Business news from Ukraine

Exports of goods in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

Exports of goods in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

SSC of Ukraine


KSG Agro leases plant to increase sunflower oil exports to EU

KSG Agro rented an oil extraction plant (OEZ) in Dnipropetrovsk region to produce virgin sunflower oil from its own raw material.
According to the agricultural holding’s press release issued on Friday, the crude sunflower oil it produces will be exported to European Union countries by road.
It is specified that the capacity of rented crushing plant allows processing 2.5 thousand tons of sunflower seeds into 1 thousand tons of sunflower oil per month. Staff of the factory consists of 30 persons. The production is equipped with modern equipment manufactured in Ukraine in 2008.
Agroholding reminded that after the start of a full-scale Russian military invasion into Ukraine, it began exporting rapeseed and sunflower oil to Poland, Slovakia and Italy. In addition, it began pilot shipments of sunflower oil to Poland and Italy using “flexitanks” – polymeric containers designed to transport liquid cargo and installed on trucks.
The vertically integrated holding KSG Agro is engaged in pig farming as well as the production, storage, processing and sale of grain and oilseeds. Its land bank is about 21,000 hectares.
According to the agricultural holding, it is one of the top five pork producers in Ukraine.
In 2021, the holding increased its net profit in 16 times compared with 2020 – up to $20.27 million, revenue – by 44%, to $30.75 million, while increasing EBITDA by half – to $12.28 million.
The owner and chairman of the board of directors of KSG Agro is Sergey Kasyanov.

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Exports of goods in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

Exports of goods in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

SSC of Ukraine, graphics of the Club of Experts


Ukraine for 9 months reduced iron exports by 56%

Ukraine in January-September this year reduced the export of pig iron in kind by 55.9% compared to the same period last year – up to 1 million 77.356 thousand tons.
According to statistics published by the State Customs Service (SCS), over the specified period, the export of pig iron in monetary terms decreased by 56.5% – to $550.490 million.
At the same time, exports were carried out mainly to the USA (41.75% of deliveries in monetary terms), Poland (34.1%) and Turkey (8.7%).
In January-September 2022, Ukraine imported 15 tons of pig iron from Germany for $25,000, while in 9 months-2021 it imported 149 tons of pig iron for $163,000 from Germany (64.42%), Russia (28.22%) and Slovakia (7.36%).
As reported, in 2021 Ukraine increased the export of pig iron in physical terms by 4.2% compared to 2020 – up to 3 million 235.772 thousand tons, the export of pig iron in monetary terms increased by 78.1% – up to $1 billion 642.596 million At the same time, exports were carried out mainly to the USA (53.61% of deliveries in monetary terms), Italy (22.08%) and Turkey (9.74%).
In 2021, Ukraine imported 185 tons of pig iron worth $226 thousand from Germany (74.34%), the Russian Federation (20.35%) and Slovakia (5.31%), while in 2020 it imported 593 tons worth $417 thousand.


Ukraine exports 7 mln tonnes of food from ports

Another seven ships with 177,500 tonnes of foodstuffs left the Ukrainian ports of Odesa, Pivdenny and Chornomorsk on Tuesday for the countries of Africa, Asia and Europe, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine has reported.
“In particular, among the ships leaving the Ukrainian ports is the bulk carrier Sea Pearl J, which will deliver 30,000 tonnes of wheat to Tunisia,” the ministry said on its Facebook page.
Five ships were sent from the port of Chornomorsk: Hazar S, Sea Pearl J, Ince Evrenye, Milina, Magnum Power, while Lucky Trader and Erdek departed from Odesa and Pivdenny, respectively.
In general, since the launch of the first ship with Ukrainian food, 7 million tonnes of foodstuffs have been exported, and the number of ships with food sent to Asia, Europe and Africa has reached 316.

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UK bans exports of 700 items from Russia

On Friday, the UK announced its decision to expand sanctions against Russia in the field of IT technologies, audit services, and engineering.

The government’s message notes that, in particular, in the IT sector, consulting services for the Russian Federation will now be prohibited. It is also prohibited “to provide legal services for transactions in a number of commercial areas.” Restrictive measures apply to the advertising sector, auditing.

“The UK also bans the export to Russia of approximately 700 items of goods that are important for Russian industry and technology development,” the statement said.

It also notes that the British authorities have decided to summon Russian Ambassador to London Andrey Kelin to the British Foreign Office.

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