Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

KSG Agro completed harvesting of winter crops from 6.34 thousand hectares

KSG Agro Holding has completed the harvesting campaign of winter crops – barley, rape and wheat on a total area of about 6.34 thousand hectares, including barley from 1.1 thousand hectares, rape from 2.138 thousand hectares, wheat from 3.1 thousand hectares, according to the group’s press release on Wednesday.

It is specified that barley yield amounted to 3 tons/ha, rapeseed – 2.5 tons/ha, which corresponds to last year’s indicators. The yield of winter wheat is twice as high as last year and showed 5 tons per hectare.

Efficient work of the holding farms’ collectives and weather conditions with sufficient rainfall allowed to obtain a good harvest result. Despite the pessimistic moods about winter crops in autumn and winter, associated with the rise in prices of fertilizers and NWR, we reached the break-even point and even remained in the pluses”, – the press service of the agricultural holding quoted the head of the plant division Dmitry Emelchenko.

In the harvesting campaign 13 combines were used – 2 of them John Deere, and the others – Claas Lexion. In addition, 4 hopper-loaders and about 50 trucks were used to transport the harvest.

KSG Agro, a vertically integrated holding company, is involved in pig farming as well as the production, storage, processing and marketing of cereals and oilseeds. Its land bank is about 21 thousand hectares in Dnepropetrovsk and Kherson regions.

According to the agroholding, it is among the top 5 pork producers in Ukraine.

Last year KSG Agro, due to the full-scale war started by Russia, ended 2022 with a net loss of $1.68 mln compared to $17.71 mln net profit in 2021, its EBITDA decreased 5.5 times to $1.79 mln, and its revenue decreased by 47.3% to $16.2 mln.

Agriholdnig earned $1.53 million in net income in January-March 2023, down 17% from the same period last year. Its EBITDA rose 23% to $1.87 million, with revenue up 45% year-on-year to $5.12 million, gross profit up 46% to $2.06 million and operating profit up 37% to $1.54 million.


Ukrainian farmers harvested 1.45 mln tons of vegetables

Ukrainian agrarians in 2023 grew 1.45 million tons of vegetable crops, harvested from 88.4 thousand hectares (23.2% of the total sown areas) with an average yield of 163.9 c/ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine reported.

According to the report, in general, Ukraine has grown: 105.4 thousand tons of cabbage, 310.3 thousand tons of cucumbers, 175 thousand tons of tomatoes, 428 thousand tons of onions, 51.7 thousand tons of carrots, 35.3 thousand tons of table beets and 344.3 thousand tons of other vegetables.

According to the Ministry, as of August 9, Ukraine harvested more than half of cucumbers – 51.4%. Agrarians in Vinnytsia and Ivano-Frankivsk have fully completed their harvesting.

A similar situation with onion harvest, which was collected on 51.4% of the area. It has been finished in Ivano-Frankivsk and Kharkiv regions and almost finished in Kherson region.

Potatoes were harvested 711.5 thousand tons with an average yield of 13.9 tons per hectare. The highest yield of potatoes in farms in Khmelnytskyi region – 29 tons per hectare, stated the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.


“Dneprovagonmash” has received UAH 57.85 mln of net profit

Ukraine’s major railcar-building enterprise Dneprovagonmash JSC (DVM, Kamenskoye, Dnepropetrovsk region), controlled by businessman Serhiy Tihipko’s TAS financial and industrial group, ended the first half of 2023 with a net profit of UAH 57.85 million against a loss of almost UAH 25 million in the same period last year.

According to the company’s interim financial statements released on Wednesday in the SECP disclosure system, its net income from sales increased by 17.2% to UAH 578 million.

In January-June, the company increased its gross profit 3.6 times to UAH 80.72 million, generating UAH 58.68 million in operating profit against a loss of UAH 20.04 million.

Compared to the beginning of this year, DVM reduced current liabilities by 12.4% to UAH 261.38 mln, while long-term liabilities increased by 13.6% to UAH 59.84 mln.

The report does not provide the number of cars produced and sold during the reporting period.

Among the price risks for the company, the report notes the risk of higher prices for components, materials and energy (material costs account for 80-90% of the cost of production), and lower prices for railcars.

As reported, in the first quarter of this year DVM received a net profit of UAH 37.04 million against a loss of UAH 18.07 million for January-March 2022, with net income growing by 32% to UAH 396.92 million.

Thus, in the second quarter of 2023, the company’s net profit amounted to UAH 20.81 million compared to a loss of UAH 6.93 million in April-June 2022, with net income falling by 5.9% to UAH 181.09 million.

“Dneprovagonmash” is one of Ukraine’s leading enterprises in the design and manufacture of freight cars. Annual production capacity is 9 thousand units.

As reported, an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of DVM on July 25 decided to transform it into TAS Dneprovagonmash LLC.

DVM’s net income for 2022 increased by 77.3% to UAH 1 billion 108.7 million, net profit amounted to UAH 48.64 million against a loss of UAH 111.3 million a year earlier. At the same time, railcar sales grew by 35% to 623 units, while production grew by 21% to 577 units.

TAS Group was founded in 1998 by businessman Tigipko. Its business interests include financial sector (banking and insurance segments) and pharmacy sector, as well as industry, real estate and venture projects.


Ukraine increases pig iron exports by 16.6%

Ukraine in January-July of this year increased exports of pig iron in physical terms by 16.6% compared to the same period last year – up to 906.423 thousand tons.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), for the period exports of pig iron in monetary terms amounted to $346.880 million (down 18.1%).

At the same time, exports were mainly to Poland (63.56% of shipments in monetary terms), Spain (19.87%) and the Czech Republic (7.24%).

For seven months of 2023 Ukraine imported 37 tons of pig iron for $52 thousand from Germany (61.54%) and Brazil (38.46%), with no imports in June and July.

As reported, Ukraine in 2022 reduced exports of pig iron in physical terms by 59% year-on-year to 1 million 325.275 thousand tons, in monetary terms by 61.1% to $638.774 million.

In 2022, Ukraine imported 40 tons of pig iron worth $23 thousand, while in 2021 – 185 tons of pig iron worth $226 thousand.

Exports were mainly to the USA (38.47% of shipments in monetary terms), Poland (32.91%) and Turkey (8.12%), imports – from Germany (100%).


Ukraine reduced nickel imports in seven months of 2023

According to the State Statistics Committee, Ukraine in the first seven months of 2023 reduced imports of nickel and nickel products by 77.3% compared to the same period of 2022 – to $8.439 million (in July – $732 thousand).
Ukraine in 2022 reduced imports of nickel and nickel products by 49.9% compared to 2021 – to $59.754 million, aluminum and aluminum products – by 33.4%, to $340.398 million.
At the same time, it reduced imports of lead and lead products by 66.6% to $2.839 million.


Ukraine imported $11m worth of copper in January-July

Ukrainian companies in January-July this year increased imports of copper and copper products in value terms by 95.6% compared to the same period last year – up to $67.313m.

According to customs statistics released by the State Customs Service of Ukraine, exports of copper and copper products for the period decreased by 26.4% to $43.924 million.

In July, $11.024m worth of copper was imported and $4.491m worth of copper was exported.
