaded a total of 1.74 million tons of grain cargo into wagons, which is 18.7% of the total loaded volume of 9.28 million tons, and transported a total of 2.08 million tons of grain.
According to him, in August this year, the average daily loading of UZ wagons amounted to 56,000 tons. In early August, this figure varied between 24-40 thousand tons, but with the start of full-fledged operation of the grain corridor under the Istanbul agreements, loading increased to 50-80 thousand tons / day.
“We even have a record for the average daily loading of grain on August 31 – 91.53 thousand tons. I see that we will soon reach the threshold of an average daily loading of 100 thousand tons / day, and I hope that this will be already in September. In general, I see a very positive trend in the transportation of grain cargo,” the Deputy Director emphasized during the meeting.
In August, Ukrzaliznytsia also exported 107.9 thousand tons of sunflower oil, as well as 148.7 thousand tons of all kinds of meal, through land border crossings and ports.
The Deputy Director clarified that over the specified period, the average daily handling of wagons of all types at border crossings dipped slightly – to 1.848 thousand wagons from 1.86 thousand wagons in early August (by 15 wagons per day), however, the transfer of wagons for grain cargo increased by 18 % (+71 wagon/day) – up to 469 grain wagons per day against 398 units. in July.
The UZ representative clarified that by September 1, the total queue of wagons of all nomenclatures at the border had decreased by 21% (or 6.53 thousand wagons) compared to August 1, to 25.12 thousand units. from 31.5 thousand units. At the same time, by the indicated date, 8.48 thousand wagons with grain were in the queue (-15% or 1.5 thousand wagons by August 1), 433 wagons with vegetable oil (half as much) and 605 wagons with meal of all types (- 24%).
“This result was achieved because Ukrzaliznytsia took measures to improve the planning system. Let me remind you that this is the result of the fact that we began to coordinate loading plans according to the algorithm, guided by the delivery indicators for the previous month and taking into account the presence of queues. We are also working with carriers so that they do not inflate the plan, and we confirm only the volume that they are actually ready to take from them at the junction,” Tkachev summed up.

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Ukraine has exported 3.41 million tons of grain crops since beginning of 2022/2023 MY

Since the beginning of the 2022/2023 marketing year (MY, July-June), Ukraine has exported 3.41 million tons of grain crops, including 2.18 million tons of corn (64% of total supplies), 937 thousand tons of wheat (27.5% ) and 274 thousand tons of barley (8%).
As reported on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food on Friday, since the beginning of the current MY, the rate of grain exports has been 2.06 times lower than the same period last year (7.0 million tons were exported from July 1 to August 26, 2021).
At the same time, according to the agency, for the period of August 19-26, 430 thousand tons of grain crops were delivered to foreign markets (61.4 thousand tons daily), while for the previous period of August 11-19 – 770 thousand tons (96 .2 thousand tons daily), for August 5-11 – 340 thousand tons of grain crops (48.6 thousand tons daily), and for July 27-August 5 – 640 thousand tons of grain crops (71.1 thousand tons). tons per day). Thus, the average daily export rates over the past week decreased by 36.1% compared to the previous period.
In general, from the beginning of 2022/2023 MY and until August 26, 2022, Ukraine exported 937 thousand tons of wheat (3.6 times less compared to the same date in 2021/2022 MY), 274 thousand tons of barley (8.7 times less) and 10.1 thousand tons of flour (half as much).
However, the pace of corn exports exceeded last year’s volumes – 2.18 million tons were exported, which is 1.8 times more than in 2021/2022 MY. In addition, this week Ukraine for the first time since the beginning of 2022/2023 MY exported rye, 400 tons of this crop were sent to foreign markets. In total for the week of August 19-26, 240 thousand tons of corn, 154 thousand tons of wheat, 17 thousand tons of barley and 2.7 thousand tons of flour were delivered to foreign markets.
As reported, in MY 2021/2022, Ukraine exported 48.51 million tons of grains and legumes, which is 8.4% higher than in the previous marketing year, despite the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and difficulties with the export of agricultural products due to the blockade of Ukrainian seaports. 18.74 million tons of wheat were delivered to foreign markets (12.6% more than in 2020/2021MY), 23.54 million tons of corn (+1.9%), 5.75 million tons of barley (+35.9%) , 70.9 thousand tons of flour (-44.1%).
In 2020/2021 MY, the country exported 44.72 million tons of grain and leguminous crops: 16.64 million tons of wheat, 23.08 million tons of corn, 4.23 million tons of barley, 126.9 thousand tons of flour and 18.4 thousand . tons of rye.
In 2019/2020 MY, Ukraine exported 56.72 million tons of grain and leguminous crops.


Ukrzaliznytsia has already overcome the mark of 1 million tons of exported grain since the beginning of August

JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” (UZ) for the period from August 1 to 23, 2022 exported 1.16 million tons of grain cargo, which is 28% more than in July (917 thousand tons), including through land border crossings 549 thousand tons were transported on the western border (in July – 716 thousand tons), and 467 thousand tons were delivered to the ports (last month – 190 thousand tons).
For 23 days of August, Ukrzaliznytsia loaded 1.16 million tons of grain cargo into wagons, which is 17% of the total loaded volume of 6.9 million tons, such data were announced by Valery Tkachev, Deputy Director of the Department of Commercial Work of UZ, during an online meeting with participants industry on Thursday.
“In March, we had 41.6 thousand tons in export traffic, in July – 917 thousand tons, and for 23 days of August we already have 1.16 million tons. Congratulations to everyone, I already see that we are gradually increasing the volumes transportation, but this is still not enough. Let me remind you that before the war we transported up to 4 million tons in export traffic per month,” Tkachev said during the meeting.
He explained that such an increase in exports to Ukraine was ensured by the Istanbul grain agreements, which unblocked the export of grain cargo from three seaports in the Odessa region in August.
“The share of grain both in terms of loading, and in the delivery of wagons, and in joints is growing. This indicates that farmers quickly adapt to the military situation and begin to load and transport more,” the deputy director commented on the increase in the share of grain cargo to 17% in August from 14% in July.
According to him, for August 1-23, the average daily loading of UZ wagons amounted to 50.2 thousand tons, while earlier this figure was 39-47 thousand tons.
According to Tkachev, since the beginning of August, Ukrzaliznytsia has exported 71,000 tons of sunflower oil, as well as 78,000 tons of cakes and meals of all kinds.
The Deputy Director specified that by August 23, the average daily handling of all types of wagons at border crossings had dipped slightly – to 1.84 thousand wagons from 1.86 thousand wagons in early August, however, the transfer of wagons for grain increased by 12% – to 444 wagons per day against 390 wagons at the beginning of the month.
The UZ representative clarified that the total queue at the crossings as of August 23 amounted to 27.1 thousand cars of all nomenclatures, while at the beginning of the month it was 14% more – 31.5 thousand cars. At the same time, by August 23, there were 8.7 thousand wagons with grain (-12% against the beginning of the month) and 506 wagons with vegetable oil (-41%) in the queue.
“In general, the transfer of wagons at the joints is increasing, the queues with grain are decreasing, while we still have a difficult situation at the Romanian border crossings (Vadul-Siret – Dyakovo), at the Polish border crossing Yagodyn-Dorohusk, where business has actively gone, and the difficult situation remains at Batevo – Epereshke,” Tkachev summed up during the meeting.

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The volume of electricity exports from Ukraine to the European Union can replace approximately 17% of the Russian gas consumed by European countries, the Ministry of Energy believes.
“According to our estimates, electricity from Ukraine can replace approximately 17% of Russian gas exported to the EU,” Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Mykola Kolesnyk said during a speech at the 25th Gazterm-2022 conference held in Poland on May 16-17.
According to the ministry, Ukraine submitted its proposals to the European strategy REpowerEU, which provide for practical steps to use the export capacity of the Ukrainian energy system.
“The new REpowerEU strategy should provide clear solutions in three aspects: how to replace Russian energy, how to end Russian control over energy assets in Europe, and how to ensure that this situation does not happen again,” the official said.
At the same time, the deputy minister emphasized the need for decisive action by the governments of European states regarding the complete rejection of Russian energy sources, noting that Ukraine remains a reliable partner of Europe in the energy sector and is ready to make a significant contribution to the reliability of natural gas supplies to European countries.
In particular, he drew attention to the possibility for European companies to use half of the capacity of Ukraine’s underground gas storage facilities (about 15 billion cubic meters) for seasonal or strategic gas reserves, which Energy Minister Herman Haluschenko announced in early May.
As reported, the Ukrainian government plans to resume the operation of additional transmission lines with Poland for the export of Ukrainian nuclear energy.

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Ukraine in January-July 2019 exported 243,710 tonnes of poultry, which is 32% more than in the same period in 2018, the State Fiscal Service has reported. According to its data, in monetary terms exports of these products increased by 23%, to $356.57 million.
Poultry and offal imports for the seven months fell by 2.9%, to 71,240 tonnes, in monetary terms by 2.3%, to $28.62 million.
According to the State Fiscal Service, exports of pork in January-July 2019 rose by 2.7% compared to the corresponding period of 2018, to 1,200 tonnes. In monetary terms exports of this product amounted to $2.65 million (1.3%).
Pork imports to Ukraine during this period grew by 11.7%, to 13,580 tonnes. The country received this meat for a total of $25.71 million that is 14% more compared to the previous seven months.

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