Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ancient Slavic amusements, horse riding, the masters fair, hot dishes and drinks, the New Year`s Residence and thrilling flash mobs will be waiting for the guests of Ancient Kyiv. On December, 22 -25, and also December, 29-30 the guests will see an interactive musical performance, the main characters of which will be the horses and the actors of the theatre of Ancient Kyiv.
On the night from December, 31 2018 starting from 20:00 on January, 1 2019 a grandiose New Year`s night celebration will take place in Ancient Kyiv!
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:00.
The ticket price for December, 22-30: a full adult ticket – 150 UAH, for pensioners and students – 100 UAH, for schoolchildren – 50 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
The ticket price for the New Year`s night: a full adult ticket – 395 UAH, for pensioners and students – 250 UAH, for schoolchildren – 150 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the Principality of Kyivan Rus is not far from modern Kyiv – only in a 45-minutes’ drive – in the Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, vill. Kopachiv. Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station (the exit from the metro to the «Fourchette» supermarket), according to the schedule on the website.
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for the adult ticket (at full price) to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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PJSC Ukrnafta in January-November 2018 increased production of oil and gas condensate by 5.1% or 65,000 tonnes year-over-year, to 1.324 million tonnes, the company’s press service has reported.
Over the period average daily oil production was 4,000 tonnes (5.1% more than a year ago).
The company recalled that positive dynamics was observed thanks to the resumption of operation at wells at six fields, which Ukrnafta was forced to stop in the second half of 2017, as well as thanks to measures aimed at intensifying production at the existing well stock.
According to the company, gas production in January-November 2018 decreased by 3.1% (by 32 million cubic meters), to 986 million cubic meters, and the production of liquefied gas – by 5.7% (6,000 tonnes), to 100,000 tonnes.
In general, in January-November 2018, Ukrnafta carried out 14 hydraulic fractures, completed the overhaul of 97 wells, and carried out 80 operations to intensify production.
“Thanks to the overhaul, as of the end of November, an additional 51,600 tonnes of oil and condensate were produced, as well as 68.1 million cubic meters of gas. Intensification of operations added 24,100 tonnes of oil and 7.1 million cubic meters of gas,” the company said.
Ukrnafta predicts to increase in annual oil and condensate production by 5% by the end of 2018 compared to the planned figure (1.38 million tonnes), to 1.45 million tonnes. Gas production could grow by 11%, to 1.08 billion cubic meters (the target is 0.97 billion cubic meters, production in 2017 amounted to 1.11 billion cubic meters).
Ukrnafta is the largest oil producing company in the country.
Naftogaz Ukrainy owns 50% plus one share in Ukrnafta and companies associated with the former shareholders in PrivatBank own about 42%.

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Prices of residential property could grow by up to 20% after elections in 2019, according to the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine.
“The situation of 2018 will partially continue in 2019. Property prices in Ukraine will gradually increase. At the beginning of the year, there will not be a sharp increase in prices, but after the elections, the price of residential property would rise by up to 20%,” the confederation said in a press release.
In the opinion of the confederation, prices in 2019 will be affected by high supply and low demand, an increase in interest rates on loans, a rise in wages, prices for building materials, logistics, and fuel. At the same time, the demand of buyers will be stimulated by a competent project concept, quality of construction, and pricing policy.
The confederation also plans together with the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry to review a number of national construction standards, as well as to complete the discussion of bills on the protection of investors who are victims of frauds on the market and on long-delayed construction projects.
According to the press release, in 2019, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) expects growth in the lending pace on the real estate market. At the same time, the rate of lending to the population increased by 40% in 2018, the confederation reported with reference to the NBU.
According to the confederation, in the current year, the elite class housing became cheaper – the average price of one square meter in Kyiv in 2018 amounted to UAH 53,000, which is 13% lower than in 2017; at the same time, economy class housing has risen in price by almost 14% compared with 2017, to UAH 19,000 per square meter.

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The European Union (EU) continues the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine local empowerment, accountability and development programme and would provide EUR 50 million for the implementation of the second phase of the programme. The press service of Deputy Prime Minister, Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Minister Hennadiy Zubko has reported that this was discussed at a meeting of the deputy prime minister with Head of the Support Group for Ukraine in the European Commission Peter Wagner and Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Ukraine Stefan Schleuning.
“We continue successful cooperation with the U-LEAD project. The road map of cooperation will remain the same, since Ukraine’s agreement with the EU on cooperation under this project complies with the European Charter of Local Self-Government. By the end of January 2019, together with our international partners, we will prepare action plan 2020 and on its basis we will propose the structure of the Central Reform Office. We have many new tasks, in particular, work on electoral legislation and cartographic works for modeling the processes in the regions,” Zubko said.
According to him, now the country, in particular, the central and local authorities, the parliament, and local authorities, faces a number of tasks, the implementation of which will lead to the successful implementation of the decentralization reform. This is the creation of a new territorial base and the holding of elections in 2020 on the new administrative and territorial map of Ukraine.
The deputy prime minister said that synchronously, local governments, regional administrations and more than 10 ministries should advance in the creation of the sub-regional level and their own territorial structures.
“In 2020, the issue of the new electoral legislation on local elections will appear. And we will propose changes to the legislation. We will insist on involving the public in the electoral process. Time is short – two years. This is very little for these tectonic changes. However, we have strong support from international partners,” Zubko said.

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