Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Structure of approved state budget income of Ukraine in 2023

Structure of approved state budget income of Ukraine in 2023

Source: and

De Beers’ June sales slumped by almost third

Diamond miner De Beers posted its fifth sales cycle this year with total sales of $450 million, according to Anglo American plc, which controls De Beers.
That was 31 percent below a year ago ($657 million) and 6 percent below the result of the fourth site ($479 million).
This year’s fifth sales cycle took place June 5 through June 20.
“Following the JCK Show and with current global macroeconomic issues continuing to affect customer sentiment, the diamond industry remains cautious ahead of the summer season. Reflecting these factors, demand for De Beers’ diamonds during the fifth selling cycle this year was slightly lower than during the fourth selling cycle,” De Beers CEO Al Cook commented on the results.
De Beers reduced prices for one-carat and larger diamonds by 5-10% at its June sight amid weak demand, Rapaport, the industry news agency, reported in early June.
India’s Economic Times reported in May that De Beers postponed auctions for the fifth and sixth selling cycles this year due to weaker demand from Indian diamond producers. De Beers’ auctions represent about 10 percent of the miner’s diamond sales by value. According to Vipul Shah, chairman of India’s Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), rough diamond prices fell 10 percent due to lower demand in global markets.
Russia’s ALROSA, which controls nearly a third of the rough diamond market and was included in the SDN sanctions list last year, does not publish its sales results since March 2022.


Changes in consolidated budget expenditures in 2014-2022 (%)

Changes in consolidated budget expenditures in 2014-2022 (%)

Source: and

No outbreaks of infectious diseases have been recorded in Odessa

According to the results of monitoring of the regional center for control and prevention of diseases Odessa regional center for control and prevention of diseases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine cases of group incidence of infectious diseases have not been identified.
“No outbreaks of infectious diseases and group cases have been registered,” the department said in a statement posted on Facebook Tuesday evening.
Nevertheless, “according to the monitoring data, the incidence of acute intestinal infections in the region, compared to the previous week, increased by 10.5% (it is 190 cases against 172), including among adults – by 29.2% (93 against 72), among children under the age of 17 there was no change (…).”
The department stressed that the overall incidence rate per 100 thousand people was 8.1.
The highest incidence among the total number of cases is observed among children under 17 years (51.1%), and among them the most vulnerable is the age group from 1 to 4 years (50.4%).
Reportedly, only 1.8% of the total number of cases have no established cause of the disease.
It is noted that out of 168 registered patients with gastrointestinal disorders, 156 patients were tested for cholera, all with negative results.
The region continues to actively monitor water quality, with regular sampling of water from the sea and water.
“During the week 100 environmental samples were tested, including seawater – 52 samples, fresh water – 28 samples, sewage from infectious disease hospitals (departments) – 18, seafood (hydrobionts) – 2”.
It is reported that no cholera vibrio was detected in any of the monitoring points.
In addition, the results of samples of seawater for sanitary and microbiological with five public beaches in Odessa, it was found that the water does not meet hygienic requirements
“At present, a significant excess of microbiological indicators has already been recorded, so swimming or using such water for food processing is FORBIDDEN. The catching of fish and seafood in the sea and reservoirs, eating them, as well as buying such products is FORBIDDEN”, – were reminded in the Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
It is also noted that the sanitary-epidemic situation is under constant control, in addition, on the basis of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention formed groups of rapid response to various threats, including biological, chemical and radiological.
“Environmental monitoring is conducted on a daily basis. The headquarters works 24/7.The epidemic situation is predictable and manageable. But the general well-being of the population depends on each of us,” the agency summed up.

Ukrainian sunflower prices will continue to grow – experts

Prices for Ukrainian sunflower rose by 11.5% during the week against the background of the growth of exchange prices for vegetable oils and amounted to 14000-14500 UAH/tonne and will grow further, according to experts of analytical center of the cooperative “PUSK”, created within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Rada (AAR).
“Last week, the price of soybean oil on world exchanges jumped up a lot, which caused the physical market, prices for raw materials for production of vegetable oils, including prices for sunflower oil,” the analysts explained.
This led to the fact that the current week began with a price range for sunflower around 14000-14500 UAH/ton, while last week began with prices at 12000-12500 UAH/ton.
“Uniformly, the market is moving from falling to rising. The other day India bought 80 thousand tons of sunflower oil from Ukraine, which increased the prices for vegetable oil on FOB terms by $ 60-70/ton, on CPT terms the oil went up by $100-110/ton. The market has become more active, the sunflower has most likely passed the “price bottom” of this season”, – stressed the analytical department of the cooperative “PUSK”.
Experts reminded that in July plants will begin to process rape, which could lead to a sunflower price subsidence in the second half of July.
Further rise in sunflower prices will be moderate, they will not exceed 15 500 hryvnias/ton, “PUSK” forecasts.

IMK plans to invest $233 mln in Smart Green Strategy from 2023 to 2033

IMK Agro Holding plans to invest about $233 million between 2023 and 2033 in the implementation of the Smart Green Strategy.
The group said Tuesday at the Warsaw Stock Exchange that the strategy aims, among other things, to improve operational efficiency, reduce fossil fuel consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and invest in buying agricultural land in Ukraine.
According to the agroholding, sustainable agriculture projects have been developed for each strategic direction.
It is noted that the funds to implement the strategy will come from our own sources and borrowed funds. They will be used to improve operational efficiency through the introduction of new technologies and sustainable environmental development.
It is indicated that the agricultural holding intends to completely replace the equipment for spraying crops to reduce the use of pesticides by 50%. It is also planned to replace the grain dryers on more productive and transfer part of them to biofuel to reduce natural gas consumption. In addition, the company plans to modernize seeders to ensure faster and higher-quality sowing.
In addition, in 2023 the agricultural holding plans to buy 75 new grain carriers. It estimates that this will reduce consumption of diesel fuel and exhaust emissions, as well as enable the company to transport crops for subsequent export.
By 2033, IMC intends to convert 80% of its acreage to simplified tillage (switching from plowing to deep loosening), which will reduce CO2 emissions and improve soil conditions.
According to the press release, IMC will use part of the funds to buy land, taking advantage of changes in legislation that allow agricultural companies to acquire land ownership. For the time being, the land cultivated by the agricultural holding is on lease.
The program also provides for the development and support of local communities in regions where IMC farms operate.
“Our strategy takes into account Ukraine’s integration with the EU and the consequent need to reduce gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption. Our program is a long-term one, but some of its elements we are going to implement this year”, – Alex Lissitsa, president of IMC Holding, said.
IMK specializes in the cultivation of grain and oilseeds and milk production in Ukraine. It cultivates about 123.3 thousand hectares of land in Poltava, Chernigov and Sumy regions. It has a storage capacity of 554 thsd. tons of grains and oilseeds.
In January-March 2023, IMC Agro Holding incurred a net loss of $4.10 million, which is 2.6 times less than in the same period last year, largely due to higher logistics and distribution costs. The revenues of the holding increased by 11% – to $41.96 million, of which $35.03 million were exports. Due to the decrease of production costs the gross profit of IMC grew 3.9 times – to $8.60 million. Because of the increase in logistics and distribution costs by half (to $9.40 million) the operating loss was $2.85 million, which is twice as much as in the first quarter of 2022.
