Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Odessa Filatov Institute will hold international conference from May 24 to 26

On May 24-26, 2023, the annual international scientific-practical conference “Filatov Readings – 2023” will be held, which is registered in the State Non-Commercial Enterprise “Center for Testing the Professional Competence of Specialists with Higher Education in the Fields of “Medicine” and “Pharmacy” under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” and accredited by EACME. In addition to specialists from Ukrainian regions, leading ophthalmologists from Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Armenia, Greece, Egypt, Israel, Spain, China, Moldova, Netherlands, Germany, UAE, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Turkey, Hungary, France, Switzerland, and Egypt will also participate.
The reports will discuss modern approaches and methods of diagnostics and treatment of eye diseases using the latest technologies. The scientific-practical conference with international participation “Filatov Readings-2023” is organized by “Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists” Public Organization and State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after A.N. Shupik. The program of the scientific-practical conference is dedicated to the priority problems of ophthalmology: corneal and anterior eye diseases, post-traumatic eye pathology, including combat trauma, cataract surgery, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmo-oncology, vitreoretinal pathology, pediatric ophthalmopathology, refractive and accommodation disorders, glaucoma and reconstructive surgery. Thus the scientific-practical conference with international participation “Filatov Readings-2023” will bring together well-known scientists, researchers, practitioners and specialists of related fields in order to exchange experience, expand professional contacts and business relations, which will contribute to the main result of medical science – improvement of public health and prevention of eye diseases.
The speaker Gerrit Melles, MD, PhD (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) will open the conference with a lecture, which is dedicated to Academician V.P. Filatov “How Nature would have seen our cornea win”.
At the “Filatov Readings – 2023” conference, meetings of professional societies will be held: Ukrainian Society of Ophthalmologists, Ukrainian Glaucoma Society, Union of Ukrainian Ophthalmosurgeons, Ukrainian Council of Young Scientists, European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists (ECLSO), Polish Ophthalmological Society “Ophthalmology in the 21st Century” (POS), German Ophthalmological Society DOG, Association of Ophthalmologists of Moldova.
During the plenary and breakout sessions, the Ukrainian and foreign specialists will present their innovative solutions, inventions, improvements in ophthalmology. All the participants will get certificates.
Location: 49/51 French Boulevard, Odessa, State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after N.P. Filatov. Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after V.P. Filatov NAMS of Ukraine.

Phone numbers for inquiries (048) 746-52-08
State Institution “The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. V.P. Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine


Council of Bishops of PCU decided to switch to New Julian calendar

The Council of Bishops of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, 2023.

“A historic decision has been made! The Orthodox Church of Ukraine at the Council of Bishops on May 24, 2023 approved an important reform – the transition to the New Julian ecclesiastical calendar from September 1, 2023 has taken place. Congratulations to all Ukrainians!”, – wrote in Facebook Bishop Varsonofy of Uzhgorod and Transcarpathia.

According to the press service of the PCU, this decision preserves the right for parishes and monasteries to use the old calendar.

“The general use of the New Julian calendar after the approval of this decision by the Local Council, which convenes on July 27, 2023, will be introduced from September 1 of this year, when the new church year begins. At the same time, parishes and monasteries wishing to observe the old calendar will have this opportunity – the calendar reform will take place without compulsion, gradually and consciously,” says the report.

“Interpipe” shipped shipment of over 2,600 wheels to Moroccan railroads

Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe shipped a shipment of over 2,600 wheels to Moroccan railroads – Office National des Chemins de Fer (ONCF).
According to the company’s press release, Interpipe continues to hold the country’s economic front, increasing its exports, in particular to African countries.
It is specified that ONCF usually holds tenders once in three years, concluding long-term agreements with suppliers. Under this contract, the Moroccan railroads use Ukrainian products to update the fleet of passenger cars Fiat AnsaldoBreda electric train and freight cars.
Alexander Garkavy, director of Interpipe’s railway products division, stated that the group has been cooperating with ONCF for about 15 years.
“During this time the company has managed to prove itself a reliable supplier of wheels. Morocco is increasing its rolling stock fleet as part of the construction of a high-speed electric train line, so Interpipe hopes to further develop its partnership with Moroccan railroads,” said the division’s director, quoted by the press service.
He added that the African continent as a whole is a promising market for the development of rail supplies.
“We are already cooperating with Mauritania, Gabon, Egypt and intend to expand our presence in other countries of the region,” Garkavy explained.
“Interpipe is a Ukrainian industrial company producing seamless pipes and railway wheels. The company supplies its products to over 80 countries all over the world through a network of commercial offices located in the key markets of the CIS, Middle East, North America, and Europe. The sales of railway products are carried out under the KLW brand.
Interpipe has 10 thousand employees.
The company consists of five industrial assets: “Interpipe Nizhnedneprovsky Tube Rolling Plant (NTZ)”, “Interpipe Novomoskovsk Tube Plant (NMTZ)”, “Interpipe Niko Tube”, “Interpipe Vtormet” and the electric steelmaking complex “Dneprosteel” under the brand name “Interpipe Steel”.
The ultimate owner of Interpipe Limited is Ukrainian businessman Viktor Pinchuk and his family members.


Ukraine Doesn’t Have Enough Rehabilitation Specialists – Opinion

There is an imbalance between the number of physical rehabilitation centers in Ukraine and the number of rehabilitation specialists that is currently insufficient, according to Vadim Kerestey, head of rehabilitation department of Adonis medical clinic network.
“We can observe a noticeable imbalance between the number of physical rehabilitation centers that have opened over the last year and the number of experienced specialists who can provide quality assistance to the injured”, – he told Interfax-Ukraine.
At the same time, according to Kerestei, “the medical system of Ukraine does not currently have sufficient capacity to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services.”
“The heavy load on the entire medical system of Ukraine, the lack of the necessary number of experienced specialists and specialized centers make it impossible to provide harmonious and versatile rehabilitation care wherever it is needed,” he said.
The expert noted that “the state catastrophically lacks physically enough doctors of rehabilitation medicine: physical therapists and occupational therapists.”
“Many, newly opened, rehabilitation centers are critically understaffed with a team of specialized experienced physicians and must create a team from scratch, with specialists who have very little clinical experience, which consequently affects the quality of patient care,” he said.
At the same time, the expert noted that “the state medical system is changing very rapidly and actively adapting.
“This allows us to say that in the near future we will be able to do everything for the quality and comprehensive recovery of patients who suffered as a result of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine,” he said.
“An option for cooperation between the state and private rehabilitation centers could be the following scenario: since private medical centers already have excellent conditions for comprehensive and effective rehabilitation of victims, the state should guarantee 100% compensation to patients for rehabilitation costs in such medical institutions,” Kerestei believes.
The expert noted that such cooperation may be beneficial for the state due to the specifics of rehabilitation: many state rehabilitation centers cannot provide effective help and there will be a need to undergo repeated courses of treatment several times.
At the same time, according to Kerestei, in private medical centers “after the first cycle, the patient will have significantly better results or even will fully recover and be able to return to normal social life.
Commenting on Adonis’ place in the national rehabilitation system, Kerestay pointed out that the network of medical centers has been working with wounded warriors for more than 15 months.
He reported that Adonis has had “a vivid experience working with charitable foundations and private donors”.
Kerestey stressed that “rehabilitation is an individual and long-term process.”
“Unfortunately, we can’t talk about a specific price range. The cost of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the injury, the accompanying schedules, and the speed and quality of primary care,” he said.
Commenting on the development of prosthetics in Ukraine, Kerestey noted that “the situation in the state medical system is much better in this regard.”
“Now all prosthetics procedures take place at state expense. But providing a prosthesis is only half the success. The victim must first be prepared for the prosthetics procedure (surgeons, prosthetists and rehabilitologists work with him at this stage), and once the prosthesis is fitted, the difficult stage of patient adaptation to using the device begins and this process is impossible without the participation of an experienced rehabilitator,” he said.


Cabinet of Ministers expanded program for grants for gardening

The Cabinet of Ministers has added rose hips and almonds to the list of fruit and berry crops for planting which one can receive a grant under the state program to establish or develop horticulture, viticulture and berry growing.
According to the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk in Telegram, the relevant changes were made to the Cabinet of Ministers resolution No. 738 “Some issues of grants for businesses” at a government meeting on Tuesday.
According to Melnychuk, a separate list of areas for planting has been established for almonds.
According to the decree, the enterprise that has received the grant must prove the creation of new jobs with copies of documents submitted to the State Tax Service. In particular, it is necessary to provide a copy of the tax calculation of the amounts of income accrued (paid) in favor of taxpayers-individuals, the amounts of tax withheld from them, as well as the amounts of accrued single fee for recent reporting periods.
In addition, the government has identified a list of taxes and fees for monitoring and fixing the refund used by the business entity.
As reported, since the beginning of the year as of May 19, 61 agro-enterprises received 201 million UAH for the development of horticulture, berry-growing, viticulture and greenhouse farming within the framework of the profile government grant.


State Forestry Agency of Ukraine has launched pilot project to prevent manipulations in timber trade

The State Forestry Agency of Ukraine (Goslesagentstvo) on the basis of several branches of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” launched a pilot project to prevent manipulations with bills of lading (BOT), which now must be accompanied by photos of wood loaded into machines, said the head of the agency Yuri Bolokhovets.
“Unfortunately, there was a gap in the system of control of the consignment note. Unclean forestry workers could theoretically break tags and take out several lots of wood of the same volume under one TTN. We solve the problem by adding photos of the logs loaded on the truck to the TTN. “Profile” and “Anfas”. The pattern of the stacked timber is unique, it is almost impossible to duplicate”, – he wrote in Facebook.
The head of the State Forest Agency is sure that this innovation will make manipulations with the TTN more risky. The police, forest guards and local activists will be able to unmask criminals by comparing a photo with the TTN with the real look of logs in the car body.
According to his information, the pilot project has been implemented in several branches. At present the quality of the system is being tested. In the near future we plan to scale up the new control tool to all branches of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” and other forest users.
“Detenization is one of the important results of the forest industry reform. Centralization of management finally opened up the possibility to introduce something that has been successfully working for our colleagues from the Baltic States, Scandinavia and Poland for a long time,” said Bolokhovets.
He has informed that at the second stage of the pilot project all timber trucks will be equipped with GPS-trackers. The Head of the State Forest Agency is sure that this will allow to control and trace online the process of timber transportation.
The timber shipment receipt is one of the parts of the Uniform State System of Electronic Timber Records. The document gives the buyer the right to transport the consignment of timber. The date, volume of the timber, driver’s and car’s data and number of tags are written in the bill of lumber. Information about the TTN is publicly available on the website of the state enterprise “LIAC”. According to the number of the document or the number of the car here you can check the authenticity of the documents of the driver of the timber truck.
As reported, in Ukraine in 2016 the reform of forestry began. Within its framework, the sale of unprocessed timber at electronic auctions has already been introduced. Since 2021, an interactive map of timber processing facilities in a number of regions in the test mode is working.
In the industry introduced the project “Forest in your smartphone”, which contains a list of logging tickets for logging and allows you to check the legality of logging on the online map of the department.
Ukraine on June 1, the pilot of electronic issuance of logging tickets and certificates of origin of timber.
The next stage of the forest industry reform will be the separation of managerial, permitting and economic functions of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”.