Business news from Ukraine

European Parliament approves EUR 50 bln for Ukraine

The European Parliament has voted in favor of revising the EU budget for 2021-2027, which provides for the creation of a special fund of EUR 50 billion to help Ukraine.

According to the press service of the European Parliament, the amendments on the mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027 were approved by 393 votes to 136 and 92 abstentions.

“Our goal was an ambitious but realistic proposal for the MFF review, and we managed to keep it focused but comprehensive. We aim to stabilize the situation in Ukraine with a new EUR 50 billion fund while supporting the EU economy,” said MEP Jan Olbricht.

In her turn, MEP Margarida Marquez noted that today the Parliament has identified the financial resources needed for the next four years.

“We urge the Rada to join us in the negotiations. By December 31, 2023, we want to have adequate funds to support Ukraine and continue to mitigate the social and economic consequences of the war, as well as rising inflation and living costs,” she said.


The European Parliament called on the leaders of the European Union, who will gather in Brussels on Thursday for a meeting of the European Council, to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate member of the European Union.
The corresponding resolution was voted on Thursday in Brussels in the framework of the plenary session of the European Parliament. “For” – 529, “against” – 45, with 14 abstentions.
“The European Parliament calls on the Heads of State and Government, who will meet within the Council of Europe on June 23 and 24, to immediately grant the status of EU candidate members to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as well as to grant the same status to Georgia after its government fulfills the priorities indicated by the European Commission” , the resolution says.
At the same time, the European Parliament stressed that the heads of state and government “should fulfill their historical responsibility and give clear political signals” confirming their European perspective.
The resolution notes that in the context of “Russia’s brutal aggressive war against Ukraine, this step will be equated with a demonstration of leadership, determination and foresight.” MEPs point out that there is “no fast track for EU membership and that accession remains a merit-based and structured process that requires the fulfillment of EU membership criteria and depends on the effective implementation of reforms.”

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Verkhovna Rada Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk will speak at the European Parliament and possibly meet with French President Emanuel Macron.
“First of all, in France, I will work on the parliamentary line…. A possible meeting with President Macron is being worked out, if the schedule allows,” Stefanchuk said on the air of the national telethon on Sunday.
According to Stefanchuk, in addition to Paris, he will visit Strasbourg and speak at the European Parliament.
“We will also work in Strasbourg, in the European Parliament. I will have a meeting with the leadership of the European Parliament and a speech in the European Parliament, and meetings with the main political groups of the European Parliament in order to enlist their support at this final stage,” Stefanchuk said.
He also did not rule out meetings with heads of other institutions of the European Union.

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The EU digital certificate of vaccination or a past COVID-19 disease must be extended until June 2023, European deputies came to this conclusion at a session of the European Parliament (EP) on Thursday in Strasbourg.
The EP supported the respective decision of the committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs and approved by an overwhelming majority a proposal to negotiate with EU member states (EU Council) for a one-year extension of the certificate, which will expire on 30 June.
In order to respect the freedom of movement in the EU, MEPs clarified the proposals put forward to renew this certificate, emphasizing that Member States should not impose additional restrictions on the movement of citizens holding such a digital European certificate, except in cases of absolute necessity.
“If such restrictions are necessary, they should be limited, proportionate and based on the latest scientific assessments of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the EU Committee for Sanitary Safety,” the EP notes.
At the end of April, European Commission (EC) spokesman Christian Wiegand said that the EU digital certificate was a success and the EC is proposing to extend it for another year.
“The certificate will expire at the end of June. We proposed a one-year extension for the simple reason that we do not know how the epidemiological situation will develop in the coming months, in particular in the fall. We have already seen that new strains may appear,” the press officer said. secretary.
“And in any case, you should always be on the lookout and have this very useful tool that is still being used in some countries,” Wiegand explained, answering the question, what is the future of the certificate, given that some EU states no longer use it.

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The humanitarian consequences of Russian aggression against Ukraine, as well as recommendations on spending on Ukraine in the EU budget, will be among the central topics of the plenary session of the European Parliament (EP), which will be held from April 4 to 7 in Strasbourg.
On Tuesday in Strasbourg, MEPs will discuss with the European Commission (EC) and the EU Council the possibilities of helping Ukrainian children fleeing military operations, in particular, protecting them from human trafficking and exploitation.
Following the launch on March 3 of a temporary protection mechanism for refugees from Ukraine, giving them the right to temporary EU residence, access to education and the labor market, the EC and the French Presidency of the Council of the EU are working on a 10-point plan that will “strengthen the common European response”. It will include the EU registration platform and the coordination of transport services for refugees, specific recommendations for the reception and support of children and adolescents from Ukraine. A corresponding resolution is expected to be adopted on Thursday.
According to UNICEF, almost half of Ukrainian refugees are minors who need enhanced protection as they are at greater risk of being trafficked and exploited.
The Ukrainian topic will also be in the parliamentary discussion on the priorities of the EU budget for 2023.
The MPs will call on the EU to “guarantee significant funding to address the geopolitical consequences of the current crisis, including support for humanitarian measures and ensuring preparedness for the reception of refugees in member states and in the countries of the Eastern Neighborhood.” On Tuesday, budget recommendations for 2023 will be put to a vote.
On Wednesday morning, the deputies will discuss the results of the March EU summit. The debate will be attended by European Council President Charles Michel and EC President Ursula von der Leyen, as well as High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.
At the March 24-25 summit, EU leaders had a wide-ranging discussion about the Russian war against Ukraine, international restrictions against Russia and the overall implications for the EU economy, with a focus on energy prices. US President Joe Biden attended the meeting in person, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky remotely. A resolution will be adopted on the basis of the parliamentary debate on the results of the EU summit.
A separate debate on Tuesday evening will focus on the results of the EU-China Virtual Summit on Friday 1 April. It focused on the international consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the position of China, as well as the future of bilateral relations between the EU and China, especially in the areas of trade and security.
On Tuesday, the session has time for questions and answers. The leaders of the European Council, the European Commission and the head of EU diplomacy will answer questions from European parliamentarians on a wide range of topics. Separately, the head of diplomacy Borrell will report. He will focus on the “Strategic Compass” – a project to strengthen the autonomy of the EU in the field of defense and security.
The agenda of the plenary session includes the traditional topics of the “green transition”, energy transformation, combating climate change, as well as human rights and the rule of law in Hungary and Poland and other issues.
On Wednesday, the EP will hold an urgent debate on human rights and on Thursday will adopt, respectively, three resolutions.

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has called the visit of head of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola to Ukraine against the background of the war a manifestation of heroism.

“I would like to sincerely thank you personally, Roberta, and all your team for the fact that at such an important moment for our country, when Ukrainians believe in deeds and concrete steps, you demonstrate heroism to come to Ukraine. And today it is heroism,” Zelensky said during his meeting with Metsola in Kyiv.

He also thanked the head of the European Parliament for the joint telephone talks held several times before the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

“The result of these conversations was your appeal to parliamentarians, the world community and some kind of support for Ukraine at the level of the European Parliament. And we highly appreciate these steps. Today we look through the prism of ‘friends and foes’, because we do not have time and there is no gray color for us in international diplomacy. Therefore, the issue of survival is acute. We are glad that you are on the side of light and kindness towards Ukraine,” he added.

Zelensky noted that he was unable to leave Kyiv and personally address the European Parliament, but expressed confidence that “nevertheless, today the voice of Ukraine is heard.”

“And I am glad that there is no status and pathos in our relationship. You have arrived, and this is a very important sign. We will never forget this,” he concluded.

By the decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 31, Roberta Metsola was awarded the Order of Princess Olga.
