Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

State enterprise “Energoatom” announced tender for MTPL insurance

State enterprise NAEK Energoatom (Kiev) on November 20 announced a tender for compulsory insurance of motor liability of owners of land vehicles (MTPL).
As reported in the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the total expected cost is UAH 111.1 thousand.
The deadline for submitting tender documents is November 28.


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INGO Insurance Company increased insurance premiums by 23.5%, payments by 32%

INGO Insurance Company (Kyiv) collected insurance premiums in the amount of UAH 2.46 billion for 9 months of 2024, which is 23.5% more than in the same period last year, the company said in a statement.
It is noted that, according to experts of the National Association of Insurers of Ukraine (NASU), this corresponds to the average growth rate of the Ukrainian insurance market for the reporting period, which is 23%.
The company also reports that during the reporting period, there was an increase in demand for insurance products in the hull insurance segment (+25.3%), MTPL (+35.5%), property insurance (+47%), health insurance for those traveling abroad (+51.3%), and accident insurance (+25.7%). At the same time, both the number of clients and the volume of premiums increased in property and motor insurance.
It is also noted that revenues from individuals increased by 35% to UAH 735 million. At the same time, premiums in the corporate insurance segment increased by 19% to UAH 1.73 billion. According to the National Insurance Agency of Ukraine, INGO is the leader in this segment.
During the reporting period, INGO paid more than UAH 1.08 billion in indemnities, which is 32% more than last year. The largest amounts were paid under voluntary health insurance contracts – over UAH 419 million, hull insurance – UAH 328 million, property insurance – UAH 273 million. Over UAH 184 million was reimbursed for losses incurred by agricultural producers.
As of November 1, 2024, the company’s reserves increased by 11%, reaching almost UAH 2 billion, and equity increased by 16% to UAH 1.34 billion. At the same time, highly liquid assets amounted to UAH 3.02 billion, which is 3% more than last year.
During the reporting period, INGO increased the amount of taxes paid to the budgets of all levels by 23% to UAH 185 million.
By the end of 2024, INGO expects a further increase in insurance premiums due to market concentration and the introduction of new technologies. Particular attention will be paid to the digitalization of processes to improve customer service, the statement said.
INGO Insurance Company JSC holds licenses for 18 classes of insurance and has been providing insurance services to both individuals and companies for 30 years. Its network includes 25 branches, 5 offices and 9 customer service centers operating in all regions of the country. The company is one of the largest insurance companies in Ukraine in terms of premiums, own assets and insurance claims.
Since 2017, the main shareholder is the Ukrainian business group DCH.


Austria to provide €10 mln in support to Ukraine

Austria has pledged to provide additional humanitarian support to Ukraine in the amount of EUR 8 million and will also provide EUR 2 million for the Ukrainian initiative Grain from Ukraine, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said.
“And today I can announce that we have committed to provide additional humanitarian support to Ukraine in the amount of EUR8 million: EUR5 million for the World Food Programme’s mine action program and EUR3 million for humanitarian assistance through international organizations working in Ukraine and Moldova,” said Schallenberg at a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Andriy Sibiga on Wednesday.
He also announced the allocation of additional funds for the Grain from Ukraine initiative.
“And I am pleased to announce that we will provide EUR2 million in addition to the EUR2 million allocated by the Austrian Development Agency for the Grain from Ukraine initiative, which I believe is important to reduce the impact of Putin’s war on global food security,” the minister said.
The foreign minister noted that at the bilateral level alone, his country provided EUR264 million in support to Ukraine, which was directed to humanitarian and financial assistance.


Ukraine sowed 6.14 mln hectares of winter crops, exceeding last week’s figure by 140 thousand hectares

As of November 19, farmers in all regions of Ukraine sowed more than 6.14 million hectares of winter crops, up from 6 million hectares last week, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.
According to the report, almost 5.06 million hectares were sown with winter crops, which is 98% of the forecast. In particular, winter wheat has been sown on 4.4 million hectares (4.3 million hectares a week earlier), which is 98% of the forecasted area under the crop, barley – on 610.5 thousand hectares (577.8 thousand hectares) and 96%, rye – on 68.6 thousand hectares (68.1 thousand hectares) and 97%, rapeseed – on 1.08 million hectares (1.07 million hectares) and 96%.
Agrarians in 14 regions have completed sowing winter grains, and 12 regions have completed sowing winter rapeseed.
According to the Ministry, the leaders in terms of winter grain sowing are farmers in Odesa – 760 thou hectares, Dnipro – 532 thou hectares, and Mykolaiv – 503.1 thou hectares.
As of November 14, a year earlier, Ukraine planted 5.8 mln ha of winter crops, including 4.022 mln ha of wheat, 506 thou ha of barley, 77 thou ha of rye, and 1.159 mln ha of rapeseed.

In Kiev tomorrow and day after tomorrow rain, snow, snowstorm possible

On Thursday, November 21, moderate snow is expected in western regions of Ukraine at night and in some places light snow in the afternoon, reports Ukrhydrometcenter. The temperature at night 0-5 °, in the Carpathians up to 8 ° frost, in the afternoon about 0 °.

In Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Vinnitsa and Cherkassy regions, wet snow and rain, heavy precipitation in some places at night, sticking wet snow. The temperature at night and during the day is 0-3° of heat. In the rest of the area moderate, in some places heavy rains. Temperatures are 5-10° warm at night, up to 14° in Crimea, 7-12° during the day, 13-18° in the south-east of the country. In the western, most northern and Vinnitsa regions there is icy road ice on the roads.

The wind is predominantly north-westerly, at night on the Left Bank southern, 7-12 m/s. Throughout Ukraine, except for western and most northern regions, gusts of 17-22 m/s.

In Kiev at night heavy, in the afternoon moderate rain and wet snow, icy roads. The wind is north-westerly, 7-12 m/s. The temperature at night and in the daytime 0-2° of heat.

According to the Central Geophysical Observatory named after. Boris Sreznevsky, the highest temperature during the day on November 21 in Kiev was recorded in 1926 and amounted to 16.1 ° heat, the lowest at night – 15.3 ° below zero in 1890.

On Friday, November 22, at night without precipitation, only in the eastern regions and in the extreme west of the country, in the afternoon in Ukraine, except for southern and eastern regions, moderate snow, snowstorm, in the Carpathian region significant snow;

Wind south with transition to north-western, 7-12 m/s. In the southern part, in the afternoon in central and northern regions gusts of 15-20 m/s in some places.

In the west, most of the north, Vinnitsa and Cherkassy regions, roads are icy.

The temperature at night is 1-6° frost, in the south of the country about 0°. During the day in western and northern regions from 3° frost to 2° warm, in the rest of the territory 0-5° warm, in the south of the country 6-11° warm.

In the Carpathians, light snow at night and heavy snow in the afternoon. Temperatures at night 5-10°, in the afternoon 2-7° of frost.

In Kiev, no precipitation at night, snow, snowstorm, south wind, 7-12 m/s, gusts of 15-18 m/s in the afternoon. The temperature at night 3-5° of frost, during the day 0-2° of heat.


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American Chamber of Commerce office in Kyiv is closed today due to possible air attack

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine is closed in Kyiv on November 20 and recommends that U.S. citizens be prepared to take shelter immediately in the event of an air raid alert.
The office of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kyiv (AmCham) is also closed today. The organization’s team is available online.