Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine cuts pork imports from EU

The total supply of chilled and frozen pig meat in March 2023 from the EU was almost 67% lower than last year, falling to 503 tonnes, the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders has reported.
In monetary terms, Ukraine imported $949,000 worth of pork in March, the data of the State Customs Service was cited by the industry association.
According to its analysts, this is the lowest monthly figure since 2018.
“During March, the average price of pork by slaughter weight in the EU was about $2.54/kg. The price of pork imported to Ukraine fell to $1.88/kg, which is 5.7% lower than in February this year,” the association said, explaining the decline in import activity by higher prices in EU countries compared to prices for domestic products.
“Even the absence of import duties has not made European pork more price-competitive compared to domestic pork. As long as this status quo persists, external supplies of pig meat will remain inactive,” the industry association predicted.
In general, in the first quarter of 2023, pork imports amounted to 3,160 tonnes, which is more than 75% less than in the first quarter of 2022, the analysts said.

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The Experts Club and the Exporters Club analyzed the main export risks in 2023

A new video has been released on the YouTube channel of the Club of Experts, in which the Kyiv-based think tank Club of Experts and the Ukrainian Exporters Club presented a joint study on the main risks facing Ukrainian companies in exporting goods in 2023.

Yevheniia Lytvynova, President of the Ukrainian Exporters Club, emphasized that exporters should consider five key risks for their business: currency risk, payment risk, production risk, transportation risk, and bureaucratic risk.

“Understanding these risks is critical for successful exports, especially in the current geopolitical situation, exporters should consider these risks and plan at least 3 months in advance when cooperating with foreign companies,” Lytvynova said.

The experts also reviewed the state of Ukrainian exports in recent years.

“Over the past year, the situation in Ukrainian exports has undergone significant changes. Poland, Romania, and Turkey have become Ukraine’s main trading partners,” explained Maksym Urakin, founder of the Club of Experts.

He added that in 2022, Ukraine exported goods worth $44 billion, which is 35% less than in the previous year. The main profit in the global market came from the export of grains and vegetable oils, although exports of metallurgical products declined.

The Club of Experts and the Club of Exporters also emphasized the importance of supporting Ukrainian exporters in the current global market environment.

“We recommend Ukrainian exporters to contact our clubs with questions about certification, access to foreign markets and opening production facilities abroad. We are always ready to help and advise,” emphasized Yevgeniya Litvinova.

She urged Ukrainian companies to be active in the global market.

“We want Ukrainian companies to maintain competitive prices for their goods while working with foreign partners. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions related to exports,” added Ms. Litvinova.

Yevheniya Lytvynova urged Ukrainian companies not to lose hope and to actively develop their capabilities.

“Ukrainian exports have great potential, and we believe that cooperation with the Club of Experts and the Club of Exporters will help companies realize it,” she said.

In conclusion, the speakers noted that they plan to devote the next session to imports and import-related risks. They called on all stakeholders to join the discussion and explore new opportunities for the development of export-import business in Ukraine.

The experts also emphasized that in order to enter new export markets and verify counterparties around the world, we suggest that Ukrainian exporters consider products and solutions from Dun & Bradstreet, the world leader in the market of information on legal entities.

Watch the full video here:

You can subscribe to the Club of Experts channel by clicking here:

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Poland changed rules for import of pets from Ukraine since March 27

Poland on 27 March has changed the rules for importing pets from Ukraine, the press service of the Main Veterinary Inspectorate of the country said.
It is noted that under the new rules of importation of animals to Poland, transported animals must meet the requirements of the European Union legislation.
In particular, dogs, cats and ferrets under the standard procedure will be able to accompany travelers if the animal is properly microchipped, has a current rabies vaccination, a current serological test to determine the antibody titer against rabies, and a health certificate in accordance with a sample established by EU legislation, or in certain cases, a valid passport issued in one of the EU member states.
“In order to facilitate movement within the EU, until further notice, Polish services will not require a 90-day waiting period from the date of blood sample collection to test the antibody titer against rabies in serum if the test result is satisfactory (> 0.5 IU/ml) and is indicated on the animal health certificate,” the report states.
It specifies that the Ukrainian official veterinarian must cross out the relevant endorsement of the 90-day waiting period in the certificate of health of the animal, putting his signature and stamp with his name in the margin of the crossed out endorsement.
“The health certificate must be accompanied by documentation of the examination,” the inspection concluded.


Import changes in % to previous period in 2021-2022

Import changes in % to previous period in 2021-2022

Source: and

Import of goods in Jan-Nov 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

Import of goods in Jan-Nov 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021

Source: and


Ukrainian government allows import of raw sugar without approval of State Reserve

The government of Ukraine has abolished the need to obtain the approval of the State Reserve when issuing licenses by the Ministry of Economy to import raw cane sugar to Ukraine within the tariff quota.
The corresponding decision within the framework of the economy deregulation was taken by the government on Tuesday, as quoted by the Vice Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Economy Mykhailo Fedorov.
The issue of optimization of this agreement was previously considered by the interdepartmental working group on the accelerated revision of instruments of state regulation of economic activity, which was chaired by him and First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko.
As it was reported, the Interdepartmental Working Group on Accelerated Revision of the Instruments of State Regulation of Economic Activity was created by the government on January 13, 2023 with the purpose of simplifying the regulatory environment for business.
