Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian ports exported 56.3 mln tons of cargo, including 18 mln tons via sea corridor

In 2023, Ukraine’s ports handled 62 million tons, including 56.3 million tons for export, the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) reported on Facebook on Wednesday.

According to the administration, imports amounted to 5.3 million tons. At the same time, the Ukrainian sea corridor has already exported 18 million tons of cargo to 32 countries, 12.7 million tons of which are agricultural products.

“By the end of 2023, about 62 million tons of cargo were transshipped by Ukrainian ports in wartime. Among the leaders in terms of cargo nomenclature are grains – 45.5 million tons and liquid bulk – 6.3 million tons. An undoubted achievement of 2023 was the launch of the temporary sea corridor announced by the Ukrainian Navy, which made it possible to unblock the ports of Greater Odesa. On August 16, 2023, the first vessel used the temporary corridor. According to the results of 2023, 400 vessels exported 12.8 million tons of cargo,” the statement said.

Last year, the Danube ports transshipped 32 million tons of cargo, which exceeds the record figures of 2022, the USPA said in a statement.

The cargo turnover of the port of Izmail more than doubled and reached 20.2 million tons (in 2022 – 8.8 million tons). The cargo turnover of the port of Reni reached 10 million tons (6.8 million tons), and that of the port of Ust-Dunaisk – 1.7 million tons (785 thousand tons).

The cargo turnover of the port of Odesa also increased and reached 8.41 million tons (7.69 million tons in 2022), while the cargo turnover of the port of Pivdennyi decreased to 10.08 million tons (15.28 million tons), and the port of Chornomorsk – 11.41 million tons (11.76 million tons).

“I am very grateful to the business, the team of the Ministry of Development (Communities, Infrastructure Territories) and the employees of USPA for effective cooperation, which has led to a number of technical and technological measures: 23 transshipment points have been launched and 15 investment projects are being implemented, which all helped to achieve such record-breaking results. Despite the fact that a lot has already been done, in 2024 we will continue to work together to further increase cargo turnover and improve the work of the Danube cluster ports,” Yuriy Lytvyn, Head of USPA, was quoted as saying in the statement.

Earlier it was reported that the new Ukrainian sea corridor created by the Ukrainian Navy in August 2023 ensured the export of almost 15 million tons of products, including 10 million tons of agricultural products.

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Cabinet of Ministers simplified rules for obtaining licenses for small distillers in Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the form of the declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of small distillers with the requirements of the law and determined the procedure for its submission and registration.

The relevant Resolution No. 56 of January 19, 2024 was published on the website of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.

According to the document, small distillers will be able to submit a declaration of compliance of the material and technical base with the legal requirements to the territorial bodies of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. Instead of the production certificate, they will be able to use the declaration of compliance of the material and technical base registered by the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection to obtain licenses for the production of alcohol distillates and alcoholic beverages, which will greatly simplify this procedure.

It is expected that the adopted innovations will ensure the development of the market for alcohol distillates and alcoholic beverages, stimulate the development and legalization of small businesses, and contribute to the creation of new jobs, particularly in rural areas.

Earlier, Interfax-Ukraine news agency held a press conference to support the new industry, for more details, please follow the link


OTP Bank uses latest technologies for development of factoring services – L.Zaika

OTP Bank uses the latest technologies for the development of factoring services, which allows to significantly speed up work processes and provide financing to customers faster. This was stated by Lina Zaika, Head of Factoring Finance Department of OTP Bank, during the round table discussion “How factoring can support business development during the war” organized by the Financial Club.

According to her, the Bank has switched to full electronic document management: from signing relevant agreements and executing documents on assignment of the right of monetary claim to compiling registers and storing loan files. “We are actively using new technologies, including robots, artificial intelligence and all possible means that help, for example, in verifying supporting documents for loan applications and speed up work processes. We are developing in such a way that our clients can exchange not only electronic documents online, but also receive all the necessary information from the Bank,” said Ms. Zaika.

Factoring financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is an affordable and convenient product. Factoring allows you to get working capital for your business immediately after the delivery of goods, without waiting for the end of the deferred payment period under the contract with the buyer. “This type of financing is especially relevant for small companies with limited assets due to the absence of the need to provide collateral, as well as a reduction in the interest burden for them,” she added.

This instrument of bank financing was supported by the state in the form of the “Affordable Factoring” program, which operates within the framework of the state business support “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” to provide working capital for SMEs.

OTP Bank was one of the first to join the implementation of the “Affordable Factoring” program. “The bank is already considering several limits and plans to sign the first factoring agreements under the 5-7-9 program in the near future,” said the Head of Factoring Finance Department.

About the state program “Affordable Factoring” (data from the Ministry of Finance). Financial support for business entities under factoring agreements provides for compensation of the interest rate at the level of up to 13% per annum. The authorized factor will provide factoring to a business entity in the amount of up to 95% of its receivables, but the amount of financing cannot exceed UAH 150 million, including funds received under the programs “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” and “Affordable Financial Leasing 5-7-9%”. The program is open to SMEs resident in Ukraine that supply goods manufactured by Ukrainian producers on a deferred payment basis, whose ultimate beneficial owners (controllers) are individuals resident in Ukraine and agricultural producers.

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Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Export changes in % to previous period in 2022-2023

Source: and

IC “Premier Alliance” and IC “Alfa Insurance” excluded from MTIBU members

Premier Alliance Insurance Company (formerly Salamander Ukraine, then Van Click) and Alfa Insurance Company have been expelled from the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU).

This decision was made at the general meeting of MTIBU members held on January 22, a participant in the meeting told Interfax-Ukraine.

The membership of Premier Alliance Insurance Company was terminated on the basis of the company’s application in connection with the termination of its activities, all its funds were transferred to Salamandra Insurance Company, Alfa Insurance Company – due to the loss of the license for compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL).

As reported, on December 20, 2023, the National Bank of Ukraine revoked all insurance licenses of Premier Alliance Insurance Company PrJSC and excluded information about it from the State Register of Financial Institutions based on the company’s application.

According to the NBU, according to the insurer’s latest financial statements for the first nine months of 2023, the company’s insurance premiums amounted to UAH 14.361 million, assets amounted to UAH 62.419 million, and insurance reserves amounted to UAH 3.840 million. Premier Alliance, like Salamandra, was part of the non-banking financial group Salamandra, the ultimate beneficiary and owner of which is Yuriy Yavtushenko.

As reported, on December 14, 2023, the NBU revoked all licenses of Alfa Insurance (Kyiv) due to violation of the regulations on licensing and registration of financial service providers, namely, inconsistency of business reputation of the owners of significant participation.

According to the NBU, according to the latest filed financial statements of PrJSC “IC “Alfa Insurance” as of September 30, 2023, the company’s insurance premiums amounted to UAH 3.991 million, the value of assets – UAH 644.129 million, insurance reserves – UAH 21.053 million. The company’s market share in terms of insurance premiums amounted to 0.13%.

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Insurance losses from natural disasters will amount to $118 bln in 2023

Global insurance losses from natural disasters will reach $118 billion in 2023, according to a report published by insurance and reinsurance broker Aon on its website.

The report emphasizes that this is the fourth year in a row that insurance losses have exceeded the 21st century average, reflecting the growing impact of natural disasters on the global economy.

Global insurance losses during the year increased by 31% compared to this century’s average, exceeding $100 billion for the fourth consecutive year.

Aon estimates economic losses from natural catastrophes at $380 billion from 398 events, which is 22% more than the average for the century, leaving a gap in protection in 69% of cases, emphasizing the urgent need to expand insurance coverage.

It is emphasized that the surge was caused mainly by severe earthquakes and continuous severe convective storms (SCS) in the United States and Europe. Earthquakes caused the largest economic losses, and strong convective storms were the most expensive for insurers.

The number of natural disasters with large losses reached an unprecedented level in 2023: 66 cases of economic loss of more than $1 billion and 37 cases of insured loss of $37 billion.

Last year, natural disasters led to the tragic deaths of 95 thousand people worldwide, the highest number since 2010. Earthquakes, in particular, were the main cause of these losses.

In addition, 2023 was the hottest year on record with “unprecedented temperature anomalies” affecting 24 countries and territories.

According to Aon CEO Greg Case, it is necessary to increase the resilience of organizations in the face of growing climate and disaster risks.

He emphasized the need for joint efforts by the private and public sectors to accelerate innovation, protect vulnerable communities and address the economic impact of extreme weather.
