Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

IC “Opeca” made changes in composition of governing bodies

Supervisory Board of JSC “Insurance Company ‘Opeca’ (formerly – IC ‘Point’, Kiev) on June 6 terminated the powers of the head of the Board of Directors Oleg Bazaliy and a member of the Board of Directors Marina Dudnik, reported in the official information of the insurer, posted in the system of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market.

It is also noted that they have held office since December 2022 and no one has been elected instead of them.

In addition, the nabsovet terminated the powers of a member of the Board of the company Svetlana Sukhorukova by agreement of the parties.

As reported, the National Bank of Ukraine on April 1, 2024 granted permission to JSC Insurance Company Opeca to exit the market by executing the insurance portfolio and agreed on the exit plan.

According to the statements presented by IC “Opeca” for 2023, the insurance portfolio of the company was formed at the expense of payments on health insurance (continuous health insurance) – 65%, accident insurance – 13%, insurance of land transport (except railway) – 10%.

The volume of insurance premiums of the company in the specified period amounted to UAH 9,871 mln, formed insurance reserves – UAH 1,194 mln. For 2023 the insurer has paid out insurance indemnities in the amount of UAH 4,554 mln. The share of the company on insurance premiums in the insurance market makes 0,02%.

IC “Opeca” has been working in the insurance market since 2003. It specializes on risk insurance.


“Epicenter” continues to invest in Ukraine, will complete 5 shopping centers and logistics complex by end of 2024

Epicentr Group continues to invest in the development of all business areas and plans to complete the construction of five shopping and entertainment centers in different regions of Ukraine and a logistics complex in Khmelnytsky by the end of 2024.

“This year, we are planning to build five shopping and entertainment centers and a large logistics complex in Khmelnytsky. The timing of commissioning of these facilities will depend on a number of factors, but the company plans to complete their implementation by the end of 2024,” Epicenter K CEO Petro Mykhailyshyn said in an interview with Property Times.

According to him, the first stage of the complex in Khmelnytskyi will amount to 57 thousand square meters, and further expansion to 80 thousand square meters is planned.

According to Mr. Mykhailyshyn, Epicenter’s current retail projects include more than 1.5 million square meters of new retail space and the creation of more than 16 thousand jobs. The company’s future plans include the construction of new shopping malls in Lviv, Kyiv, Dnipro, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia and other cities, as well as the reform of outdated facilities.

In addition, the company intends to invest in other business areas, including energy. For example, Epicenter intends to purchase 1-6 MW gas-piston power plants to power its businesses and later shopping centers. As Mykhailyshyn told Forbes Ukraine, the total capacity of the gas generators will be about 100 MW, and the estimated investment in the project is estimated at UAH 2.2 billion.

The Epicenter Group is an omnichannel ecosystem that unites the Epicenter and Nova Liniya retail chains, the online store, the Epicenter-Agro agricultural holding, the Epicenter Ceramic Corporation ceramic tile production plants, the Osmoloda woodworking plant, and logistics facilities.

Before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Epicenter chain included more than 80 shopping centers in all regions of the country. The war destroyed seven shopping centers in Mariupol, Nikopol, Bucha, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Kherson (two). Another three sites (in Melitopol, Kramatorsk and Kharkiv) are out of operation due to the occupation of Ukrainian territories, shelling or proximity to the war zone. As of June 5, the group’s retail network comprised 71 stores under the Epicenter and Nova Liniya brands.

Despite the significant losses, the retailer continues to invest in the economy: in 2022-2023, the company invested over UAH 14.2 billion in various projects. In general, the Epicenter Group’s investment plan until 2030 envisages the development of projects in retail, manufacturing, agriculture, logistics, e-commerce, and energy for a total of approximately UAH 100 billion.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, the members of Epicenter K LLC are Oleksandr Gerega (51.3%), Halyna Gerega (47.97%), and Tetiana Surzhyk (0.73%).

Lithuanian Center for Restoration of Museum Valuables will help restore 100 paintings by Primachenko – Ministry of Culture

The Pranas Gudinas Center for Restoration of Museum Valuables of the Lithuanian National Museum of Art will help restore 100 paintings by Maria Primachenko, the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and Information Policy said.

“The center is the main training base for restorers of movable art treasures in Lithuania, particularly paintings and tapestries. Master classes, seminars and lectures related to the preservation and care of museum collections are held here,” the press service of the Ministry of Culture said in a statement following a visit to the Center by acting Minister of Culture and Information Policy Rostislav Karandeev.

The Center’s restorers have already examined and restored more than 50 paintings and 1,000 graphic works from Ukrainian museums, and another 600 works and at least two Ukrainian interns are expected in the near future.

“In addition, in the near future in this center will be restored 100 paintings by Maria Primachenko from the state part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine from the funds of the communal institution ‘Zaporizhzhya Regional Art Museum’ of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Council”, – stated in the message.

As of today, paintings from the Ukrainian Khanenko Museum are being restored, and Lithuanians are also restoring a Ukrainian carpet from Mariupol.


Thunderstorms, hail, squalls in Kyiv on June 10 Hydrometeorological Center

On Monday, June 10, it will be cloudy in Kyiv and Kyiv region, with clearings, short-term rains, thunderstorms, hail and squalls of 15-20 m/s are forecast.
According to the Ukrainian Weather Center, the temperature in the region will be 15-20° at night and 25-30° during the day; in Kyiv, 18-20° at night and 26-28° during the day.
Due to the expected hail and squalls in Kyiv and Kyiv region on Monday, the first level of danger (yellow) has been declared.
“Experts recommend avoiding being near large trees, billboards, power lines, and not parking vehicles near them during a thunderstorm. You should also tightly close the windows of houses, remove objects that could fall out from unglazed balconies and loggias,” the statement said.

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Real GDP percentage changes over previous period in 2014-2023

Real GDP percentage changes over previous period in 2014-2023

Source: and

Canada extends duty-free import of goods from Ukraine until June 9, 2025

Canada has extended for another year – until June 9, 2025 – the exemption of Ukrainian goods from customs duties, the relevant customs notice is published on the website of the Canadian government.
“We are sincerely grateful to our Canadian partners for supporting the Ukrainian economy by increasing exports and temporarily eliminating customs duties and trade fees on imports from Ukraine. This is an invaluable contribution to our resilience,” First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko commented on the decision in a tweet.
This decision ensures the continuation of duty-free imports of Ukrainian products to Canada, which began on June 9, 2022.
According to the State Statistics Service, exports of goods from Ukraine to Canada in the first quarter of 2024 increased by almost 2.7 times to $47.43 million, while imports decreased by 43.9% to $45.42 million.
Overall, exports of goods from Ukraine in the first quarter of this year decreased by 2.8% to $10 billion 60.85 million, while imports increased by 1.7% to $15 billion 751.91 million.

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