Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrgasvydobuvannya” announced tender for MTPL insurance

PJSC Ukrhazvydobuvannya (Kiev) on July 27 announced a tender for compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles (MTPL).

As reported in the electronic public procurement system ProZorro, the expected cost of purchasing services is UAH 4.424 million.

The deadline for submitting documents is July 4.

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“Energoatom” announces tender for motor vehicle liability insurance

On July 26, Energoatom (Kyiv) announced a tender for compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance for owners of land vehicles.

According to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the total expected cost is UAH 99.944 thousand.

The deadline for submitting documents for the tender is August 4.


Joint Stock Company “Ukrainian Defense Industry” announced tender for hull insurance services

Joint Stock Company “Ukrainian Defense Industry” (Kiev) on July 24 announced a tender for the purchase of services of voluntary insurance of motor vehicles (CASCO) reported in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro. As noted, the expected cost of the purchase of services is 488.6 thousand UAH.

Security of the tender offer is not required.

The deadline for submission of bids is August 1.

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“Ukrposhta” holds tender for MTPL insurance with budget of UAH 1.1 mln

The Ukrainian State Postal Communications Enterprise (USPS) Ukrposhta (Kiev) is holding a tender for services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles (OSAGO).

As reported in the electronic public procurement system “Prozorro”, the expected cost is -1.085 million UAH.

Documents are accepted until July 25.

As reported, the winner of a similar tender was IC “Guardian”.

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“Zhytlo-Invest” has announced tender for car insurance

The municipal enterprise Financial Company Zhytlo-Invest (Kiev) of the executive body of the Kiev City Council announced a tender for car insurance on July 14, according to the ProZorro system of electronic public procurement.

According to the system, the expected cost of purchasing services amounted to UAH 70 thousand.

The deadline for submitting tender offers is July 22

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Kharkiv subway has announced tender for insurance of train drivers

KP “Kharkiv subway” on July 13 announced a tender for insurance of train drivers against accidents during the service trip, reported in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro.

The expected cost is UAH 29,682 thousand.

Documents for participation are accepted until July 21, 2023.

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