Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine increased exports of ferroalloys by 7.2%

In January-November this year, Ukraine increased exports of ferroalloys in physical terms by 7.2% year-on-year to 341,674 thousand tons.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service, exports of ferroalloys decreased by 44.6% to $295.068 million in monetary terms.

The main exports were to Poland (53.17% of supplies in monetary terms), Turkey (13.58%) and the Netherlands (8.51%).

In addition, in the period under review, Ukraine imported 7.819 thousand tons of these products, which is 61.5% less than in January-November 2022. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 58% to $29.693 million.

Imports were carried out mainly from India (21.16%), Armenia (17.14%) and China (16.31%).

As reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of ferroalloys in physical terms by 47.7% compared to the previous year – to 349,560 thousand tons, in monetary terms by 46% – to $564.136 million. At the same time, the main supplies were made to Poland (53.25% of exports in monetary terms), the Netherlands (13.13%) and Romania (5.66%).

In addition, last year Ukraine imported 20.546 thousand tons of these products, which is 65.5% less than in 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 59.1% to $72.705 million. Imports were carried out mainly from Norway (22.67%), China (15.60%) and Kazakhstan (14.10%).

The business of the Stakhanov and Zaporizhzhia Ferroalloy Plants (SZF and ZZF) was organized by PrivatBank (Kyiv) before the nationalization of the financial institution. Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant is controlled by EastOne Group, established in the fall of 2007 as a result of the restructuring of Interpipe Group, and Privat Group.


In coming days, Ukraine will receive last EUR1.5 bln of macro-financial assistance this year

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen says that in the coming days Ukraine will receive the next and last tranche of macro-financial assistance in the amount of EUR 1.5 billion in 2023, which will build a “small but important bridge” necessary to allow further financing of EUR 50 billion for the period up to 2027. This issue will be discussed at an extraordinary EU summit to be held in late January – early February 2024.

She said this on Friday in Brussels at a press conference after the European Council meeting. “In the coming days, we will disburse the last EUR 1.5 billion for Ukraine this year, which was agreed as part of the so-called macro-financial assistance package for 2023. This will be disbursed in the next few days – EUR1.5 billion. This will help Ukraine finance its needs at the beginning of the year 2024. This is important to build a small but important bridge (to new financing). We are using the time before the European Council meeting (so that) either we have the agreement of the 27 (member states) or we will work on alternatives that will allow us to make operational decisions when the time comes. It is very important for us that there is consistent, predictable and reliable funding for Ukraine. This is important for Ukraine, for the business environment and investors,” said von der Leyen.

For his part, President of the European Council Charles Michel expressed confidence that a solution would be found to continue financially supporting Ukraine. “I am confident that a solution will be found, because the starting point is that we have the support of 26 leaders to fulfill our promises. And the other point is what we call the ‘negotiating box’ – the latest proposals have been encouraged by 26 member states. This means that we will start the next meeting knowing that 26 member states support the same goals, the same priorities, including a EUR 50 billion package for Ukraine over 4 years. We have various tools available to ensure that we will be able to deliver on our promises,” he assured.

Kyivstar has stabilized network – statement

On December 15, the company’s specialists turned on access to mobile Internet on the entire territory controlled by Ukraine. The service is available in all communication standards, including 4G. The service may be available at a reduced speed, but as the network stabilizes, its quality will improve. Over the past day, international roaming services have also been restored. Earlier, voice and fixed-line Internet services were restored. More than 95% of mobile base stations in the government-controlled territory are in good working order. The company will announce 100% availability of its services upon completion of all stabilization measures. The company is currently working on launching SMS services and restoring access to the My Kyivstar system. In some localities there may still be short-term communication difficulties, but the company’s specialists are working to resolve them promptly. If your SIM card is not registered in the network, you need to restart the phone or turn on and off the airplane mode. Selecting Kyivstar network in the phone settings also helps. At the same time, the company informs that bonuses and compensations will be credited to subscribers who could not use communication services due to the hacker attack only after the network is fully stabilized and all services are launched. Please wait for official information from the company. Thank you for your understanding and support

REITER HALL by NEST developer received outstanding award

The REITER HALL project by NEST developer was awarded in the category “Historic Environment Renovation Project” at the UKRAINIAN SPECIAL BUILDING AWARDS IBUILD 2023.

IBUILD is the main construction award in Ukraine, which recognizes the best representatives of the construction industry – companies that have survived in the market, support the economy and contribute to the reconstruction.

This award is a recognition of the company’s philosophy, as NEST cares about the history of Kyiv and contributes to its preservation. NEST developer builds professionally and responsibly today, and creates real estate that will become a real landmark of the city in the future.

REITER HALL will become the future center of the city, where the past meets the future, creating a unique cultural space for the development of the boldest ideas of many generations of Kyiv residents.

Special attention was paid to the idea of REITER HALL, where, in addition to Ukrainian architects, a well-known Swedish architectural firm worked, because Sweden is rightly called one of the models of modern city planning – streets, public spaces and architecture. They like to turn such objects into comfortable spaces for their contemporaries. And medieval castles harmoniously coexist alongside masterpieces of modern architecture.

Another similar project of the developer is the HILLFORT Business Mansion, which also received a valuable award on December 11, 2019, and won the “Discovery of the Year” category in the “Best Historic Environment Renovation Project” nomination.

Each object of the NEST developer is valuable both now and in the future, as it is an architectural art.

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Negative balance of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in January-October 2023 increased by 3 times

The negative balance of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in January-October 2023 increased 3 times compared to the same period of 2022 – to $22.363 billion from $7.108 billion, the State Statistics Service (Gosstat) reported.

According to its data, exports of goods from Ukraine for the period compared to January-October 2022 decreased by 19% to $29.827 billion, while imports increased by 18.8% to $52.19 billion.

The State Statistics Committee specified that in October-2023 compared to September-2023, seasonally adjusted exports decreased by 4.8% to $2.475 billion, while imports decreased by 1.6% to $5.251 billion.

The seasonally adjusted foreign trade balance in October-2023, as in the previous month, was negative at $2.776 billion compared to $2.736 billion before.

The export-import coverage ratio in January-October 2023 was 0.57 (0.84 in January-October 2022).

State Statistics specified that foreign trade operations were conducted with partners from 228 countries. Earlier, the analytical center Experts Club presented an analysis of macroeconomics of Ukraine and the world. For more details on the situation in the Ukrainian and world economy, see the video on the YouTube channel “Experts Club” at the link:

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IC “Express Insurance” increased payments by almost 60%, number of contracts – by 91.5%

In January-November 2023, Express Insurance (Kyiv) collected insurance premiums worth UAH 652 million, which is 59.8% more than in the same period a year earlier, according to the company’s website.

The number of concluded contracts increased by 91.5% compared to January-November 2022 and by 26.2% compared to the same period in 2021, before the full-scale invasion.

Payments for hull insurance for 11 months amounted to UAH 563 million, which is 54.5% more compared to January-November 2022, for VHI – UAH 9.7 million (+42.8%), for other types of insurance – UAH 7 million (+32.5%).

The company reports that in November 2023, it attracted UAH 73.5 million in payments, which is almost 40% more than in November last year.

As reported, for 11 months of 2023, the company paid insurance claims in the amount of UAH 297.9 million, which is 43.9% more than in the same period a year earlier. Motor hull insurance payments amounted to UAH 258.7 million, which is 40.1% more than in the first 11 months of 2023, MTPL – UAH 28.7 million (+53.6%), VHI – UAH 6.1 million (+169%).

Payments on other types of insurance amounted to UAH 4.4 million (+124%).

Express Insurance ALC was founded in 2008 with the participation of UkrAVTO Corporation. Since April 2012, it has been an associate member of the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine.

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