Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


By the end of 2023, NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy plans to complete the process of consolidating the gas distribution system operators that were managed by the Regional Gas Company of Dmytro Firtash.
“By the end of this year (we will complete the process,)” Oleksiy Chernyshov, head of the Naftogaz board, said in an interview with the Ekonomichna Pravda newspaper.
At the same time, he found it difficult to answer the question of how the debts to the GTS Operator of Ukraine of the regional gas companies transferred to the Naftogaz management will be repaid.
“I’m not ready to announce it before the process of integration of all regional gas companies is completed. We still need to figure out whose debts they are, who should be responsible for them, how they were created, and who should pay,” Chernyshov said.
As reported, at the end of May 2022, at the request of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI), the court transferred the seized private corporate rights to 26 regional and city gas distribution system operators to the management of ARMA.


NBU fines Kashtan Insurance Company

On August 23, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) fined Kashtan Insurance Company (Kyiv) UAH 34 thousand for providing the regulator with knowingly false information, according to the regulator’s website.

The insurance company must pay the fine within seven business days from the date of receipt of the NBU’s decision to impose the fine.

Kashtan Insurance Company was registered in June 2002. It offers clients insurance services in 20 types of voluntary and compulsory insurance.

As reported, on August 17, 2021, the NBU revoked the license of Kashtan Insurance Company to provide compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles at the request of the company.

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New museum opened in Kyiv

The Museum of Ukrainian Gramophone Recording has opened in Kyiv at the Singing Field (41 Lavrska Street), the Department of Culture of the Kyiv City State Administration reported on Sunday.

“The museum’s exposition tells the story of the history of gramophone recording. The collection consists of more than 400 items of the main fund of Ukrainian music on various sound carriers… The museum plans to expand, conduct cultural research, and organize expeditions dedicated to various aspects of the musical culture of Ukraine and the world,” the statement said.

The museum is open on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00, admission is free.


On September 1, Paris bans electric scooters

Starting September 1, it will be impossible to rent electric scooters in Paris, RTBF TV channel reported on Sunday.

According to the channel, the city hall does not intend to renew contracts with three private operators who have deployed a fleet of these vehicles in Paris, which will become the first European capital to ban the service of providing electric scooters to the public.

Providers of this service must remove the scooters from the streets of Paris by the end of August.

This decision is based on the results of a city referendum on the use of electric scooters. More than 100 thousand Parisians took part in the vote. The ban was supported by 89% of those who took part in the referendum on April 2.

The reason for this vote was the problems caused by scooters scattered randomly throughout the city, but especially the concern for the safety of their users.

The RTBF notes the criticism of this referendum by the companies concerned, who primarily point to the low turnout of 7.46%. “The turnout could have been more active and representative if the voting methods had been different: more polling stations, electronic voting, municipal information,” the three private operators wrote in a joint communiqué.

In 2022, about 400 thousand trips on electric scooters were recorded in Paris, the TV channel reported.


In Kyiv tomorrow up to 34°

Short-term rain and thunderstorms are expected in some places on the night of August 28 in the northern part of the country, during the day throughout Ukraine, except for the southwestern part, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, reports the Ukrainian Weather Center.

Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m/s. Temperature at night 17-22, during the day 31-36, in the eastern and Sumy regions 25-30.

In Kyiv on Monday, in some places there will be short-term rain. Wind of variable directions, 3-8 m / s. Temperature at night 20-22°, during the day 33-35°.

According to the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory, since the beginning of meteorological observations on August 28, the highest temperature in Kyiv was +35.1° in 1943, and the lowest was +6.0° in 1970.

On the night of August 29, no precipitation, and during the day only in the western, central and southern regions there will be short-term rain and thunderstorms.

East, southeast wind, 5-10 m/s. The temperature in the eastern and northeastern regions will be 12-17° at night, 24-29° during the day; in the rest of the country at night 16-21°, during the day 30-35°.

No precipitation in Kyiv on August 29. The wind is mostly southeast, 5-10 m/s. Temperature at night 19-21°, during the day 32-34°.

National Bank of Kazakhstan has raised its GDP growth forecast

The National Bank of Kazakhstan has raised its economic growth forecast for 2024-2025 to 4-5% per year from the previously expected 3.5-4.5%, the regulator said in a statement citing its updated macroeconomic forecasts.

This year, GDP growth is still expected to reach 4.2-5.2%.

“Forecasts for the growth of Kazakhstan’s economy in the medium term have been improved. The expansion of business activity will be driven by sustained domestic demand, increased budget expenditures and the recovery of the oil sector. (…) The risks to the GDP forecast are associated with possible problems of access to international markets for Kazakh exports, as well as the likelihood of not achieving the planned oil production,” the statement said.

In addition, the inflation forecast has been adjusted. In the short term, uncertainty about price growth has decreased. In the baseline scenario, inflation is projected to be in the range of 10-12% this year (previous forecast – 11-14%), 7.5-9.5% in 2024 (9-11%), and 5.5-7.5% in 2025 (corresponding to the previous forecast).

“At the same time, without taking into account the direct effect of the increase in utility tariffs, to which the NBU does not respond by changing the key policy rate, the medium-term inflation target of 5% is expected to be reached by the end of 2025. This will be facilitated by the further easing of pressure from the external environment and monetary conditions that are in the restraining zone,” the statement said.

The main risks to the inflation forecast, according to the National Bank, include increased fiscal stimulus, “unanchored inflation expectations,” accelerating inflation in Russia and a possible rise in world food prices due to the failure to renew the grain initiative. Another risk in the forecast is the continuation of pricing reforms in the Kazakh fuel and lubricants market.

Kazakhstan’s economy grew by 3.1% in 2022, with inflation at 20.3%.

For more information on macroeconomics, please see the analytical programs of the Expert Club at

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