Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Lviv-based Yavoriv Enerho 2 LLC will construct a wind farm with a capacity of 50 MW in Yavorivsky district, Lviv region. The project envisages the installation of 25 wind turbines with a capacity of 3.5 MW to 5 MW each at a distance of 400 to 800 meters from each other. The wind turbines will be 100 to 166 meters high. The total area of the wind farm will be 1 hectare. It will annually generate around 180,000 MW per hour.
In addition, Wind Power GSI Volyn, the owner of Yavoriv Enerho 2 LLC, plans to construct a high-voltage substation 100 kW on the area of 2 hectares and a TRDN split-winding transformer for receiving and sending generated power to the power grid.
It is also planned to modernize high-voltage equipment at the Lviv Zakhidna substation 330 kW (1-2 units 35 kW-110 kW).



A small percentage of Ukrainians are familiar with the contents of the Constitution of Ukraine, according to a survey conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation together with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center for the Center for Political and Legal Reforms. According to the release published on Thursday, almost half of the population (47%) has not read the text of the Constitution and about a third (32%) read only certain sections of it. Only 11% of the population is familiar with all sections. Of those who are acquainted with the contents of the Constitution, half did it in order to know their rights.
Almost half of the respondents (46%) know that, according to the Constitution, the people of Ukraine are the bearers of sovereignty and the source of power in the country, while 34% believe that the president is such a subject, with 8% found it difficult to answer this question.
“The majority of respondents (58%) view the Constitution as a means of securing human rights and freedoms, and at the same time only 17% of respondents believe that it should establish responsibilities for a citizen,” organizers of the survey said.
Among the majority of respondents, the conviction remains that the highest state bodies and officials constantly (38%) or often (43%) violate the Constitution. Among the reasons for the violation of the Constitution, most often mentioned was the neglect of laws and the right of officials (59%).
Almost two thirds of respondents (60%) are convinced that violation of the Constitution is unacceptable under any conditions and only 11% admit that the authority can violate the Basic Law if it contributes to faster decisions that will benefit society. At the same time, 18.5% believe officials can violate the Constitution if the goal is to benefit society.
“In relation to violations of the Constitution, Donbas region is highlighted, where 31% of respondents believe violating the Constitution is warranted if doing so benefits the public interest,” survey organizers said.
More than two thirds of those polled (67%) said the Constitution needs to be changed, with 35% believing this a topical issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Some 32% are sure that such changes are necessary, but only after the situation has stabilized in the country. Only 12% do not see the need to change the Constitution, while 20% don’t have an opinion.
The prevailing view is that an independent body including representatives of various branches of government and independent experts should propose changes to the Constitution. This position was supported by 37% of respondents. Only 18% believe the task should be entrusted to a special agency under the president, with 17% saying a special parliamentary commission should propose the changes. Only 13% said they would entrust the task to scientists and expert organizations of civil society.
If the new Constitution is adopted, the citizens consider the All-Ukrainian referendum as the best way to approve it (41%). Some 24% are ready to entrust this matter to a specially selected body and 19% to parliament.
More than half of citizens (56%) do not trust the Constitutional Court, while 22% of respondents trust the Constitutional Court.

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On June, 28, 29 and 30 «The Kyivan Rus Park» invites to celebrate the Constitution Day of Ukraine in a place where our statehood was born, and to spend the holidays and weekends in fresh air with thrilling medieval amusements, horse-trick shows, horse riding and tasty dishes prepared on a bonfire.
To the Constitution Day of Ukraine, on June, 28 the citizens of Ancient Kyiv have prepared an interesting program with theatrical stagings on the ancient Slavic theme and horse-trick performances. Till very evening there will be a possibility for the visitors to actively participate in the merry medieval amusements.
On June, 29 and 30 the «Historical Fashion» ethno-festival will take place in Ancient Kyiv. During these days the guests will see a wide variety of historical costumes – from an ordinary citizen to the great prince and princess. Combat ammunition will also be demonstrated, the armor and weapon of different epochs and nations: from Scythians to Cumans, Hungarians, from the legendary Amazons to the knights of the Medieval Europe.
Also the traditional horse ammunition will be shown to the guests. In these days the demonstrative performances on the medieval weapon possession on horseback and on the combat trick riding.
Also the visitors will see the horseback archery tournament: on a horseback at full gallop the sportsmen will compete in the real medieval archery accuracy.
The bright show with the fire balls shooting from the Trebuchet – the only working siege weapon in Ukraine will be the culmination of the holiday program on June, 28 and 29.

Ancient Kyiv opens at 10:00. The program starts at 13:30.
The ticket price: a full adult ticket – 200 UAH, for pensioners and students – 150 UAH, for schoolchildren – 60 UAH, for preschool children – for free.
Ancient Kyiv in the «Kyivan Rus Park» is located in Kyiv region, Obukhiv district, the vill. Kopachiv.
Route taxis leave from Kyiv from the «Vydybitchi» metro station.
Details on the website

The Interfax subscribers can save money with the “openbusiness-20” promo code for a 20%-discount for a full price adult ticket to the Principality of Kyivan Rus:
– by previous order by tel.: +38 044 461-99-37, +38 050 385-20-35
– or at the cash desk at the entrance to the «Kyivan Rus Park».

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ED & F Man, one of the world’s largest commodities trader, is planning to sell some of its sugar assets, Bloomberg has reported, referring to a source.
According to Bloomberg, the decision was made as the business struggles to make money amid thin industry margins.
Kyiv office of the company gave no comments on the issue. London-based office said that the company doesn’t comment on “industry speculation” and added that the company continually evaluates its business and operations and explores potential opportunities that may arise.
ED & F Man started operating in Ukraine in 2007. It owns the Zasillia sugar refinery with an annual production capacity of 50,000 tonnes. In March 2018, the company decided to suspend operations of Zasillia sugar refinery expecting a surplus of sugar on the Ukrainian market in the medium term outlook.
ED & F Man’s subsidiary, Ukrainian Sugar company, jointly with Agro-Delo agrarian trade firm started planting sugar beets for sugar production in 2012.
The regional office of ED & F Man was opened in Kyiv in March 2017 to coordinate all business processes of the company in the Black Sea region.
Over the period of its operations in Ukraine the company has invested over $150 million in development.

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Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Danyliuk held a meeting with Indian Ambassador Partha Satpathy on Wednesday, during which the parties discussed the state of cooperation in the field of security and defense and prospects for its further intensification. “Satpathy stressed the importance of Ukraine as a strategic partner of India in the field of military-technical cooperation, in particular, the production and supply by Ukraine of gas turbine engines for ships and joint projects in the field of aviation,” the press service of the NSDC reports.
Also, the Ambassador of India assured of the unchanged support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
According to Danyliuk, to enhance cooperation at the strategic level, the current exchange of information between Ukraine and India on security issues is relevant today.

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Official rates of banking metals from national bank as of june 27

One troy ounce=31.10 grams
