Business news from Ukraine

Charity squash tournament will be held in Kyiv

On August 27-28, the charity squash tournament “Zenit Ukraine Open 2022” will be held on the courts of the capital’s fitness center “SPORT LIFE”.

For two days, awards will be drawn in 5 categories among men and women. Players from Romania, USA, Moldova, Lithuania, as well as athletes from Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Dnipro, Khmelnitsky, Poltava, Kherson and Odessa will take part in the competition.

The start of the tournament is scheduled for 10-00 on Saturday, August 28 in the complex “SPORT LIFE” at st. Marshal Konev, 8. The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners will be held on August 29 at 16-00 in the restaurant “OZERO”.

According to the co-organizer of the tournament Maksim Urakin, the tournament is held in Kyiv for the first time due to security reasons.

“For the last 11 years, the tournament has been held in Odessa, and we know it under the name Zenit Black Sea Open. Now, due to the war, we were forced to change traditions and move the venue to Kyiv. At the same time, we plan to return to Odessa courts next year” – Maksim Urakin explained.
According to another organizer, Dmitry Shcherbakov, holding international competitions in Kyiv is now important not only to support Ukrainian sports, but also for the country as a whole.

“We are grateful to all the athletes who responded to the call to participate in the tournament at such a difficult time. This means that Ukrainian sport is alive and winning,” he stressed.

According to the organizers, the funds raised at the tournament will be directed to charity and assistance to Ukraine.

“Zenit Open” is the most famous and largest international squash tournament in the history of independent Ukraine. The scale of the championship is evidenced by the number of countries and participants, as well as a large number of organizations involved in the preparation and holding of the competition.

The main fitness partner of the event is the national network of fitness clubs No. 1 “SPORT LIFE”;

The main organizer of the tournament is “All-Ukrainian Association of Squash Players”;

The main information partner of the tournament is the news agency “Interfax Ukraine”;

The official sponsors were the company “MAXEVENTS” and the analytical center “Club of Experts”;

Partner – Public Association “UKRSADVINPROM”;

Prize fund partners – Eye and VICTOR;

Prizes and gifts from the leading companies Tecnifibre and Reima;

The official water of the tournament is “KRAYNA”;

Official beer of the tournament from TERMOPUB;

Tea Partner – At Market;

Official hotel of the tournament – “FAVOR”;

Party partner restaurant – “OZERO”.

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Club of Experts released overview of events that will take place in Ukraine and world this week

A new video has been released on the YouTube channel “Club of Experts”, dedicated to the announcements of the main events that are planned in Ukraine and the world this week.
In the next issue, the founder of the club of experts Maxim Urakin, together with co-host Olga Levkun, announced the main events, which are scheduled for the period from August 22 to 28, 2022.
Thus, in Ukraine, one of the main events of the week, in addition to honoring the 31st anniversary of Independence, will be the second summit of the Crimean Platform. For security reasons, the summit will be held online. Also this week there will be a number of events, round tables, seminars and exhibitions dedicated to Independence Day, most of which will also be held online.
Recall that in the period from August 22 to 25, holding mass events in Kyiv is prohibited.
Among world events, one can single out the continued development of the situation around the island of Taiwan, near which China intends to conduct regular military maneuvers. Asia will also host a number of major events dedicated to economic development in the region. Among them are the international exhibition “EXPO China-Eurasia” in Urumqi, China and the Asia-Pacific Business Forum in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.
You can learn about these and many other events by watching the video on the Club of Experts channel at the link:

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Club of Experts releases video review of events that will take place in Ukraine and world from August 8 to August 14

On the YouTube channel “Club of Experts” another video was released with an analysis of the events that will take place in Ukraine and in the world in the near future.
The founder of the club of experts Maksim Urakin, together with the host Olga Levkun, analyzed the most important events in Ukraine and the world from August 8 to 14, 2022.
Among the Ukrainian events, several conferences and round tables were announced, dedicated, in particular, to doing business in a war, preparing for the heating season, developing vocational education and other topics. Also on Friday, a draft law implementing a common reporting standard in Ukraine will be presented.
Among world events, in addition to the war in Ukraine, a number of other conflicts have also entered a hot phase. Among them are the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip and the Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation in Nagorno-Karabakh. In addition, China continues its military-political pressure on Taiwan in connection with the recent visit to the island of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi.
Next week, the introduction of new sanctions against coal imports from the Russian Federation by the EU and the UK is also expected.
Watch these and many other events in a new video on the Club of Experts channel at the link:

You can subscribe to the Expert Club channel here –

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Club of Experts releases video review of events that will take place in Ukraine and world from August 1 to 7

As part of a new project to announce the events that should take place in the next seven days, a video material with an analysis of the planned events in Ukraine and in the world was released on the Expert Club YouTube channel.
In the new issue, the founder of the club of experts Maxim Urakin, together with the host Olga Levkun, analyzed the most important events in Ukraine and the world from August 1 to August 7, 2022.
In particular, a number of round tables, press conferences and seminars will be held in Ukraine on the development of the country’s economy in the post-war period, doing business on international marketing platforms, as well as the security of citizens in the current conditions. Also, residents of our country will be able to visit a number of cultural events.
On the world stage, by far the main event of the next week is the tour of the third person in the US hierarchy, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, to Southeast Asia, as well as her possible visit to the island of Taiwan and the reaction of the Chinese authorities to this trip.
In addition, a number of the largest EU economies will publish data from statistical services on the state of their economy, and the Bank of England will publish a decision to change the base interest rate.
Watch these and many other events in a new video on the Club of Experts channel at the link:

You can subscribe to the Expert Club channel here –

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Table (edible) salt is one of the most important products for the body, and the so-called salt-free diet can often lead to negative health consequences, says Doctor of Biology Svyatoslav Morozov. “Sodium ions are necessary to maintain the ionic balance in the cell, the bloodstream. Sodium chloride is also needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, digestion, muscle contraction and many other processes in the body,” he said in a new video posted on the Expert Club YouTube channel.

At the same time, according to the expert, it is necessary to observe the daily intake of salt, since an excessive amount of this ingredient in food can provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

“It is advisable to consume up to 4-5 grams of table salt per day. Excess salt does not lead to terrible consequences, but it creates a burden on the body. This is due to the fact that a significant amount of salt in food leads to a feeling of thirst, as a result of which blood vessels and the heart are already stressed due to excess fluid, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, ” the scientist explained.

The founder of the Club of Experts, Maksim Urakin, in turn, emphasized that, while observing the daily norms of salt intake, it is necessary to take into account not only the pure salting of food, but also the content of sodium chloride in the product itself.

“Today, salt is found in almost all food products. That is, we are talking about the amount of salt directly in all products that a person consumes per day,” the expert noted.

Watch the full video on the Expert Club channel at the link:

You can subscribe to the channel using the link:Клубэкспертов

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The excitement that was observed around the shortage of table salt in early June has generally declined, today the market does not experience an acute shortage of this product, according to the Expert Club analytical center. In a new video, released on the YouTube channel of the same name, the ball analyzes the current situation with the availability of various types of salt, as well as its benefits and harms in terms of a healthy diet.

According to the candidate of biological sciences Svyatoslav Morozov, in Ukraine today there are several explored deposits of rock salt, in particular in the Kalush region of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as Solotvino in the Transcarpathian region, which will replace the production facilities temporarily stopped due to the war in the Bakhmut region.

The founder of the Club of Experts, Candidate of Economic Sciences Maksim Urakin emphasized that today salt is produced in the world by more than 110 countries, among which China, India and the USA are the leaders. “Ukraine occupied a worthy place in the world salt market. In particular, Artyomsol provided exports to more than 50 countries of the world,” the expert noted.

According to him, the main importers of Ukrainian salt were Poland, Hungary, Moldova and a number of other countries.

Recall that in April 2022, the Artemsol enterprise, located in Soledar, Donetsk region, stopped its work due to hostilities in order to ensure the safety of employees.

For more details, see the video on the Expert Club channel:

You can subscribe to the channel using the link:Клубэкспертов

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