Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


The Roshen confectionary corporation (Kyiv) plans to build a dairy farm on the territory of Letychiv-Agro LLC (Khmelnytsky region) in 2021.
“Now we have a dairy herd of a little more than 1,000 heads. The average milking is 32 tonnes of milk per day. With the construction of the second farm, we will have 1,500 heads of the dairy herd, and the total livestock will be 3,000 head,” Roshen Corporation President Viacheslav Moskalevsky told reporters in Kyiv on Tuesday.
According to him, in 2020, it is planned to develop a project for the future dairy farm, in 2021 to begin construction.
As reported, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine allowed Moskalevsky to acquire Letychiv-Agro LLC through PJSC closed non-diversified venture corporate investment fund Konditerinvest (Kyiv).
This acquisition will enable the corporation to increase its cattle livestock capacity.
The land bank of Letychiv-Agro is 4,000 hectares.
Roshen Corporation, one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in Ukraine, includes Kyiv, Kremenchuk (Poltava region) confectionery factories, two production sites in Vinnytsia region, Dairy Plant Bershadmoloko (Vinnytsia region), two production sites in Lipetsk region (Russia), confectionary facilities in Klaipeda (Lithuania), and Bonbonetti Choco factory (Hungary).

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The net profit of Citibank (Kyiv) in January-September 2019 totaled UAH 1.55 billion, which is 1.6 times more than a year ago (UAH 994.33 million), according to quarterly financial statements of the bank.
According to the statements posted on the website of the bank, net profit in Q3 2019 totaled UAH 565.15 million, which is 1.5 times more than a year ago.
Net interest income in January-September 2019 increased 38.2% compared to the same period in 2018, to UAH 1.44 billion.
Bank assets since the beginning of the year grew by 15.7%, to UAH 28.74 billion, including cash and trading assets increased 1.6 times, to UAH 11.81 billion and to UAH 2.24 billion, respectively, and investments in government bonds – 5.1 times, to UAH 3.46 billion. At the same time, loans to customers decreased 46.7%, to UAH 3.810 billion.
According to the results of January-September, the bank’s liabilities grew by 15.9%, to UAH 26.12 billion.
The bank’s net worth for this period increased 14%, to UAH 2.62 billion, while the charter capital remained at UAH 200 million.
Citibank was founded in 1998. It is a subsidiary of the American Citibank NA.
The largest shareholders of the financial institution as of January 1, 2019 were Citibank Overseas Investment Corporation (67%) and Citicorp Leasing International LLC (33%).
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of July 1, 2019, Citibank ranked 15th among 76 banks in terms of total assets.



The agricultural division of the Epicenter K Group has launched two new silos and expanded the capacities of two more silos in Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regions and the number of own silos grew from six to eight and their total storage capacities expanded to over 800,000 tonnes.
According to the group’s press release, two new silo complexes were launched in Vinnytsia region: Vendychany (Mohyliv-Podilsky district) with a storage capacity of 120,000 tonnes and Vapniarka (Tomashpil district) with a storage capacity of 200,000 tonnes.
In addition, the reconstruction of the Vinnytsia elevator was completed, as a result of which its storage capacity was increased to 168,000 tonnes, the capacity of the Zakupne silo complex (Khmelnytsky region) also increased by 60,000 tonnes – after reconstruction, the enterprise can dry and store 105,000 tonnes of grain.
The investments of Epicenter K in the development and reconstruction of the silo business amounted to about UAH 3 billion.
According to the group, in the current season the new and upgraded silos of the company plan to accept about 50,000 tonnes of grain from external depositors for refinement and storage.
The Epicenter K said that the construction of a new silo in Vinnytsia with a capacity of 208,000 tonnes recently began. Work on the completion of the third phase of the Zakupne silo complex with a capacity of 184,000 tonnes is underway, as well as the restructuring of two more enterprises – Pererobnyk in Kyiv region, which storage capacities will expand by 105,000 tonnes, and Nemyriv silo complex in Vinnytsia region, where grain storage volumes will increase by 104,000 tonnes.
After the implementation of all projects, the silo grain storage capacity until the end of the 2019/2020 agricultural year will expand to 1 million tonnes. The company plans by the end of the 2020/2021 agricultural year to increase the company’s grain storage capacity to 2 million tonnes.
The total cost of projects for the development and reconstruction of silo complexes is estimated at UAH 4.6 billion.

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Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of November 05

One troy ounce=31.10 grams



The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has improved macro forecasts for 2019-2021: the assessment of real economic growth this year has been increased from 3% to 3.5%, in the next year from 3.2% to 3.5% and in 2021 from 3.7% to 4%. The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture has improved the assessment Ukraine’s GDP growth in 2019 from 2.8% announced in the May forecast to 3.5%, according to the updated macroeconomic forecast of the government.
The conservative estimate of the government provides for 12% GDP growth in Ukraine over three years, and the optimistic one for 17.8%, said MP Oleksiy Honcharenko (the European Solidarity parliamentary faction).
The World Bank, taking into account the results of H1 2019, has improved its forecast for gross domestic product (GDP) growth in Ukraine in 2019 from 2.7% to 3.4%, expecting that it would accelerate to 3.7% and 4.2% in 2020 and 2021 respectively.
Ukraine’s GDP growth will reach 3.2% in 2020 with a further acceleration to 3.6% in 2021, Morgan Stanley predicts.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine at first reading adopted the draft national budget for 2020 (bill No. 2000), which is based on the spring macro forecast of the Ministry of Economy and provides for budget revenues in the amount of UAH 1.079 trillion, expenses some UAH 1.17 trillion with a deficit of 2.09%.
The Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, has endorsed an action plan for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting with Chairman of the Japan-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Association Eysuke Mori has discussed possibilities for deepening economic and investment cooperation between Ukraine and Japan, the press service of the Office of the President has reported.
The deficit of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in January-August 2019 increased 16.7% compared with January-August 2018, to $5.843 billion, the State Statistics Service has reported.
The current dynamics of consumer prices allows expecting a decrease in inflation in annual terms in October to below 7%, Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Yakiv Smolii has said.
Actual inflation in Ukraine in September 2019 was lower than the forecast of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) published in the Inflation Report (July 2019), the regulator’s website reported.
Consumer prices in Ukraine after a decline in August by 0.3% and in July by 0.6% grew by 0.7% in September, Ukraine’s State Statistics Service said on Wednesday.
The deficit of Ukraine’s national budget in January-September 2019 was estimated at UAH 20.675 billion, including UAH 26.12 billion, which is the deficit of the budget’s general fund alone, the State Treasury Service reported on Friday.
The deficit of the general fund of the national budget of Ukraine in January-September 2019 amounted to UAH 25.8 billion and was financed by borrowings, the Ministry of Finance said in a press release on the website.
The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has raised its forecast for the country’s international reserves at the end of this year from $21.7 billion to $22.9 billion, the next year from $22.8 billion to $23.9 billion.
The international reserves of Ukraine in September 2019, according to preliminary data, decreased by 2.6%, to $21.438 billion due to significant repayments on government debt, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) said on its website.
Industrial production in Ukraine in September 2019 decreased by 1.1% compared to September 2018 after a decrease of 1.7% in August and 0.2% in July, the State Statistics Service has reported.
Ukraine’s transport companies in January-September 2019 carried 3.167 billion people, which is 5.7% less than in the same period in 2018, the State Statistics Service has reported.
The volume of construction work in Ukraine in September 2019 increased by 11.3% compared to September 2018, while in August 2019 compared to August 2018 this figure rose by 8.9%.
Retail trade turnover in Ukraine (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) in January-September 2019 in comparable prices increased by 9.8% compared with January-September 2018, the State Statistics Service has said.



National bank of Ukraine’s official rates as of 05/11/19

Source: National Bank of Ukraine