Business news from Ukraine

Heat map of risks for financial sector of Ukraine

Heat map of risks for the financial sector of Ukraine

Source: and

International Register of Losses to collect claims from Ukrainian citizens has started working

The International Register of Losses is projected to receive up to 8 million applications from victims of Russian aggression, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.

“Today in The Hague should start working the International Register of losses, where all Ukrainians who suffered from Russian aggression will be able to apply. First of all we launch the fixing of damaged or destroyed housing. Applications will be submitted through “Dia”, everything is maximally digitalized and convenient, “- said Shmygal at a government meeting on Tuesday.

Prime Minister noted that according to forecasts, only in the housing segment the Register will receive from 300 to 600 thousand applications from the victims.

“In total, we expect up to 8 million applications from all those affected by the war in one way or another. Consistently and purposefully realize the principle “Russia will pay” and create a precedent of material responsibility of the aggressor for the losses caused by them,” – said Shmygal.

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Kyiv Employment Center compiled TOP-10 most common vacancies

The majority of job offers are for blue-collar occupations. In addition, there is a growing demand for professionals such as teachers, doctors, economists, and accountants.

Thus, Kyiv employers are most often looking for specialists in the following areas:

– Education (teachers (109 vacancies, salary – up to UAH 20 thousand), educators (47 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand);
– healthcare (doctors (159 vacancies, up to UAH 40 thousand), nurses / medical brothers (134 vacancies, up to UAH 43 thousand);
– Economics (economists (60 vacancies, up to 32 thousand UAH), accountants (166 vacancies, up to 43 thousand UAH);
– industry (engineers (196 vacancies, up to UAH 110 thousand), installers of electronic equipment (200 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand), mechanics (224 vacancies, up to UAH 30 thousand), turners (32 vacancies, up to UAH 22 thousand);
– transportation (drivers (167 vacancies, up to UAH 44 thousand);
– trade and consumer services (salespeople (302 vacancies, up to UAH 25 thousand), cashiers (76 vacancies, up to UAH 17 thousand, cooks (125 vacancies, up to UAH 45 thousand), cleaners (239 vacancies, up to UAH 18 thousand), loaders (63 vacancies, up to UAH 30 thousand).

Employers offer job seekers official employment, competitive salaries, social package (may include housing issues), organization of vocational training directly at the workplace.

With the help of the Kyiv ILC, job seekers can acquire a new profession or upgrade their skills in an existing one using one of the employment assistance programs:
– training by certificate
– training by voucher;
– training for veterans at vocational education institutions of the State Employment Service.

Since the beginning of 2024, more than 2.1 thousand employers in the capital have informed the Kyiv City Employment Center of 5.5 thousand vacancies.

Currently, the database of the Kyiv City Employment Center contains more than 2.8 thousand vacancies: 1200 for employees and workers and almost 400 for people without a profession or specialty.

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China’s economy grew by almost 5% in first quarter

China’s economy grew by about 4.8% year-on-year in the first quarter, Bank of China forecasts.

Domestic consumption grew stronger than expected. Manufacturing investment increased, production is also recovering steadily, and the trend of industrial upgrading and transformation is evident, according to the bank’s report cited by Xinhua news agency.

A positive factor for Chinese exports was the increase in global demand and improved sentiment in global trade.

Bank of China analysts expect that the second quarter will see an improvement in China’s service sector, resulting in an acceleration of the country’s GDP growth to 5.1%. This will also be facilitated by the authorities’ actions aimed at maintaining significant investment in infrastructure through the use of a wide range of policy instruments.
Earlier Experts Club think tank and Maxim Urakin released a video analysis of how the GDP of the world’s countries has changed in recent years, more detailed video analysis is available here –
Subscribe to Experts Club YouTube channel here –

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Forecast of dynamics of changes in Ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Forecast of dynamics of changes in Ukrainian GDP in % for 2022-2025 in relation to previous period

Source: and

Ukraine exported record 339 thsd tonnes of barley in March

In March 2024, Ukraine exported 339 thsd tonnes of barley, which is a record for the season, while prices for Ukrainian barley on the world market have leveled with corn, which contributes to the growth of demand, according to the analytical cooperative “Start”, created within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council (AAC).

Analysts predict that Ukraine will be able to export another 200 thousand tons of barley in April and May.

“In the fodder group of grains, prices have formed in favor of barley: corn is $10/ton more expensive than barley. Thus, Ukrainian barley has become more competitive and is in demand from the EU and Turkey. The main barley trade takes place in Odesa ports, where the notional price is about $145/ton. We predict that the price tags will rise by another $1-2 per ton this week,” the experts said.

They said that barley prices on the domestic market have also increased.

“A week ago, processors could buy barley at 4700-5000 UAH/ton, as of April 2, real prices rose to 5200-5400 UAH/ton on a CPT basis,” Pusk stated.

Experts also noted that barley is actively sown in Ukraine.

“The sowing campaign continues, almost 292 thou hectares have been sown, which is a normal pace. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, barley planted areas will amount to about 810 thou hectares. The main regions where barley is cultivated are Odesa and Mykolaiv. The farther away from the port the region is located, the lower the profitability of barley cultivation there,” they explained and added that the indicative prices of the new barley harvest are $145-155 per ton on CPT port basis.
