Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine plans to approve roadmap for introduction of BIM technologies in construction

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine intends to instruct the Ministry of Regional Development to submit a roadmap for the introduction of BIM technologies in construction for its consideration before the end of 2020.

The issue was included in the draft plan of priority actions of the government for 2020, approved at the Wednesday government meeting.

The Cabinet also plans to instruct the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Digital Transformation to develop and submit for consideration the changes in the procedure for the examination and approval of construction projects regarding the examination of project documentation using BIM technologies.

In addition, according to the draft plan, the government intends to instruct the Ministry of Regional Development by the end of the year to develop changes to the procedure for the development and approval of building codes, simplifying the procedure for their development, to bring the regulation on the central fund of building codes in line with the current legislation, and also to normalize the issue of applying international forms of contracts in major construction.

The Ministry of Regional Development is also to issue a resolution on the transfer of national standards for pricing in construction into the status of estimated norms and standards to simplify the procedure for determining the cost of construction before the end of the year.

The Cabinet also expects to complete the liquidation of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate and the creation of new bodies in the field of architectural control in November this year.



The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) a part of the Green Cities Framework 2 will provide a senior loan of up to EUR 28.5 million to Communal Enterprise Spetskomuntrans to finance the rehabilitation and modernisation of solid waste infrastructure in the City of Khmelnytsky estimated at EUR 36.5 million.
The decision was made by the bank’s board on September 2, EBRD Senior External Relations Advisor Anton Usov has told Interfax-Ukraine.
The senior loan split into several tranches co-financed by up to EUR 5.0 million investment grant from the EU Neighbourhood Investment Platform and up to EUR 3.0 million local contribution.
The phase I of the project will address the city’s urgent investment needs with respect to the rehabilitation of the existing landfill, the construction of a new engineered sanitary landfill in compliance with the EU standards adjacent to the old one, the acquisition of new landfill equipment to ensure sustainable operation of the new landfill, and improvements of the solid waste collection and transportation systems co-financed from the city’s budget.
The phase II of the project includes the construction of a new material recovery facility for non-organic waste and a separate composting facility for pre-sorted organic waste that will reduce the share of solid waste going to the landfill by promoting recycling and providing a modern solid waste management infrastructure with respect to sorting and composting. The project will ensure that a long-term, sustainable solid waste management strategy is properly implemented.

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Ukrainian metal and mining enterprises in January-August 2020 decreased rolled steel output 1.5% year-over-year, to 12.337 million tonnes.
According to the Ukrmetallurgprom association, steel smelting fell by 6.2%, to 13.742 million tonnes, cast iron output by 0.9%, to 13.599 million tonnes.
In August 2020, Ukrainian metal companies produced 1.69 million tonnes of rolled steel, 1.887 million tonnes of steel, and 1.858 million tonnes of cast iron.
As reported, Ukrainian metal and mining enterprises in 2019 cut rolled steel output by 1% year-over-year, to 18.4 million tonnes. Steel smelting fell by 1%, to 20.8 million tonnes, cast iron output by 2%, to 20 million tonnes.

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Ireland’s low-cost airline Ryanair (Dublin) is increasing the number of flights from Kyiv to Berlin (three more flights per week). From October 27, 2020, they will be operated daily, the company’s press service said on Wednesday.

Ryanair said that this decision was made due to high demand from both German and Ukrainian consumers.

The service will be available throughout the winter season.

“Ryanair is pleased to announce that it will operate daily flights from Kyiv to Berlin starting October 27, 2020. Ryanair’s Ukrainian customers can now book a trip to Berlin at the lowest fares and with a new set of health measures that Ryanair has implemented to protect its customers and crew members,” the press service said, citing Sales and Marketing Manager in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans at Ryanair Olga Pawlonka.


Naftogaz plans to focus its efforts on the growth of new hydrocarbon resources and, for this purpose, increases the role of the geological direction, the director of the Exploration and Production division of the group, Oleksandr Romaniuk, has said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
“It all starts with geology. We want to create the best geological expertise in the region, we believe that we can do it. We have a strong geological school, which began to be supported by legionnaires, including our guys who worked in Western companies. We now have a new head of the geological direction, who grew up in foreign oil and gas companies. But we do not need expertise for the sake of expertise. We want to radically change the situation with the resource base, so we are changing the structure,” he said.
According to him, in order to gain access to all available geological information and developments of scientists, the group signs agreements with Nadra Ukrainy, the Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute, the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
“In addition, we attract external expertise, which will help structure and more correctly determine the goals. We have created an expert council on the basis of the division, which attracted people who built the industry and have unique knowledge about Ukrainian subsoil,” Romaniuk added.
The top manager of Naftogaz noted that the group’s priorities are areas where it is possible to increase proven reserves from 50 billion cubic meters, since the company’s existing resource base does not compensate for the natural decline in production.



The Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers has approved a decree on the implementation of the National Operator in the Tobacco Products Market pilot project.
“On behalf of the minister, please, put the Cabinet of Ministers’ draft decree on the implementation of the National Operator in the Tobacco Products Market pilot project on the agenda,” Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture Svitlana Panaiotidi said during a government meeting on Wednesday.
The decree was approved with a three-day revision.
The document was drafted by the Economy Ministry along with the Finance Ministry in order to strengthen control and take urgent steps to combat tax evasion, smuggling and counterfeit in pursuance of the instructions of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, as well as following the conciliatory meetings held at the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) with the participation of the Economy Ministry, the Finance Ministry, the Interior Ministry, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU), Svitlana Panaiotidi said.
According to the deputy minister, this pilot project will be implemented by the end of 2021.
