Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


PJSC Odesa Port-Side Chemical Plant, following negotiations with the gas supplier, Agro Gas Trading LLC, has agreed to resume the independent sale of carbamide in the amount of 5,000 tonnes, which will allow it to receive additional technical refurbishment for at least UAH 3-5 million per month, the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has said.
“The new supervisory board, together with the management of the plant, held talks with the gas supplier, during which the parties achieved significantly better conditions for the plant under the current contract … The price of processing under the contract was also increased,” the press release said.
According to the report, SPF Head Dmytro Sennychenko instructed the supervisory board of the plant no later than mid-January 2020 to announce an open tender for a gas supplier for the enterprise.
He also indicated that preparations for the privatization of the plant are ongoing, as scheduled.
As reported, in early November the SPF appointed deputy head of the SPF Serhiy Ihnatovsky new head of the plant supervisory board. Previously he served as director of the legal department of MES invest Ukraine LLC, Mriya Trading LLC.

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RUSH LLC (Dnipro), the owner of the Eva perfume and cosmetics stores chain in Ukraine, plans to open the fourth distribution center in Odesa in 2021, Executive Director Olha Shevchenko has said in an interview with the Investory News publication.
“In 2020, we plan to increase the number of distribution centers to four. Currently, we are looking for a site in Odesa to launch a retail center in 2021,” Shevchenko said.
According to her, by the end of the year, the company also intends to expand the Eva network in Ukraine to 970 stores, as well as open 180 new outlets in 2020. The cost of opening one store is UAH 1-1.5 million, and the payback period is 2-4 years.
“Our plans are to expand the network to 970 stores by the end of the year. These are 210-212 new stores per year. [For 2020,] the plan is the same as it was for the current year – 180 stores. Mostly these will be western regions, where we are not yet represented as widely as in central and southern regions,” the director said, answering a question about plans for next year.
In addition, the retailer intends to launch a pilot store of a new format in the shopping and entertainment center in Dnipro in December 2019, and in 2020 – five more such stores in Kyiv and other cities.
“We have launched a fundamentally new format in test mode, whose working name is Eva Beauty so far. We will pay more attention to beauty categories. But home goods and household chemicals will not be presented there at all. This concept is designed for shopping centers, although it has the right to live in street retail,” Shevchenko added.
The company plans next year to launch its own courier delivery service in Kyiv, as well as increase the number of points of delivery of goods with online shopping.
According to Shevchenko, investments in the development of the Eva network in 2019 amounted to about UAH 400 million, half of which was invested in logistics and the development of e-commerce. At the same time, in 2016-2018, investments in the network amounted to UAH 800 million.
“The main area of investment [next year] will be the development of information technology, e-commerce and logistics,” the director said.

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Enterprises managed by the State Space Agency of Ukraine (SSAU) in January-September 2019 manufactured products worth over UAH 3.046 billion and sold products UAH 3 billion and almost UAH 370 million of net profit was earned, the press service of the agency has reported.
According to the information presented at the meeting of the Collegium of the SSAU, in January-September 2019, two Antares launch vehicles (LV) were launched (a joint project with the United States), two launches of Vega LV were made (a joint project with the EU), and a control system was delivered to support manned space flight missions to the Soyuz LV. The first stage of the Antares LV, which will be launched in the first quarter of 2020, was sent to the spaceport in the United States.
“Over the first nine months of this year, industry enterprises manufactured products worth more than UAH 3.046 million, sold products worth more than UAH 3 billion. Production volumes increased by 9.3%,” the SSAU said in the press release issued after the meeting.
In particular, state-owned enterprise (SOE) Pivdenne (Yuzhnoye) Design Bureau increased the volume of commodity production by 19.4%, SOE Arsenal plant by 29%, State Enterprise of Special Engineering Arsenal by 204.9%, and SOE Kyivprylad production association by 88.9%.
“Products worth UAH 2.43 billion were exported (20% more than in the corresponding period of 2018). The share of product exports of total sales is 78.8%. Import volumes amounted to 3.1% of exports. That is, the industry remains export-oriented. In January-September 2019, the enterprises received net profit of UAH 369.68 million. Their profitability was 12%. The nominal average monthly wage in the industry increased by 5.8% compared to the beginning of the year and amounted to UAH 9,296,” the SSAU said.
According to the press release, speaking to the participants of the meeting, acting SSAU Head Volodymyr Mikheev said that “in the third quarter, the industry worked in extreme conditions.”
“First of all, due to minimal financing, the lack of government procurement order for the production of space technology, the space program for 2020 that has not been approved so far. However, thanks to its powerful engineering and production potential and skillful marketing, the industry worked profitably using the production opportunities of non-space sphere,” the agency’s press service said, quoting Mikheev as saying.
“After discussing the issues on the agenda, the Collegium adopted a decision aimed at further improving the industry and successfully completing the tasks of 2019,” the press service said.


Donbasenergo has been focusing considerably upon social and economic development in
the area where there is Sloviansk TPP, a town-forming undertaking of Mykolaivka United
Territorial Community, keeping up its growth strategy as socially responsible business.
UAH 22 million of out-of-pocket expenses was placed by Donbasenergo in
development of design specifications and estimates, procuring for the state expert
appraisal of projects, along with design and survey works within the ambit of cooperation
with Mykolaivka United Territorial Community in 2016-2019.
Thus, a master plan shaping the progression of Mykolaivka was developed in 2017,
including the area zoning plan awarded a positive opinion from experts in 2018. Detailed
territorial plans for four sites have been rendered complete. There were over UAH 1
million Donbasenergo's investments.
One of the community vital projects undertaken on a turnkey basis in 2017 was the
sports ground of the comprehensive school No. 3 of Mykolaivka. The company has put
UAH 1.6 million in it.
Donbasenergo's resources were used in the full-scale renovation projects of the
infectious diseases department of the Central District Hospital and Polyclinic drafted in
2018, also covering the construction of the town temple. Today, the construction of St.
Spiridon's temple is already broadly underway.
For more than 2.5 years, a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation has
been in place between PJSC Donbasenergo and Mykolaivka Municipal Council, under
which priority areas for the development of the partnership have been identified: the
reconstruction of utilities infrastructure, overhaul of roads and lighting networks, amplified
facilities, public service & resources inflows in school and pre-school educational
institutions. The Energy Provider has undertaken to develop design specifications and
estimates for priority projects in respect of Mykolaivka United Territorial Community.
In 2019, Donbasenergo prepared projects for the reconstruction of municipal school
No. 1, boarding school, Avanhard town stadium, as well as reconstruction and landscaping
of the town park along Lesi Ukrainky Street totalling UAH 5.2 million.
The population of Mykolaivka United Territorial Community is 17 thousand people,
25 % of whom are children and teenagers, 55 % are of working age, and 30 % are the
For reference: As of December 01, 2019, 60.86 % holder of PJSC Donbasenergo is
ENERGOINVEST HOLDING Private Joint Stock Company, 25 % + 1 share are held by the
state represented by the State Property Fund of Ukraine, 14.14 % holders are other
minority shareholders.
PJSC Donbasenergo unites two power plants: Sloviansk and Starobeshevo TPP
(the latter has been located in the territory beyond the control of Ukraine since 2014).
Since March 2017, due to the suspension of management, annual performance indicators
of assets located in the temporarily occupied Donetsk region are not included in
Donbasenergo records of accounts.
The installed capacity of Sloviansk TPP is 880 MW.


National Energy Company Ukrenergo with continued low demand on electricity in the unified power transmission system of Ukraine restricts imports of electricity as much as possible, Ukrenergo Head Vsevolod Kovalchuk has said.
“In the unified power transmission system, we have a situation of reduced demand: due to weather and a low level of industrial production. Therefore, we almost completely limit the opportunities for importers by making adjustments to schedules: during night hours is zero imports and for daylight hours a small amount of imports,” he said at a meeting of the national energy regulator on Tuesday.
The head of Ukrenergo also said that, given the current situation, it is difficult to predict the likelihood of return of large volumes of electric energy imports to the unified power transmission system before the end of December.
“Until the end of December, it is very difficult to predict whether there will be significant volumes of imports that we observed in the first half of October,” Kovalchuk said.
According to Interfax-Ukraine, imports from Belarus, after its termination on December 2, resumed in small volumes on December 7. In the last two days it has been 350 MW, excluding the period from midnight to 8 am, when it is zero.
Imports from Russia, which stopped on December 5, are still completely absent.



Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of December 12

One troy ounce=31.10 grams
