Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

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20 Серпня, 2019 @ 08:00 - 20 Вересня, 2019 @ 17:00 EEST

In 2019 Ukraine is required to implement new international tax rules at the legislative level in accordance with its obligations . How not only to lose from their introduction, but also to win – will be discussed by representatives of the authorities, consultants and business at the National Forum “INTERNATIONAL TAXATION: TRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS” in Kiev on September 20 .
The new government’s strategies and first steps towards changing the rules of international taxation, combined with best-in-class consultancy practices, will be on the focus of the International Forum for International Taxation: BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION 20 September at the Park Inn Hotel in Kiev .
Due to loopholes and inconsistencies in national and international tax law, companies reduce or evade income tax liabilities, which causes Ukraine to lose budget revenues. Ukraine has announced changes to all 77 tax treaties it has signed. Recall that on February 28 this year, the Verkhovna Rada ratified the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (MLI) .Thus , the new Parliament will immediately submit bills to counteract the erosion of the tax base and profit under taxation.
2020 or 2021? What and when does the President, the new Verkhovna Rada and the Government implement the world transparencies of business in Ukraine?
What to change this autumn in the legislation of Ukraine with regard to strengthening the control of international transactions?
What should business do for normal operation in the new global transparency?
When and how is the automatic information exchange system operating in Ukraine?
What will be the strength of TP control in 2019-2020?
How to minimize risks in the new conditions?
How to protect business from the pressure of controlling bodies and avoiding penalties?
Forum Speakers :
Gabriela Miranda , Project Manager in Ukraine , Eurasia Program, OECD
Sergey Verlanov , Chairman of the DPS
Danylo Getmantsev , Member of Parliament of the 9th convocation , President of the Association of Tax Advisers
Elena Makeeva , Chairman of the Board of Directors Audit firm ” Aksenova and partners ”
Geneva Group International, Deputy Minister of Finance (2015-2016), Advisor
performing duties of head of DFS
Anna Sergiychyk, Manager of RoyaltyRange
Maksym Lavrynovych, Managing Partner, Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm
Dmytro Savchuk , Associate Partner, Lavrynovych & Partners Law Firm
Tetyana Ostrykova , Member of Parliament of Ukraine, 8th convocation, eepert in international taxation
Nina Yuzhanina , Member of Parliament of Ukraine, 9th convocation
Alexander Lepetyuk , Acting Director of the Department of Transfer Pricing and International Taxation of the State Tax Service of Ukraine
Lyudmila Palamarchuk , Director of the Department , Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
Oleksiy Zadorozhny, Head of the Department of Profit Tax Methodology of the Department of Methodological and Rulemaking Work of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Yevhen Kozlov, Senior Project Manager, Reform Support Office at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
Evgeniya Abrosimova , Partner, Head of the Transfer Pricing Department of Audit- Invest I
Ivan Shynkarenko, Partner, KM Partners
Oleksandr Shemyatkin , Partner, KM Partners
Vyacheslav Kruglyak , Head of the Transfer Pricing Audit Department of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Tatiana Savchuk, auditor of ID Legal Group . Head of ID Legal Transfer Pricing Practice
Tatiana Kamenska , Chairman of the Audit Chamber of Ukraine
Irina Sivolap , Head of the Interaction Department for Transfer Pricing of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Olga Yelchenko , managing partner of “Audit- Invest ”
Andrey Segal , lawyer, contract partner of AMBER Law Firm
Victoria Fomenko , partner, head of the practice of tax and customs law international law firm « INTEGRITES »
CEOs, CFOs, heads of financial and tax services, chief accountants and heads of legal departments of leading Ukrainian and international companies.
by phone: +380 (44) 394 88 83, +380 (93) 029 84 07 , or e- mail :
The Forum is held with the participation of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Tax and Customs Policy, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Partners of the Forum are: – RoyaltyRang e – Strategic Partner; Audit- Invest is a partner; Forum partners -, ID LEGAL GROUP , UK ” Amber “, Law firm EUCON , Law firm “KM Partners” , Integrites , OOO “Borey”. Information partners – Interfax-Ukraine – General News Partner; Ukraine Business Review; Ukrainian News Agency, Observer , ACC , MaxEvents , TAX Link .
Organizers Forum: Journal “Rating. Business in official numbers, Market.Info Agency .


20 Серпня, 2019 @ 08:00 EEST
20 Вересня, 2019 @ 17:00 EEST
Теги Подія:
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11 Вересня, 2024
08:16 EEST