Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Astarta resumes $60 mln soybean deep processing project

Astarta Agro Holding, Ukraine’s largest sugar producer, will resume construction of an additional deep soybean processing line at its Globinsky Processing Plant (GPP, Poltava region) in the fourth quarter of this year, which will allow it to produce up to 100,000 tons of concentrated soy protein per year.

“The project was announced in 2021 at a cost of $50 million, and now it is estimated at about $60 million, taking into account inflation,” said Yulia Bereshchenko, Business Development and Investor Relations Director of the group of companies, at a conference call with investors and analysts based on the company’s results for the first nine months of 2023.

According to her, the investments will be spread over three years – this year and the next two, and the project will be financed mainly from free cash flow.

As reported, Astarta announced the start of construction of this line in mid-September 2021. The GPP itself was commissioned in early 2014, with a design processing capacity of 230 thousand tons per year, and will remain at this level. The plant is capable of producing about 160 thousand tons of high-protein soybean meal, 40 thousand tons of soybean oil, and 9 thousand tons of granulated shell annually. The enterprise also includes storage facilities for finished products and an elevator with a capacity of 42 thousand tons, as well as the necessary engineering, road and rail communications. Before the war, more than 80% of GPP’s output was exported to the EU, the Middle East and the Far East. Most of the soybeans for processing are grown by the agricultural companies of the agricultural holding.

In the fall of 2021, Bereshchennko indicated that the construction of an additional line for deep soybean processing at the GPP would double EBITDA in the soybean segment and increase revenue.

“Astarta is a vertically integrated agro-industrial holding company operating in eight regions of Ukraine. It comprises six sugar factories, agricultural enterprises with a land bank of 220,000 hectares and dairy farms with 22,000 cattle, an oil extraction plant in Globyno (Poltava region), seven elevators and a biogas complex.

In the third quarter of 2023, the agricultural holding earned EUR1.24 million in net profit, down 27.7 times compared to the same period in 2022. Astarta’s revenue decreased by 14.4% to EUR104.75 million, gross profit by 2.7 times to EUR26.96 million, operating profit by 7.6 times to EUR6.79 million, and EBITDA by 42.7% to EUR97.25 million.

Due to significantly better performance in the first half of this year compared to the first half of last year, in the first 9 months of 2023, net profit decreased by 9.8% to EUR 55.97 million, while revenue increased by 14.8% to EUR 392.00 million. The company’s gross profit increased by 3.0% to EUR 151.91 million, while operating profit decreased by 15.9% to EUR 79.91 million and EBITDA by 10.8% to EUR 116.63 million.


Ukrprominvest-Agro exported over 120 thousand tons of sugar to EU

In the 2022-2023 marketing year (MY), Ukrprominvest-Agro Group exported more than 120 thousand tons of sugar to the European Union, the group’s press service reported on Facebook.

“The quality of our products, excellent transaction support services, speed in decision-making, a variety of options for packaging and shipment of products, a responsible approach to work at every stage are the factors that have become the key to the success of Ukrprominvest-Agro in the export market in 2022/23 marketing year. We plan to further develop this area and maintain our leadership among sugar exporters in Ukraine in the current marketing year,” the press service quoted Artem Semenenko, Director of the company’s Commercial Department, as saying.

“Ukrprominvest-Agro is engaged in the cultivation of crops, production of sugar, flour, meat and dairy farming. The group’s land bank exceeds 116.5 thousand hectares and is located mainly in regions that have not been invaded by the Russian occupiers.

The total number of cattle of the agricultural holding is 6.3 thousand, pigs – 12 thousand. The total elevator storage capacity of the group is 120 thousand tons. The group’s sugar business is represented by two sugar factories in Vinnytsia region. It supplies grain processing products to Moldova, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Israel, Palestine, Angola, Lebanon, Syria, and Vietnam.

Ukrprominvest-Agro comprises Agroprodinvest Group LLC, PJSC Podillya Production Complex, LLC Zorya Podillya Production Complex, LLC Vinnytsia Bakery No. 2, AF Dniproagrolan, AF Ivankivtsi, LLC Mas-Agro, LLC Pravoberezhne, and LLC Progress-NT.

The owner of the agricultural holding since December 2019 is the son of the former President of Ukraine Oleksiy Poroshenko.

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Ukraine increased exports of ferroalloys by 15%

In January-October this year, Ukraine increased exports of ferroalloys in physical terms by 15.1% year-on-year to 334,008 thousand tons.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service, exports of ferroalloys decreased by 42% to $288.958 million in monetary terms.

The main exports were to Poland (53.65% of supplies in monetary terms), Turkey (13.47%) and the Netherlands (8.67%).

In addition, in the period under review, Ukraine imported 6.790 thousand tons of these products, which is 61.2% less than in January-October 2022. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 58.5% to $27.192 million.

Imports were carried out mainly from India (22.13%), Armenia (18.14%) and China (16.52%).

As reported, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of ferroalloys in physical terms by 47.7% compared to the previous year – to 349,560 thousand tons, in monetary terms by 46% – to $ 564,136 million. At the same time, the main deliveries were made to Poland (53.25% of exports in monetary terms), the Netherlands (13.13%) and Romania (5.66%).

In addition, last year Ukraine imported 20.546 thousand tons of these products, which is 65.5% less than in 2021. In monetary terms, imports decreased by 59.1% to $72.705 million. Imports were carried out mainly from Norway (22.67%), China (15.60%) and Kazakhstan (14.10%).

The business of the Stakhanov and Zaporizhzhia Ferroalloy Plants (SZF and ZZF) was organized by PrivatBank (Kyiv) before the nationalization of the financial institution. Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant is controlled by EastOne Group, established in the fall of 2007 as a result of the restructuring of Interpipe Group, and Privat Group.


Imports to Ukraine increased by 18.2%, while exports fell by 19.1%

The volume of imports to Ukraine in January-October 2023 amounted to $52.17 billion, which is 18.2%, or $8.03 billion, more than in the same period a year earlier.

At the same time, the volume of Ukrainian exports decreased by 19.1%, or $7.03 billion, to $29.83 billion, according to the website of the State Customs Service.

The negative balance for the first 10 months of this year amounted to $22.34 billion, which is 3.1 times more than in the same period last year.

According to the State Customs Service, exports of goods fell by 18.1% to $27.1 billion in the first nine months of the year, while imports increased by 18.9% to $46.6 billion, and the negative balance of trade in goods increased by 3.2 times to $19.5 billion.

It is specified that over the first 10 months of this year, imports from the EU increased by 23.5% to $26.71 billion, while exports decreased by 15.8% to $19.45 billion.

At the same time, imports from the CIS countries fell 4.2 times to $1.03 billion in January-October this year compared to the same period last year, while exports from Ukraine to these countries fell 36.4% to $1.33 billion, making trade with these countries surplus, whereas before the war it was traditionally deficit.

Finally, imports from other countries increased by 34% to $24.42 billion over 10 months of this year, while imports decreased by 22.4% to $9.04 billion.

“At the same time, taxable imports amounted to $43.4 billion, which is 83% of the total volume of imported goods. The tax burden per 1 kg of taxable imports in January-October 2023 amounted to $0.49 per kg, which is 44% more than in the same period in 2022,” the release said.

According to the State Customs Service, the countries from which Ukraine imported the most goods were: China – $8.4 billion ($6.6 billion in 10 months of 2022), Poland – $5.5 billion ($4.4 billion) and Germany – $4.1 billion ($3.7 billion).

Most of Ukraine’s goods were exported to Poland – $4.1 billion ($5.7 billion), Romania – $3.3 billion ($3.0 billion), and Turkey – $2.0 billion ($2.4 billion).

In January-October 2023, 65% of the total volume of imported goods was machinery, equipment and transport – $16 billion (UAH 115.2 billion, or 31% of customs revenues, was paid to the budget during customs clearance), chemical products – $9.3 billion (UAH 63.6 billion, or 17%), fuel and energy products – $8.7 billion (UAH 79.3 billion, or 21%).

It is specified that imports of machinery, equipment and transport increased by 30%, chemical products – by 17%, while fuel and energy products decreased by 18%.

The top three most exported goods from Ukraine are: food products – $17.7 billion (down 4%), metals and metal products – $3.3 billion (down 19%), machinery, equipment and transport – $2.5 billion (down 30%).

The State Customs Service added that UAH 500.7 million was paid to the budget during customs clearance of exports of goods subject to export duties.

The State Customs Service also reported that in 10 months of 2023, customs authorities detected violations of customs rules worth UAH 7.6 billion.


Ukraine increased copper imports by 91% in 10 months, exports decreased by 21%

In January-October this year, Ukrainian companies increased imports of copper and copper products in value terms by 91.1% compared to the same period last year, to $104.029 million.

According to customs statistics released by the State Customs Service of Ukraine on Wednesday, exports of copper and copper products decreased by 20.6% to $61.107 million over the period.

In October, Ukraine imported copper worth $13.932 million and exported it for $6.090 million.

In addition, in 10 months of 2023, Ukraine reduced imports of nickel and products by 77.7% compared to the same period in 2022 to $12.438 million ($806 thousand in October), while imports of aluminum and aluminum products increased by 10.1% to $307.569 million ($32.582 million).

At the same time, it reduced imports of lead and lead products by 66.3% to $892 thousand ($19 thousand), imports of tin and tin products by 21.1% to $2.284 million ($232 thousand), but increased imports of zinc and zinc products by 23.1% to $37.525 million ($3.538 million).

Exports of aluminum and aluminum products in January-October this year decreased by 2.3% compared to the same period last year to $81.616 million (in October – $9.996 million), lead and lead products increased by 27.9% to $12.498 million ($1.308 million), nickel and nickel products amounted to $257 thousand ($1 thousand), while in 10 months of 2022 it was $1.086 million.

Zinc was exported abroad for $99 thousand over 10 months (in October – $10 thousand) against $1.321 million in January-October 2022. Exports of tin and tin products amounted to $57 thousand (no deliveries were made in October) against $421 thousand in 10 months of 2012.

As reported, in 2022, Ukrainian enterprises reduced imports of copper and copper products in value terms by 64.3% compared to the previous year – to $65.370 million, while their exports decreased by 56.3% to $90.245 million.

In addition, in 2022, Ukraine reduced imports of nickel and nickel products by 49.9% compared to 2021, to $59.754 million, and aluminum and aluminum products by 33.4%, to $340.398 million. At the same time, it reduced imports of lead and lead products by 66.6%, to $2.839 million.

Imports of tin and tin products fell by 33.5% to $3.312 million, and imports of zinc and zinc products decreased by 58.7% to $38.690 million.

In 2022, exports of aluminum and aluminum products decreased by 42.7% compared to 2021, to $96.972 million, lead and lead products – by 68.7%, to $11.970 million, and nickel and nickel products – by 73.9%, to $1.268 million.

Zinc exports in 2022 amounted to $1.331 million, while in 2021 they amounted to $550 thousand. Exports of tin and products in 2022 amounted to $424 thousand, compared to $346 thousand in the previous year.

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Ukrainian agrarians threshed 71.5 mln tons of harvest-2023 – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have threshed 71.5 million tons of grain and oilseed crops – 51.275 million tons and 20.239 million respectively, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the press release, the harvest of grain and leguminous crops was carried out on an area of 9840 thousand hectares with a yield of 52.1 c/ha.

It is also specified that to date, Ukraine has completed the collection and threshing of barley from 1505 thousand hectares (101% of the plan), which received 5.890 million tons; wheat – 22.409 million tons from 4695 thousand hectares (101%); peas – 398.2 thousand tons from 154.4 thousand hectares (103%), as well as rape – 4.005 million tons of seeds from 1396 thousand hectares (98%).

Harvesting of millet is coming to an end. 178.9 thousand tons of millet was harvested from 79 thousand hectares (94%), and buckwheat – 206.57 thousand tons from 139.2 thousand hectares (98%). At the same time, 21.218 million tons of corn was harvested from 2932.3 thousand hectares (60%).

In addition, other cereals and leguminous crops threshed 974.1 thousand tons from 336.2 thousand hectares.

Ukraine continues to work on oilseeds, which were harvested from a total area of 8096 thousand hectares. Harvested, in particular, sunflower – 11.520 million tons (11.310 million tons a week earlier) from an area of 4.911 million hectares (94%), soybeans – 4.713 million tons (4.643 million tons) from 1.788 million hectares (97%).

Sugar beet was dug from the area of 211.3 thousand hectares (183.8 thousand hectares a week earlier), which amounted to 50% of the planned area. It was received 10.098 million tons.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy also monitors information on crop yields, which amounted to 47.7 c/ha for wheat, 39.2 c/ha for barley, 25.8 c/ha for peas, 22.6 c/ha for millet and 14.9 c/ha for buckwheat. Corn yield – 72.4 c/ha, rapeseed – 28.7 c/ha, soybean – 26.3 c/ha, sunflower – 23.5 c/ha. Yield of sugar beet – 477.9 c/ha.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rape – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023 agrarians will be able to harvest 79.1 million tons of cereals and oilseeds, of which cereals will be produced in the following volumes: wheat – 21.7 million tons, barley – 5.7 million tons and corn – 28.5 million tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 21.6 million tons, in particular, sunflower – 13 million tons, rapeseed – 4 million tons, soybeans – 4.6 million tons. The sugar beet harvest is forecasted at 13.7 million tons.
