Business news from Ukraine

The EU Council approved a proposal to allocate a new tranche of 500 million euros for military assistance to Ukraine

The Council of the European Union has approved an earlier political decision to provide Ukraine with a new tranche of EUR500 million from the European Peace Fund to strengthen support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to protect the country’s territory from Russian aggression.
The corresponding decision was made on Friday in Brussels, according to the EU Council.
“Today, the Council approved two European Peace Fund (EPF) assistance measures aimed at strengthening EU support for the capabilities and resilience of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to protect the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as to protect the civilian population from ongoing Russian military aggression. Thanks to the 5th tranche of EUR500 million mobilized today, the EU contribution under the EPF for Ukraine will now amount to EUR2.5 billion.
Commenting on the decision, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said: “The EU remains focused and unwaveringly supporting Ukraine in its struggle for freedom and independence. Ukraine needs more weapons, we will provide them. In this context, Member States The EU agreed to mobilize the 5th tranche of military assistance in the amount of EUR500 million, which in total amounts to EUR2.5 billion of military equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.”
The press release details that, in line with the current priorities stated by the government of Ukraine and the support provided so far, the assistance measures include EUR490 million in military equipment designed to deliver lethal force for defensive purposes and EUR10 million intended to cover equipment deliveries. and for consumables such as personal protective equipment, first aid kits and fuel.

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“Agrotrade” receives certificate for export of soybeans to EU

The Agrotrade agricultural holding has received a certificate allowing it to export soybeans to the EU countries. Initially, it is planned to sell 4,000 tons of soybeans from the last year’s crop residues.
As reported on the Facebook page of the agricultural holding on Thursday, the document guarantees the cultivation of non-GMO soybeans using fertilizers and chemicals permitted in Europe.
It is specified that the certification of exports to the EU was carried out by the Ukrainian certification body Organic Standard.
The Agrotrade group sowed 3.1 thousand hectares of soybeans this year, the harvest from which is also planned to be exported to the EU.
Previously, the company certified rapeseed for supplies to Europe.
The Agrotrade group of companies is a vertically integrated holding of a full agro-industrial cycle (production, processing, storage and trade in agricultural products). Processes more than 70 thousand hectares of land in Chernihiv, Sumy, Poltava and Kharkov regions. Profile crops are sunflower, corn, winter wheat, soybeans and rapeseed. It has its own network of elevators with a one-time storage capacity of 570 thousand tons.
The group also produces hybrids of corn and sunflower seeds, barley, and winter wheat. On the basis of the seed farm “Kolos” (Kharkiv region) in 2014, a seed plant with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of seeds per year was built. In 2018, Agrotrade launched its own brand Agroseeds on the market.
The founder and CEO of Agrotrade is Vsevolod Kozhemyako.

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EU member states agree to mobilize EUR 500 mln tranche of military aid to support of Ukraine

The member states of the European Union have agreed to mobilize the fifth tranche of military assistance in the amount of EUR 500 million in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell.
“Participated at Ministerial Ukraine Defence Contact Group meeting. EU Member States agreed to mobilise 5th tranche of military assistance of EUR 500 million to further support Ukraine‘s Armed Forces. EU remains focused & steadfast in its support for Ukraine, together w partners,” Borrell said on Twitter Wednesday evening.

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“Roaming like at home” service for Ukrainian citizens in Europe will be extended

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine announced the extension of the “Roaming like at home” service for Ukrainian refugees in the EU countries.

“The joint statement of the mobile operators of Ukraine and the European Union is being extended. Ukrainians who are forced to leave for the EU countries will be able to continue calling their relatives at the prices of Ukrainian operators. The preliminary agreements were for three months. And from July, Ukrainians would have to switch to European tariffs. However, the European Commission called EU operators to extend support for Ukrainians,” the Ministry’s Telegram channel reported.

According to the Ministry of Digital Development, currently about 70 European operators provide Ukrainians with free roaming. From the Ukrainian side, the statement is supported by mobile operators Kyivstar, Vodafone Ukraine and lifecell.

The Ministry thanked the National Commission for State Regulation in the Fields of Electronic Communications, Radio Frequency Spectrum and Postal Services (NCEC), the European Commission and the Association of European Regulators in the Field of Electronic Communications (BEREC) for the efforts made to ensure that Ukrainians in the EU stay in touch with loved ones.

As reported earlier, the operators of Ukraine and the EU signed a joint declaration on coordinated efforts to ensure and stabilize affordable or free roaming and international calls between the EU and Ukraine.

At the time of publication, the declaration has been signed by 27 telecom operators in the EU and Ukraine, including several pan-European groups, as well as an association representing a number of virtual mobile operators (MVNOs in Europe), and is open to further signatories.

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German Foreign Minister proposes to buy Ukrainian grain to intensify its exports under leadership of EU

Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Annalena Berbock said that she supports the proposal of the European Commission to appoint a central coordinator represented by the EU, who will buy grain in Ukraine and rationally distribute its exports through existing logistics channels.
She made the corresponding statement on July 18 after visiting the Romanian port of Constanta, which transships significant volumes of agricultural raw materials from Ukraine under the blockade of Ukrainian seaports, according to the Spiegel website.
“We should think about whether to buy up all (Ukrainian – IF-U) grain, so that later we can distribute it logistically much faster,” the German minister was quoted as saying.
Burbock recalled that due to the Russian blockade of Ukrainian ports, Ukraine has accumulated 18 million tons of agricultural products ready for export. After four-party talks between Ukraine, the OO, Turkey and the Russian Federation, there is hope for the deblockade of Ukrainian export infrastructure in the Black Sea, but it is still important to look for alternative grain routes, for example, through Constanta.
As reported, on June 28, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a draft agreement with the UN World Food Program (WFP) on the resumption of its office in the country, which will allow the organization, among other things, to purchase agricultural products from Ukrainian companies to carry out international humanitarian programs.
WFP is expected to participate in the purchase of agricultural and food products from Ukrainian companies for the needs of UN international humanitarian projects.
People’s Deputy Dmitry Solomchuk wrote in June that the uncertainty with the export of Ukrainian grain, leading to a global food crisis and rising food prices, can be resolved by buying last year’s and this year’s crops from Ukraine for a total of $30-35 billion through a specially created fund. This will contribute to the development of exports from the country and its internal processing in the agro-industrial complex, as well as provide the Ukrainian agricultural sector with working capital and the opportunity to continue working in the conditions of the military invasion of the Russian Federation.

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German Chancellor Scholz said EU will maintain sanctions against Russia for long time

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, in an article written for the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper, said that Europe knew from the beginning that sanctions against Russia would be in place for a long time.
“It was clear to us from the very beginning that the sanctions would have to be maintained for a long time,” the politician wrote.
He repeated his statement, made in May in an interview with the ZDF television channel, that the West would not agree to the lifting of sanctions in the event of a peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian conflict on “conditions imposed by Russia.”
At the same time, he acknowledged that most Germans are suffering from the consequences of the restrictions, including the high cost of gasoline and food.
“This path is not easy even for such a strong, prosperous country as ours,” Scholz added.
The article states that “the world economy is facing a challenge that has not been seen for decades,” and no country in the world can stand alone against such a development.
In this regard, Scholz called for the unity of the EU countries in policy towards Russia, noting that the EU has already demonstrated it.
“But we must not rest on our laurels,” he explained, adding that the EU must come to an agreement in other areas.
“For me, this means: no more selfish blockades of European decisions by individual member states. No more national single efforts that harm Europe as a whole,” he stressed.
In his words, “we simply can no longer afford a national veto, for example, in foreign policy, if we want to continue to be heard in a world of competing great powers.”
As reported, the EU Foreign Affairs Council will be held on Monday in Brussels. He plans to work in connection with the Ukrainian situation in three areas: support for Ukraine, sanctions against the Russian Federation, informing the international community about the consequences of the conflict, a source in the EU said.
“On the first part, we believe that there will be a discussion of additional military support for Ukraine,” a senior EU official told reporters on condition of anonymity, briefing them on the agenda of the ministerial meeting on Friday.
“There will be a discussion on sanctions (against the Russian Federation). We are preparing a number of measures,” the media interlocutor continued. He confirmed that during the discussion, council members will discuss a proposal to ban Russian exports of gold.
At the same time, the official noted that “we do not expect any decision on sanctions on Monday.”
With regard to military assistance to Kyiv, Brussels expects from the EU Council a “political decision” of the member states on the fifth tranche in accordance with the instructions of the European Council.

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