Business news from Ukraine

Agrarians have threshed 22.3 mln tons of crops for 2024 harvest

Agrarians in all regions of Ukraine have already harvested 22.325 million tons of new crops from 5.872 million hectares, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported on Friday.
According to the report, more than 19 million tons of grains and more than 3 million tons of oilseeds have already been harvested.
It is specified that 14.7 million tons of wheat have been harvested from 3.502 million hectares at a yield of 42 c/ha, 3.8 million tons of barley from 1020.2 thousand hectares at a yield of 37.9 c/ha, 416.3 thousand tons of peas from 189.8 thousand hectares at a yield of 21.9 c/ha.
Ukraine also continues harvesting oilseeds. In particular, more than 3 mln tons of rapeseed have been harvested from 1086.3 thou hectares with a yield of 28.3 c/ha and 0.3 thou tons of soybeans from 0.2 thou hectares with a yield of 19.3 c/ha.
Also, the top three in terms of grain harvesting are farmers of Odesa region – 733.3 thou hectares, Dnipropetrovska – 630.7 thou hectares, Mykolaivska – 536.5 thou hectares. Khmelnytsky region is the leader in terms of yield with 64 c/ha.
Farmers in Poltava region have completed harvesting early grains and pulses.


Ukraine exported 60 mln tons of cargo via sea corridor in 11 months

The Ukrainian Sea Corridor has transported 60 million tons of cargo in 11 months of operation, the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) reported on Facebook.
“60 million tons – the cargo turnover of the ports of Greater Odesa for 11 months of the Ukrainian Corridor,” the USPA said in a statement on Friday.
It is noted that 40.6 million tons of this volume are grain cargoes. They were exported to 46 countries.
“The bulk carrier Manta Hacer with 25.2 thousand tons of Ukrainian humanitarian wheat is moving through the Ukrainian corridor to Yemen. This is another vessel chartered by the UN World Food Program,” the USPA said.
The Administration emphasized that despite the war and the enemy’s insidious shelling of port infrastructure, including hangars for storing agricultural products, Ukraine remains a key player in the issue of global food security. This is especially true for grain exports to Asia and Africa.
Earlier it was reported that during the 10 months of operation of the Ukrainian Sea Corridor, cargo exports reached a record high of 55 million tons. In mid-July, it reached 57.55 million tons.

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Forecast of changes in discount rate of National bank of Ukraine, %

Forecast of changes in discount rate of National bank of Ukraine, %


“Uglepromtrans” transported 2 mln tons of coal from Metinvest’s Pokrovskoye coal group

Since the beginning of the year, Uglepromtrans LLC, a member of Metinvest Group, has transported 2 million tons of coking coal and coal concentrate within the framework of Metinvest Pokrovskugol, which manages the enterprises of Pokrovsk Coal Group (Pokrovskoye).
According to the company, Vuglepromtrans trains are responsible for delivering premium concentrate to customers. Despite the war, the railroaders are working in a stable mode, increasing their speed and shunting operations.
In addition, it is reported that locomotive crews at Shakhtnaya station are providing railcars for loading coal concentrate to their main customers, Pokrovskoye Mine Administration and Svyato-Varvarinskaya Concentrator.
Currently, the rolling stock service employs 63 people, and one in four of them is a diesel locomotive driver.
As reported, in 2023, Vuhlepromtrans railroaders built 68 meters of track and three turnouts. The plans for this year are to lay another turnout and 60 meters of track, which will facilitate access to the diesel locomotive garage.
Nikolay Vishnevsky, Director of Vuglepromtrans, noted that in the face of a full-scale invasion, Metinvest transformed its business in a timely manner and set up logistics to maintain key production facilities and, most importantly, retained its staff.
“Metinvest created Metinvest Pokrovskugol, which manages the Pokrovske Coal Group’s enterprises. It includes, among others, Pokrovske Mine Administration and Svyato-Varvarinskaya Concentrator.
Svyato-Varvarinskaya Enrichment Plant is a premium coal concentrate producer in Ukraine. Its production capacity is about 8 million tons of raw coking coal per year with the ability to enrich five different classes of coal.
Pokrovskoye (formerly Chervonoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya No. 1) is Ukraine’s largest coking coal producer.
The major shareholders of Metinvest B.V. are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding Group (23.76%), which jointly manage the company. Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.

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Embassy of Egypt in Ukraine held a reception on occasion of 72nd anniversary of Revolution on July 23

On July 23, 2024, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Ukraine Ayman Elgammal held a diplomatic reception on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the Revolution of July 23, 1952.

On July 23, Egypt celebrates a public holiday – the Day of the Revolution of 1952, which resulted in the overthrow of the feudal monarchical regime of King Farouk and the establishment of a republic.

In 1953, Egypt was proclaimed a republic. Since 1971, the official name of the country is the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The solemn event on the occasion of the holiday was attended by honored guests: heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Ukraine, representatives of the leadership of state authorities, including Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa Maksym Subkh, Islamic religious figures, members of the Egyptian diaspora, educators and cultural figures.

At the beginning of his speech, Ambassador of Egypt to Ukraine Ayman Elgammal congratulated all those present on an important date in the history of the Arab Republic of Egypt, highlighted the main stages of Egypt’s formation as a sovereign country and economic achievements over the past 10 years – during the revolution that took place on June 30, 2013 and the establishment of the third Egyptian Republic in 2014.

In his speech, Mr. Ambassador emphasized that our countries have established close friendly relations in political, economic, commercial and investment spheres.

“The trade balance between Egypt and Ukraine before the coronavirus pandemic and the current war was $2.1 billion, and in 2023 it amounted to about $1.3 billion. Egypt is still the main trading partner for Ukraine in Africa and the Middle East and the seventh trading partner in the world, and the beginning of this year shows progress in returning the trade balance to pre-war levels,” the diplomat said.

He also emphasized that Egypt and Ukraine have a long history of cooperation in the space sector, and the first Egyptian satellite was designed and built in Ukraine with the participation of Egyptian experts.

In his speech, the Head of the Diplomatic Mission elaborated on the recent history of Egypt after the 1952 revolution, when his country witnessed the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973, where more than 30% of the country, namely the Sinai Peninsula, was occupied for 6 years and, like Ukraine, underwent severe trials.

However, Egypt managed to liberate all of its lands not only through military force, but mainly through diplomacy, applying to the International Court of Justice to return the last disputed territory, the Egyptian city of Taba, even 16 years after the end of hostilities in 1973.

Drawing on this page of history, the Ambassador emphasized his country’s unwavering position in support of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as these principles have defined Egypt’s position on all conflicts, including Ukraine, since 2014.

“In addition, Egypt believes that no conflict can be resolved by military means alone, as diplomacy plays a primary role in resolving any conflict, so we participated in the Arab Ministerial Liaison Committee on the Ukrainian Crisis, which was established by the Arab League and at the initiative of African presidents after the outbreak of full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine. During the OAS Summit27 , President Al-Sisi called on world leaders to work toward a peaceful resolution of the war in Ukraine. In addition, Egypt supports all efforts of the parties to resolve the conflict peacefully,” the diplomat said.

On behalf of the Ukrainian government, the Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa, Ukrainian diplomat and historian Maksym Subkh expressed congratulations on the occasion.



Ukraine issued first licenses for production of alcohol distillates to small producers

Ukraine has issued the first two licenses for the production of alcohol distillates and spirits to small producers from Odessa and Kiev regions, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has reported.

The Ministry reminded that small entrepreneurs were given the opportunity to license production after the government adopted a resolution simplifying the obtaining of production licenses. For example, small producers have received the right to submit, instead of a production certificate, a declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of small distillate production with the requirements of the legislation, registered by the State Service of Ukraine on food safety and protection (Gospotrebsluzhba).

“Prior to the adoption of regulations, the craft spirits segment in Ukraine was absent or operated in the shadows due to the complex regulatory framework. Now producers have the opportunity to create their own business and process agricultural products into value-added products that will be in demand in domestic and foreign markets,” the report says.

In addition, the current legislation provides grounds for the development of drinks with special qualities and characteristics, which can be registered as geographical indications and become a visiting card of Ukraine, to stimulate the development of gastrotourism.

Continuation of small business development in the sphere of alcoholic beverages production is the Law “On State Regulation of Production and Circulation of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol Distillates, Bioethanol, Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products, Tobacco Raw Materials, Liquids Used in Electronic Systems” recently signed by the President of Ukraine. The document, in particular, provides for simplification of regulation of the activities of small wineries, small producers of distillates and small producers of beer, drew attention in the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

