Business news from Ukraine

1196 families from Kyiv and Mykolaiv have received monetary aid from Ukrainian Red Cross for rehabilitation

More than a thousand families have received monetary assistance from the Ukrainian Red Cross for rehabilitation.

“1,196 families from Kiev and Mykolaiv have received monetary assistance from the Ukrainian Red Cross for the rehabilitation of children and adults totaling more than 35 million hryvnias,” the Ukrainian Red Cross said on Facebook on Thursday.

The Ukrainian Red Cross provided cash assistance to patients undergoing rehabilitation at the National Children’s Specialized Hospital of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine “Okhmatdet” in Kiev and several rehabilitation centers in Mykolaiv under the Cash for Rehabilitation program supported by the British Red Cross. Each patient under the program received 30 thousand hryvnias.

“This amount was determined based on the results of a preliminary survey among families whose children or relatives are undergoing or need physical rehabilitation in medical institutions of the country, in particular, in the Okhmatdet hospital in Kiev and institutions in Mykolaiv,” said Elena Skrypnikova, head of the Innovative Financing Department of the Ukrainian Red Cross.

According to her, the categories of injuries and illnesses for which monetary assistance is provided have also been defined: rehabilitation after wounds received as a result of hostilities or the action of explosive objects; rehabilitation services due to congenital diseases; rehabilitation due to chronic diseases, in particular, oncological, cardiovascular and others.

The majority of children and adults who received cash assistance already have disability status or are in the process of obtaining it. In addition, families surveyed indicated a need for auxiliary aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, hand or foot orthoses.


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Turkish company to supply new buses to Mykolaiv city

The Turkish company Anadolu Isuzu will supply new low-floor buses to Mykolaivpastans for a total of EUR 4.5 million as part of the Urban Public Transport of Ukraine project funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB).

The announcement of the award of the contract based on the results of the tender was published in an annex to the Official Journal of the EU, which AllTransUA refers to.

The number of buses is not specified, however, as reported, in July 2023, the Chernihiv Automobile Plant of the Etalon Corporation stated that it had offered 55 buses for this amount, while two Turkish companies offered 26 and 28 units, respectively.

As reported, the terms of the tender provide for the supply of diesel-powered buses with a length of 8.2 m to 10.5 m, including basic and consumable spare parts, equipment and tools for maintenance and repair, and related services.

The buses must have a passenger capacity of at least 60 people, including at least 24 seats (plus one wheelchair space).

The first batch of buses should be delivered no later than five months from the date of receipt of the advance payment by the supplier, and the contract should be completed in 12 months.

Mykolaivpastrans announced the tender on April 5, 2023, as part of the resumption of cooperation with the EIB under the Urban Public Transport of Ukraine project.

In turn, in April this year, Kyivpastrans signed a contract with the same Turkish company for the supply of 12-meter fully low-floor buses for EUR 18.595 million (approximately up to 85 units) with EIB funding.

Ukrainian bus manufacturers have repeatedly noted that they are either unable to participate in EIB tenders due to the conditions or prefer foreign bidders.


CSD LAB Medical Laboratory opened new offices in Cherkasy and Mykolaiv

CSD LAB Medical Laboratory (Kyiv) has opened new laboratory offices in Cherkasy and Mykolaiv.

As the laboratory reports on its website, in particular, a new laboratory office was opened in Cherkasy in cooperation with the Avicenna Medical Center. The list of available services of this CSD LAB laboratory office includes more than 1500 tests, including general clinical, biochemical, immunochemical, microbiological, cytological and pathomorphological tests, as well as comprehensive tests for adults and children.

In addition, CSD LAB has expanded its network in Mykolaiv by opening two partner laboratory offices together with ZDRAVO, a modern medicine clinic in Mykolaiv.

As reported, at the beginning of 2023, the CSD LAB network included 40 laboratory offices. By the end of 2024, CSD LAB plans to increase the number of offices to 100.

CSD LAB is one of the leading laboratories in Ukraine that provides more than 1500 tests: from a complete blood count to the determination of genetic disorders in a tumor using the NGS method. For 13 years, CSD LAB has been one of the largest pathology laboratories in Eastern Europe.

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Famous French architect to develop concept for public garden in center of Mykolaiv

French architect and president of the Architecture et Maîtres d’Ouvrage (AMO) association Martin Duplantier, who created D Architecture Ukraine LLC for projects of restoration and development of Ukrainian cities in the face of full-scale Russian aggression, will develop a concept for a public garden in the center of Mykolaiv.

“Mykolaiv City Council signed a memorandum of cooperation with French architect Martin Duplantier. The goal of this cooperation is to create an aesthetically pleasing and high-quality urban environment in Mykolaiv in accordance with European urban principles,” Yevhen Polyakov, director of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Mykolaiv City Council, told Interfax-Ukraine.

The architect chose a park of over 9,000 square meters located in the Central District (along 17, 19 Heroiv Ukrayiny Avenue). This square has the potential to become a kind of attraction point for residents of neighboring buildings and passersby as a place for quiet and active recreation.

Work is currently underway to develop conceptual design solutions, which will last from early September to late November. Design work is being carried out without the involvement of budgetary funds.

Martin Maurice Henri Duplantier is an architect and urbanist, head of the French bureau Martin Duplantier Architectes, president of the Association of Architecture et Maîtres d’Ouvrage (AMO). In March 2022, he assembled a team in Lviv and began projects to analyze the destruction with a view to rebuilding Ukraine.

In April 2023, he founded D Architecture Ukraine LLC with an authorized capital of UAH 200 thousand. The projects under implementation include the project of the Maria Prymachenko Museum in Ivankiv, the restoration of the Uvariv House, and the creation of a new Ukrainian-French cultural center in Vorzel (presented to the public, seeking funding). Territorial development plans are being drafted (Chernihiv, Izyum, Nizhyn). The agency is also working on dual-purpose bomb shelters for schools across Ukraine.

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Mykolaiv announces tender for purchase of buses for EUR4.5 mln

Mykolaivpastrans municipal enterprise of Mykolaiv City Council has announced a tender for the purchase of low-floor buses worth up to EUR4.5 million under the “Urban Public Transport of Ukraine” project, financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB).
According to information in ProZorro on Friday, the relevant announcement was posted in the online version of the EU Official Gazette on April 5. The disclosure of the bids is scheduled for May 31.
According to the announcement, the terms of the tender provide for the supply of buses between 8.2 m and 10.5 m in length, including basic and consumable spare parts, equipment and tools for maintenance and repair, and related services.
The buses must be diesel-powered, with access without steps by at least two doors, 2.55-3.5 m wide, have a passenger capacity of at least 60 people, including at least 24 seated (plus one space for a wheelchair).
The first batch of buses must be delivered no later than five months from the date of receipt of advance payment by the supplier, and the completion of the contract – in 12 months.
According to the website of Mykolaiv City Council, at the end of March this year, the resumption of cooperation with the EIB on the project “Urban public transport of Ukraine” on the local television channel said the head of “Nikolaevpastrans” Alexey Ushakov.
As reported, the previous similar tender within this project was announced in September 2021 with the opening of bids at the end of November. However, the procurement procedure was halted due to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the rf.
Nikolaev had attempted to purchase buses within the framework of this program before: the relevant tender was announced in March 2021, it was supposed to purchase buses with the length from 8.8 to 9.5 m.
However, in July of the same year, the tender was canceled after all bids were rejected (they were submitted by the Ukrainian dealer of Minsk Bus Plant – the company Modern Trucks and the Chernihiv Automobile Plant).
“The winner according to all requirements of the tender is the representative of MAZ in Ukraine. However, due to the sanctions imposed by the EU on the Belarusian companies, it was decided to announce a new tender and invite more participants,” explained then in the city council of Nikolaev.
According to the website of the city council, currently 20 vehicles of “Nikolaevpastrans” work on the routes of Nikolaev.
Recently, the city received from the German company three buses “accordion” Mercedes Citaro passenger capacity of up to 150 people.

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Grain trader from Mykolaiv “Prometey” did not receive VAT refund for hundreds of millions of hryvnias – owner

The state’s debt for value added tax (VAT) reimbursement to grain trader Prometey for part of last year and this year reaches hundreds of millions of hryvnias, with its reimbursement now being spotty and according to non-transparent criteria, Rafael Goroyan, owner of the grain trading holding Prometey, said.
“The state owes Prometey a big VAT refund for more than a year, since before the war. We are patiently waiting for the VAT refund, but our patience may come to an end. Now it is reimbursed in a pinpoint manner, according to unclear criteria, as in the times of Yanukovych (ex-President of Ukraine – IF), when the tax was “discounted,” suitcases were carried, etc. But Prometey Company has its own principles. We never gave any bribes for VAT refunds because it deprived us of competitiveness,” he told Interfax-Ukraine.
“They (tax authorities – IF) want to “negotiate” and we always quarrel – we do not want to “be friends and communicate” with anyone. We do not create an ‘intimate environment,’ so we have conflict all the time,” the head of Prometey stressed in an interview.
“Our principles are much more important than money. Thank God, Prometey is developing, employees’ salaries are being paid, but if we get dirty in the mud of corruption, we won’t be able to wash off,” he added.
According to him, an effective way of dealing with government agencies is to ask for help from the media and hold actions with the participation of Prometey employees and their families.
“If we had to say something loudly, we held large pickets near the tax inspection. When Poroshenko (ex-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko – IF) was in power, 3500 people from Prometey employees and their family members used to picket when Nasirov (former head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov – IF) was the chief tax collector. It was a whole revolution. In my opinion, a month after that he was kicked out and now he seems to be under investigation,” stressed the owner of the holding.
“When the average business gets angry en masse, everything ends badly. We shouldn’t see the situation when VAT is reimbursed to someone point by point, for some unknown good,” Goroyan concluded.
The grain trader stressed that the issue of actual VAT refund is not just a positive thing for the Ukrainian AIC companies but a necessary condition for their survival in the market.
As reported, the head of the specialized parliamentary committee of the Rada Daniil Getmantsev earlier said that the volume of VAT refund to business in November increased by 20% compared to October and amounted to 13.6 billion UAH, this year such volumes were achieved only in February.
VAT refunds were almost completely stopped after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24 this year. If it was 18.52 billion UAH in January and 12.07 billion UAH in February, in March – 0.82 billion UAH, and in April and May it was completely absent and resumed only in June, when 9.5 billion UAH were paid, in July it almost stopped again – 0.6 million UAH. However, in August the amount of payments was 9,4 billion UAH, in September – 1,6 billion UAH and in October – 10,9 billion UAH.
Prometey Group provides services in the storage, processing and logistics of crops. Before the Russian aggression the holding owned 33 elevators in the regions of Nikolaev, Kirovograd, Kiev, Khmelnytsky, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Odessa, Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk, during the war the holding purchased one more.
By the end of 2021, the group planned to receive $45 million EBITDA, while in 2020 this figure reached $32.6 million and in 2019 – $30.5 million.

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