Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


On August, 8 and 9 in the «Kyivan Rus Park» the Festival of Medievality «Bylinas of Ancient Kyiv» will take place. A rich program with the performances based on ancient legends, big horse shows, the reconstructions of the medieval battles, horse-trick shows, a lot of colorful medieval amusements, master-classes, delicious food prepared on open fire, horse riding and a lot of interesting things from the life of the Middle Ages will be waiting for the guests.
Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 14:00.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 250 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 80 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, the vill. Kopachiv.
Details on the website
The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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There are no victims among the employees of the Embassy of Ukraine in Lebanon and their families as a result of the blasts in Beirut, Head of the Crisis Management Department of the Consular Service of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine (MFA) Maksym Kovalenko has said, adding that the embassy was checking whether there are Ukrainians among the explosion victims.
“There are no victims among the embassy employees and their families. The hot line works at the embassy and Foreign Ministry. Our diplomatic mission is checking whether there are Ukrainians among blast victims,” he told Interfax-Ukraine on Tuesday evening.
As reported, three massive explosions rocked Beirut port on Tuesday, August 4. A massive fire started on the scene. Firefighters and medical workers, including representatives of the Lebanese Red Cross, are operating on the spot.
An emergency alarm has been sent to all hospitals in Beirut.
According to initial reports, the tragedy occurred due to a fire at the pyrotechnics warehouse. Later, Health Minister of Lebanon Hamad Hasan said that the blast went off on a vessel loaded with pyrotechnics.



Ukraine is developing an ambitious economic strategy for Donbas and in September its roadmap may be presented to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, said Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine – Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, First Deputy Head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group Oleksiy Reznikov.
“Ukraine is currently developing an ambitious new economic strategy for the east of the country. A key focus is the development of the parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions currently under Ukrainian control. This approach is perhaps best described as a Ukrainian take on the notion of “special status” for the region, with the goal of transforming the investment climate and implementing a new economic model at the regional level. According to his idea, this process should begin to gain momentum as soon as possible in the regions of Donbas, which are currently under the control of the Ukrainian government, and then it could spread to the regions occupied by Russia after their liberation.
Reznikov said that investors work in hot spots in the modern world, and he held dozens of conversations with foreign diplomats, international business representatives and Ukrainian investors who are much more concerned about the state of the Ukrainian justice system than proximity to the front lines.
“Our goal is to create a special investment regime in the part of Donbas controlled by Ukraine. We consider the extension of the rules of international commercial arbitration to the region as an integral part of these plans. Additionally, the Ukrainian state should assume at least some of the insurance burden against the kind of political and military risks that are hard for investors to predict. To help make this approach sustainable, we envisage a special-purpose fund to encourage and assist investments rather than relying on donor aid,” he said.
The Deputy Prime Minister hopes to present to the Ukrainian government a roadmap for the economic development of Donbas in September. “It will then take an estimated six months to prepare the necessary bills. This will require expert input. Ideally, this input would come direct from potential future investors,” he said.
Reznikov drew attention to the need to “set the right tone from the outset. This is not a matter of crisis relief for the Donbas, but a bid to create an advanced and innovative economic zone that can have a positive impact on the whole of Europe.”
In his opinion, in the context of the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic, Ukraine is ideally suited for diversifying production outside China and having high-quality production facilities closer to the EU countries, and the Donbas region has many specific characteristics necessary to play a leading role in this process.
Reznikov considers it obvious that in the seventh year of the war, the Russian interpretation of “special status” is unacceptable for Donbas.
“Rather than helping to resolve the conflict, Moscow’s approach is tailor-made to precipitate the disintegration of Ukraine. The sooner this dead end model is discarded, the better. A durable peace can only be achieved by creating a brighter future for the people of eastern Ukraine that undermines Russia’s ability to destabilize Ukrainian society,” he said.
Ukraine’s deputy prime minister drew an analogy that European investment could create a “new era of growth opportunities” in Donbas, as they once turned the region into one of the continent’s industrial engines in the nineteenth century.
Reznikov also pointed out that the aggression of the Russian Federation “destroyed the Donbass of the pre-war era” and it is already pointless to talk simply about “restoring the region”, and instead, one should focus on creating a new economy.
“The rebuilt and renewed Donbas can become the center of new approaches to production. The tragedy of the war has turned Ukraine’s industrial centers into ruins, but this devastation also creates space for bold innovations and original thinking, which are not always possible in more developed economic conditions,” he said.



National bank of Ukraine’s official rates as of 05/08/20

Source: National Bank of Ukraine


Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of August 05

One troy ounce=31.10 grams



Biopharma pharmaceutical company (Kyiv) has accumulated about 150 liters of plasma from 118 donors who have had coronavirus (COVID-19) for the production of the drug for COVID-19, and the same amount is needed to create an experimental series.
The company informed Interfax-Ukraine that it is necessary to collect 300 liters to create the first experimental series of drugs.
“Not everyone who is diagnosed has developed antibodies, but they are the main weapon against the disease. However, there are cases of asymptomatic course of the disease. That is why everyone who donate plasma in our centers is tested for antibodies to COVID-19,” said the president of the company, Kostiantyn Yefymenko.
He called on Ukrainians, representatives of government, business and public activists to help attract donors who have overcome the coronavirus.
He said that if antibodies are detected, the collected plasma is used to create a drug for coronavirus, if there are no antibodies, then other drugs are made from donated blood.
Biopharma also reports that clinical trials of use of Bioven in the symptomatic treatment of coronavirus are completed. This drug is also produced from donated plasma. In particular, according to the company, during the Bioven research, Ukrainian and international experts noted that it reduces the severity of the cytokine storm and helps stabilize the condition of seriously ill patients.
“The preliminary results of the studies are extremely encouraging: everyone who took Bioven, observe the stabilization of the general condition up to two days after taking the drug, followed by a decrease in manifestations of respiratory failure,” the company reported.
As reported, clinical effectiveness trials of domestic drugs AMIZON MAX (produced by Farmak), Amiksin IC (Interchem), Bioven (Biopharma) and Corvitin (BHFZ) are underway in Ukraine.

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