Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Vasyl Lozynskyy released from pre-trial detention center on bail

Lawyers have paid 2.5m hryvnyas for the former deputy minister.

Former Deputy Minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of Ukraine Vasyl Lozinsky was released from custody on bail of UAH 2.5 million, as reported by journalist Tetyana Nikolayenko.

“Lawyers suddenly somewhere scraped for a bail of 2.5 million, and made it. And they did it just under the vacation of Judge Shkodin, who had favored Lozinsky before. That’s what automatic distribution of cases makes omnipotent. And friendship of relatives of the judge and the defendants of the case”, – she wrote.

We will remind, Lozinsky received a bribe for assistance in concluding contracts for the purchase of equipment and machinery at inflated prices. As wrote ZN.UA, we are talking about the purchase of generators. Against this background, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dismissed Lozinsky from the post of Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

In addition, July 21, UAH 20 million bail for former MP Maxim Mykitasy, suspected of attempting to bribe the mayor of Dnipro.

The court also allowed Mikitas to go to Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions from August 2 to 7 for family reasons.

The next hearing in the case of Mikitas is scheduled for August 4.

We will remind, in October, the judge appointed Mikitasy bail in 260 million UAH, but the appeal reduced it to 100 million UAH. Some time later, the bail was reduced to UAH 85 million, then to UAH 80 million, later to UAH 40 million and lastly to UAH 20 million.

National Bank has excluded IC “Kyivska Rus” from state register

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) on July 21 excluded from the State Register of Financial Institutions PJSC IC Kyivska Rus (Kyiv) in connection with the revocation of licenses for the provision of financial services, according to the regulator’s website.

As reported, the licenses were revoked on July 11, 2023 in connection with the insurer’s failure to submit reports for the year 2022, failure to submit information and documents at the request of the National Bank and the company’s failure to eliminate the identified violations in the time specified by the regulator (June 8, 2023).

According to the last submitted to the NBU statements of PJSC IC Kyivska Rus for the nine months of 2022, the amount of insurance payments amounted to UAH 85,4 mln, of which UAH 76,9 mln was transferred to reinsurance. The insurer has not made payments during the specified period.

Earlier, on May 8, 2023 the NBU has applied to IC ‘Kyivska Rus’ a measure of influence in the form of temporary suspension of licenses in connection with non-submission of reports for the first half of 2022 and for 2022, as well as actuarial report for 2022.

The company also did not submit the report on corporate governance and information on key risks and results of stress testing for 2022, did not provide information and documents at the request of the NBU.

Private JSC IC Kyivska Rus carries out activities on voluntary and compulsory types of insurance other than life insurance.

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Export of important goods from Ukraine in Jan-March 2023 to 2022

Export of important goods from Ukraine in Jan-March 2023 to 2022

Source: and

“Ovostar” increased sales of core products by 56%

Agro-industrial group Ovostar Union, one of the leading producers of eggs and egg products in Ukraine, in the first half of 2023, despite a decrease in egg processing by 8%, increased sales of its main products by about 56.1% due to higher prices and increased sales of egg products.

According to the company’s report on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, the average price of eggs in January-June 2023 increased 67% year-on-year to $0.127/egg.

Egg sales fell 11.6% to 478 million eggs, while export egg sales jumped 62.5% to 208 million eggs and the share of exports in this segment rose from 24% to 43%, the document said.

According to it, the volume of egg processing in the first half of 2023 decreased by 1% to 213 million pieces: the company reduced production of dry egg products by 26.1% to 1,050 tons, but increased production of liquid ones by 31.3% to 6,232 tons.

At the same time, sales of dry egg products increased by 57.7% to 1,219 tons, while sales of liquid products increased by 33.8% to 6,083 tons.

Exports of dried egg products jumped 106.6% to 878 tons, while exports of liquid products jumped 50.8% to 2,801 tons, bringing their share of sales in these segments to 72% from 55% and 46% from 41%, respectively.

The average price of dry egg products increased by 10% to $8.78/kg, while the average price of liquid egg products increased by 39% to $2.55/kg.

It is noted that overall, Ovostar reduced egg production in the first half of 2023 by 8% against the first half of 2022 to 732 million eggs, but the number of hens increased by 16.6% to 7.3 million in the year to June 30, including laying hens up 5.8% to 6.54 million.

“Production and sales plans have been aligned with current market conditions both in Ukraine and abroad, resulting in a reasonable balance between local and export revenues. Overall, the administration is pleased with the group’s operating performance for the first six months of the year,” the release quotes a comment from the company’s CEO Boris Belikov.

He noted that in the first half of 2023, the group continued to operate in a business environment affected by the ongoing Russian armed aggression, but the management took all possible steps to mitigate war-related risks, with a focus on creating a safe working environment for staff.

As reported, in 2022, Ovostar reduced egg production by 9% to 1.55 billion eggs and sales by 6% to 1.08 billion eggs. At the same time, sales of dry egg products decreased by a third to 2.13 thousand tons, liquid – by 26% to 10.62 thousand tons.

The company earned $6.09 million in net income in 2022, 3.7 times more than in 2021. Its revenue for last year increased 1.7% to $135.63 million.

“In the first quarter of 2023, Ovostar decreased egg production by 2% to 362 million eggs, but increased its sales by 4% to 241 million eggs,” the company said. At the same time, sales of dry egg products increased by 23.8% to 531 tons, while sales of liquid egg products increased by 40.3% to 3,063 tons.

Given these sales and pricing metrics, total revenue for the three product categories was estimated at $46.3 million, up 68.1% from $27.6 million in the first quarter of last year.

As a result, the company reported a 70.7% increase in revenue to $47.30 million and a net income of $8.98 million instead of a net loss of $16.44 million in the first quarter of 2022.

V Summer All-Ukrainian Boxing Gymnasium took place in Uman

The V Summer All-Ukrainian Boxing Gymnasium took place in Uman, where boys and juniors from Ukraine and Kyiv took part.

The following boxers became champions from Kyiv:

? Kirill Tkachuk, 2010, 1st category, 42 kg

? Mykola Dobrolyubov, 2009, 1st category, 66 kg

? Pasichenko Oleksandr, 2008, KMS, 48 kg

? Adrian Krasnopilskyi, 2008, KMS, 54 kg

? Konstantin Gayevsky, 2009, 1st category, 54 kg

? Maidukov Mark, 2009, 1st category, 48 kg

? Kravchenko Mykyta, 2010, 1st category, 57 kg

The President of the Kyiv City Federation Oleksandr Nehoda congratulated the young Kyiv residents on their victory.

“We have a good team and systematic work, which is aimed at constantly holding open rings where our boxers can gain combat practice,” said Oleksandr Nehoda.

According to the president of the boxing federation, the next events that athletes and coaches are preparing for are the World Gymnasium in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), which will take place on August 19-27, as well as the European Championships in Maribor (Slovenia), which will take place on August 15-26, 2023.

The gymnasium is held to stimulate the development of physical culture and sports among students of general secondary education institutions of the II-III levels.

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Consensus forecast of risks for economy of Ukraine from NBU

Consensus forecast of risks for economy of Ukraine from NBU

Source: and