Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

KZHRK reduced sinter ore production by 28%

In January-August this year, Kryvyi Rih Iron Ore Plant (KZHRK) reduced production of commercial iron ore from underground mining by 28.2% year-on-year to 1,655 thousand tons.

According to the company, in August, Pokrovska mine produced 70 thousand tons of ore, Kryvorizka mine – 60 thousand tons, Kozatska mine – 50 thousand tons and Ternivska mine – 45 thousand tons, while the total production of the plant in August amounted to 225 thousand tons.

As reported, in 2022, KZHRK reduced production of commercial iron ore from underground mining by 32.8% year-on-year to 2.888 million tons.

KZHRK specializes in underground iron ore mining. The company has four mines: “Pokrovska (formerly Oktyabrskaya), Kryvorizka (Rodina), Kozatska (formerly Gvardeyskaya) and Ternovska (formerly Ordzhonikidze and then Lenin).

Starmill Limited owns 99.88% of the plant’s shares.

Earlier it was reported that SCM Group owns a certain share in KZHRK, while Metinvest Group has no relation to KZHRK. At the same time, SCM Group is only an investor, while Privat Group exercises operational control over the plant.


Papierfabrik Kokhavyno steigert Produktion um 27%

Von Januar bis August 2023 hat die Papierfabrik Kokhavyno (KBF, Region Lviv), die Hygienepapierprodukte herstellt, ihre Produktion im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 27,1 % auf 764,37 Mio. UAH gesteigert, wie aus den Statistiken der UkrPapir Association hervorgeht.

Laut den Daten, die Interfax-Ukraine zur Verfügung gestellt wurden, stieg die Produktion von Rohpapier für Sanitärprodukte um 2,3% auf 27,97 Tausend Tonnen. Im August stieg die Produktion um 2,7 % im Vergleich zum Juli 2023 und bis August 2022 auf 3,6 Tausend Tonnen.

Die Produktion von Toilettenpapier in Rollen stieg in diesem Zeitraum um 3,7 % auf 90,38 Millionen Stück. KBF behält den zweiten Platz in Bezug auf die Produktion nach der Kyiv Pulp and Paper Mill (164,95 Millionen Einheiten), knapp vor VGP JSC (Ruta TM).

Die Zellstoff- und Papierfabrik Kokhavynsk ist seit 1939 in Betrieb und stellt Rohpapier für Sanitär- und Hygieneprodukte sowie Toilettenpapier und Papierhandtücher her.

Kürzlich gab die Fabrik auf Facebook bekannt, dass sie neue Marken von Hygieneartikeln aus 100 % Zellstoff auf den Markt gebracht hat.

Zuvor wurde berichtet, dass KBF im Jahr 2021 ein EBRD-Darlehen in Höhe von 13,8 Mio. EUR für die Errichtung einer Anlage zur Herstellung von Papier auf Zellstoffbasis erhielt.

Mit dem Beginn der russischen Aggression in der Ukraine hat die Fabrik ihre Produktion praktisch nicht eingestellt.

Wie berichtet, produzierte KBF im Jahr 2023 Produkte im Wert von 975,3 Mio. UAH, 44,8 % mehr als im Vorjahr. Der Nettogewinn ging um 12,7 % auf 52,4 Mio. UAH zurück, während der Umsatz um 46,5 % auf 978,9 Mio. UAH stieg.


External financing of state budget as of June 14, 2023, USD bln

External financing of state budget as of June 14, 2023, USD bln

Source: and

Canada to provide Ukraine with CAD 650 mln for armored vehicles and special medical evacuation vehicles

Canada will provide Ukraine with 650 million Canadian dollars as part of a long-term assistance program for armored vehicles and special medical evacuation vehicles, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

“I have made it clear that our government will help you as long as you need it… We will provide long-term assistance to Ukraine. We are talking about $650 million over three years. This is for armored vehicles and also for special sanitary evacuation vehicles that will be built in the province of Ontario,” he said in a speech to the Canadian Parliament on Friday.

Also, according to him, Canada will continue to provide economic assistance to Ukraine over the next year “to make Ukraine a powerful, dynamic and prosperous country.”

In addition, the prime minister said, Canada will send instructors for F-16s so that Ukraine can make the most of these aircraft. “But our greatest belief is that you will not need this military and financial assistance for a very long time and that peace will return to your country very soon,” he said.

At the same time, he emphasized that “there can be no wrong peace based on compromises with the aggressor.”

“In order to have a lasting peace, we must stand up to Putin. A lasting peace must clearly establish that borders must be respected, regardless of the size of the neighboring army. This peace must restore the right of Ukrainians to determine their future,” Trudeau said.

“What Putin has done is a break with civilization. It is a violation of our common humanity. It is an attempt to destroy the rule-based order that protects our freedom. It is a step toward weakening democracy and establishing autocracy. Putin rules through deception, violence and repression,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister of Canada also noted that Canada adheres to the principles of the Ukrainian Formula for Peace. “We believe that the world must respect the UN Charter, be based on international law and preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” he concluded.


IDS Ukraine’s sales grew by 8.4%

IDS Ukraine, the largest player in the country’s water market, increased sales of traditional products by 8.4% in March-July this year compared to the same period last year, the company told Interfax-Ukraine.

“Comparing this year’s and last year’s figures, we see an average monthly growth of 8.4% in March-July 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 – and this is without taking into account sales of our new products,” IDS Ukraine said without specifying absolute figures.

According to the company, it maintains its leadership in the market, where its share was about 40% before the war.

IDS Ukraine said it has recently increased its innovation activity and launched new products in related categories: mineral water energy drink Volya and Morshynska lemonade in three flavors: apple, orange and peach, and grapefruit, but did not specify their sales volumes.

As for exports, the company said that since the beginning of the war, it has focused on the domestic market, meeting humanitarian needs and creating reserves.

“Currently, we are only making test deliveries and analyzing sales, and a clear export strategy is still under development,” IDS Ukraine said.

Emphasizing the influence of brand reputation on consumer preferences, the company also announces charitable assistance worth UAH 230 million since the beginning of the war, cooperation with more than 200 charitable foundations and donations of products worth more than UAH 160 million.

IDS Ukraine is a Ukrainian group of companies founded in 1996, the largest national producer of bottled water. The holding includes Morshyn Mineral Water Plant Oscar, Myrhorod Mineral Water Plant, IDS distribution company and IDS Aqua Service, a water delivery operator.

The Group owns the Morshynska, Myrhorodska, Alaska and Aqua Life trademarks.

Andrzej Duda: Poland will help Ukraine increase grain exports to foreign markets, but will keep its own closed

Polish President Andrzej Duda calls it a good decision to maintain the ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market, while announcing his intention to increase its transit through Poland to help Ukraine and countries that need this grain, the Presidential Office’s X (formerly Twitter) reported on Sunday.

“I believe it is the right decision that the Polish government has maintained the ban on the sale of Ukrainian grain on the Polish market. However, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that transit is as high as possible,” Duda said in a commentary to the Polish TV channel TVP1.

According to him, transit corridors have already been prepared in Poland, thanks to which Ukrainian grain can travel through the territory of Poland and be exported to where it is needed. “We are trying to help Ukraine and those countries that need this assistance,” the Polish President emphasized.

“Thanks to the work of our farmers, we are self-sufficient. We do not need grain from Ukraine. Their excellent harvests during the war almost did not reach the countries that really needed them,” Duda said.


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