Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Volume of diesel fuel market in Ukraine increased by quarter in 2023 – expert

The capacity of the Ukrainian gasoline market increased by 8% in 2023, LPG – by 18%, diesel fuel – by 25%, said Sergiy Yun, Director of the consulting group A-95 Sergiy Kuyun on Facebook.

“We have pushed off from the bottom-22. Preliminary growth in gasoline supplies is 8%, diesel – 25%, gas – 18%,” he wrote.

At the same time, according to the expert, this year’s gasoline balances have lost 16%, diesel – 17%, and autogas – 34% compared to 2021.

According to Kuyun, the collapse of the fuel market in Ukraine occurred in 2022 with the beginning of Russian aggression.

“In 2022, the market lost almost 2.5 million tons of diesel, almost a third of gasoline, and liquefied gas almost halved,” the expert said during a presentation of the results of the oil products market at the Ukraine-Ukrinform Media Center on December 21.

According to the preliminary data on oil product balances in Ukraine in 2021-2023, released by A-95 during the presentation, the forecast volume of the LPG market in 2023 was to be 1.283 million tons, gasoline – 2.275 million tons, and diesel fuel – 6.685 million tons.


Snow and rain expected throughout Ukraine in coming days

On January 3, snow and rain are expected in the western regions and throughout Ukraine during the day, according to the Ukrainian Weather Center.

Also on Wednesday, there will be icy conditions on the roads throughout Ukraine, except for most of the western and southern regions.

The wind will be mostly southeast, 5-10 m/s, with gusts of 20-25 m/s in the highlands of the Carpathians.

The temperature in the western and southern regions at night will be from 2° below zero to 3° above zero, during the day 4-9° above zero, in the rest of the territory at night 3-8° below zero, during the day 0-5° below zero, in Chernihiv and Sumy regions at night 10-15°, in some places up to 18° below zero, during the day 5-10° below zero.

In Kyiv on January 3, no precipitation at night, snow during the day. There will be ice on the roads in some places. The wind will be mostly southeast, 5-10 m/s. The temperature will be 5-7° below zero at night and 1-3° below zero during the day.

According to the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory in Kyiv, since the beginning of meteorological observations on January 3, the highest temperature was +10.7° in 2023, the lowest at night was -27.7° in 1908.

On Thursday, January 4, there will be moderate snow throughout Ukraine at night, light sleet during the day, rain in the central regions, mostly rain in the Carpathian region, Transcarpathia and southern part of the country.

Southwest wind with a shift to northwest, 5-10 m/s.

The temperature in the northern part at night and during the day (on January 4 and in the eastern regions) will be 0-5° below zero; in the rest of the country at night and during the day 1-6° above zero, in the southern part during the day up to 10° above zero.

In the Carpathians, wet snow; temperature at night will be 1-6° below zero, during the day around 0°.

In Kyiv, on January 4, moderate snow at night, light sleet during the day. The temperature will be 1-3° below zero at night and during the day.


Ukrgasbank sold building of Institute in Kyiv for UAH 65 million at auction

JSB “UKRGASBANK” sold the building of the Institute in Kyiv on Kurenivskyi Lane via OpenMarket electronic auction (SE “SETAM” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine). The sale price amounted to UAH 64,944,207.
The building of the Institute is located in the Obolon district of Kyiv, close to a park, post offices, public transport stops, the Pochayna metro station, shops, cafes and much more.
This is the 24th lot sold by the bank at the OpenMarket auction since the beginning of martial law, and the total amount of sales for this period was over UAH 142 million.
“Despite the difficult economic situation caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the real estate market is active in the segment of banking assets. Due to JSB “UKRGASBANK” flexible approach to real estate sales, as well as taking into account the “Dutch auctions” system introduced in 2021, the demand for JSB “UKRGASBANK” assets is at a consistently high level. JSB “UKRGASBANK” expresses its gratitude to SE “SETAM” for assistance in organizing sales, active support and effective cooperation, as the success in selling the Bank’s property directly depends on the quality of the auction organizer’s work,” said Daria Musych, Head of the Debt Settlement Department of Ukrgasbank.
“I would like to thank Ukrgasbank for their trust in our electronic auction. The bank is our constant and long-standing partner. Since the beginning of our cooperation, we have already sold the bank’s assets for over UAH 2.1 billion. The bank is one of our three most successful sellers,” said Oleksandr Mamro, CEO of SE SETAM.
The auction is available at the link:
The OpenMarket auction (SE SETAM of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) is a simple and effective means of selling and purchasing property via the Internet. The online auction has been operating throughout Ukraine since 2014. The total amount of sales since its launch is UAH 21.6 billion.

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“Zaporizhstal” reduced net loss by 92% in January-September

In January-September of this year, PJSC “Zaporizhstal Iron and Steel Works” reduced its net loss by 91.8% compared to the same period last year – to UAH 236.623 million from UAH 2 billion 883.850 million.

According to the company’s interim report in the NSSMC’s information disclosure system, its net income for the period increased by 9.2% to UAH 41 billion 329.014 million.

Retained earnings as of the end of September 2023 amounted to UAH 28 billion 961.786 million.

As reported, Zaporizhstal ended 2022 with a net loss of UAH 4 billion 864 million 684.828 thousand, while in 2021 it made a net profit of UAH 16 billion 809 million 158.412 thousand.

“Zaporizhstal is one of the largest industrial enterprises in Ukraine, whose products are widely known and in demand in the domestic market and in many countries around the world.

According to the NDU for the third quarter of 2023, Kyiv Securities Group LLC owns 24.5003% of Zaporizhstal shares, Midland Capital Management LLC (both Kyiv, registered at the same address) owns 11.2224%, Global Steel Investments Limited (UK) owns 12.3466%, and Metinvest B.V. (Netherlands) owns 47.0032%.

Earlier it was reported that Metinvest Group’s effective shareholding in Zaporizhstal remains at 49.9%.

“Zaporizhstal is in the process of integration into Metinvest Group, whose major shareholders are System Capital Management (71.24%) and Smart Holding Group (23.76%).

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.


Rising interest rates have enabled European banks to significantly increase their interest income

The rise in interest rates over the past two years has enabled European banks to significantly increase their net interest income: in 2023, according to UBS, it was more than EUR 100 billion higher than in 2021.

Data collected by UBS show that net interest income (NII) of European banks amounted to EUR378 billion this year, compared to EUR270 billion two years earlier.

At the same time, lending volumes grew by only 2% over the same period. Thus, the increase in the NII is mainly due to an increase in the difference between the rates at which banks issue loans and those at which they pay on deposits, the Financial Times notes.

The increase in revenues allowed European banks to increase distributions to shareholders in the form of dividends and share buybacks to EUR121 billion in 2023 from EUR90 billion in 2021, UBS notes. Due to this, the share prices of many banks have grown steadily, but the ratio of prices to book value of almost all European financial companies is significantly lower than that of comparable American banks.

The main concern for bank executives now is the expected reduction in key interest rates by the world’s leading central banks next year, which is likely to have a negative impact on net interest margins, which have recently recovered from a decade of negative or near-zero rates.

Fears of a recession, weakening demand for loans and stricter capital requirements for banks are limiting the growth of share prices in the sector, the FT writes.

An additional factor that worries investors is a possible increase in the number of loan defaults.

According to the UBS forecast, European banks’ allocations to loan loss provisions will reach EUR63 billion in 2024, up from EUR31 billion in 2021.

Ukraine maintains ban on exports of gas, anthracite and salt for 2024

The Government of Ukraine has maintained zero quotas for the export of natural gas of Ukrainian origin, edible salt, anthracite, coal and coal briquettes, gold, silver, as well as precious metal waste and scrap for 2024.

The Cabinet of Ministers published Resolution No. 1402 of December 27 on the list of goods subject to licensing on its website.

According to the resolution, the quotas for the export of liquid fuel (fuel oil), which were in effect in 2023, were preserved – 540 thousand tons (no more than 60 thousand tons per month) and coking coal – 900 thousand tons.

In addition, the government has extended the ban on the export of fuel wood, wood chips or shavings for January-February 2023, after which the export of these goods will be removed from the list of licensed goods.

The licensing of wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower seeds, soybean, rapeseed, sunflower and mustard oil, and oilcake has also been retained.

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