Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


The public organization Association of Gardeners, Grape Growers and Winemakers of Ukraine (Ukrsadvinprom) and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food have begun work on the creation of a viticultural register to record the production and consumption of grapes and wine in Ukraine, which will allow to cancel the licensing of wine and remove it from the list of excisable goods.
This was announced by Head of the public organization Volodymyr Pechko at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.
Ukrsadvinprom and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy begin to work on the creation of a viticultural register, which is necessary for the correct regulation of the market, namely, on the creation of three types of obligatory declarations: how many grapes you produced, how much wine you made from these grapes, and how much wine you have left at the end of the year,” Pechko said.

According to him, the state with the help of these three declarations will be able to effectively analyze the production, sales volumes and carryover stocks of grapes and wine in the country, which in the future will allow it to abandon the need to license wine and abolish the excise tax from it.
He added that, according to Ukrainian law, wine is a food product that should not be subject to excise tax.
“I believe that this will lead to an increase in the number of wineries. We are working to ensure that such ‘chateau’ [wineries] are created in Ukraine. These do not have to be giant enterprises,” Pechko said.
In addition, Ukrsadvinprom intends in 2022 to join the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine), which controls 85% of the world wine market.

“We are planning to enter the international organization OIV. This is an organization for wine, which includes 47 states. It is 85% of the world wine market, which is created by the leading countries: China, France, Spain, the United States – and which everyone is striving to join. It is engaged in the harmonization of accepted standards for the production of wine products,” Pechko said.
According to him, this initiative is also supported by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy. The head of the organization said that the issue of joining the OIV is only how much time is needed to complete the association procedure. He admitted that it will be possible to do this next year.
Interfax-Ukraine and the Experts Club acted as partners of Odessa Wine Week.

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Producers and processors of grapes, as well as representatives of the wine industry will hold the international forum Odessa Wine Week in Odesa on May 25-29, the event will unite the efforts of the Ukrainian wine-making community aimed at developing the Ukrainian wine market, wine and gastronomic tourism, popularizing and promoting the Ukrainian Wine brand and the integration of Ukraine into the world wine community.
This was announced by the organizers of the event – head of the Ukrsadvinprom public organization Volodymyr Pechko, head of the Expo-Yug-Service projects Bella Khanameryan and head of the wine technology and sensory analysis department of the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies Oksana Tkachenko at a press conference at Interfax- Ukraine.

According to Ukrsadvinprom head Pechko, his association organizes an annual forum, which was first held this year in Odesa, since this site allows to gather the leading experts of the wine industry, scientists, oenologists (experts in evaluating vineyards), winemakers, government officials, national and foreign wine associations, tourism industry, HoReCa and retail, sommeliers, journalists, wine traders and producers of related products and technologies to popularize Ukrainian wines.
“Last year, one could taste 305 samples from 65 wineries in Ukraine. That is, in one place you can taste Ukrainian wines: craft winemakers, medium-sized producers with vineyards of 40-60 hectares, and large producers from all over Ukraine,” Pechko said.

The organizer of the forum, Bella Khanameryan, specified that this year 30 companies have become partners of the event. In addition, 87 speakers and experts from 18 countries spoke at Odessa Wine Week 2021, profile reports and discussions were held on 40 topics, over 3,000 people attended the event.
According to her, in 2022, projects were announced at the forum, including talks about wine and Ukraine’s integration into the world wine community Wine Future Forum, as well as the Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards competition.
“In 2022 we will have a creative competition for the best label. We will have a sailing regatta, a special program “Women in Winemaking,” evening performances, musical and artistic performances, exhibitions, biennials, everything that can be shown in the culture of drinking, pay attention to wine as part of the cultural code of the country,” Khanameryan explained.
According to Oksana Tkachenko, Ukrainian industry representatives see recognition in other countries of the world among their strategic goals.
“We already see interest from our closest neighbors, we are waiting for delegations from such countries such as Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, who will not only come to show themselves, but we are preparing educational projects for them, within which they will visit wineries and participate in educational project in B2B and B2C formats,” she said.
Ihor Vishtak, the director of the agrarian development department of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, who participated in the press conference, said that his department has already allocated UAH 450 million of compensation to support horticulture, viticulture and hop-growing in 2021, of which UAH 200 million for planting material, the construction of trellises for growing climbing plants and drip irrigation (of which – UAH 9 million for viticulture), and UAH 250 million – for the construction and reconstruction of facilities for these crops (including UAH 19 million – for the construction of facilities and the purchase of wine-making lines).
Interfax-Ukraine and the Experts Club acted as partners of Odessa Wine Week.

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Fifteen original events about wine, winemaking and gastronomy tourism took place as part of Odessa Wine Week in Odesa from May 18 to May 23.

The event was attended by 87 speakers and experts from Ukraine (from Odesa to Zakarpattia) and from 18 countries (from Austria to Japan).

The event aroused great interest of wine, tourist, business and media communities – about 3,000 visitors attended the locations of Odessa Wine Week these days.

The program consisted of activities of various directions: industry, cross-industry, educational, mass. In particular, the congress part included more than 40 topics of reports and discussions.

Wine Future Forum

Winemakers, marketers, journalists discussed the prospects of the wine industry.

In particular, the discussion “The Future of Wine: the View of Winemakers” was attended by the winemaker in the fifth generation, chief winemaker of Chateau Changyu Moser XV Lenz Moser (Austria), CEO of SHABO winery Giorgi Iukuridze (Ukraine, Odesa), owner of Vinos de La Luz group of companies Ricardo Nunez (Argentina), the owner of Stakhovsky craft winery, number one tennis player in Ukraine Serhiy Stakhovsky (Ukraine, Zakarpattia), the winemaker, CEO of “PIERA 1899” Piera Martellozzo (Italy).

As a result of the discussion, the winemakers came to such conclusions about the future of wine: wine brands will become more personalized, trends on rose and sparkling wine are likely to continue, online tastings will not be able to replace traditional ones, in Ukraine, the consumption of Ukrainian wine will grow (this will not happen tomorrow, but in the near future), and there will be more wineries in Ukraine.

Participants in the forum also discussed, listened to reports and presentations in the panel “Government, grants, banking programs to support winemaking. Investments in winemaking.” They listened to fellow winemakers from Ukraine and Moldova, marketers and economists, Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine Roman Leschenko. They learned from foreign participants about their experience, investment and government programs to support winemaking in Argentina and Valpolicella region (Italy).

In the panel discussions “Promotion of the brand “Ukrainian wine.” Creating a wine business card of Ukraine,” the experts discussed how to crack the prejudice of Ukrainian consumers to Ukrainian wine. They discussed how to write and talk about wine in a fascinating and professional way. They offered ways to create and promote the “Ukrainian wine” brand. They decided what honest winemaking was – business, creativity or suicide.

In Ukraine, they finally talked about wine journalism – the first discussion panel on this topic was held at the Wine Future Forum. Can Ukrainian wine journalism help winemakers to create and promote the “Ukrainian wine” brand? What do we need for this? We were looking for an answer to this, and the idea of creating the Association/Bureau for the Development of Wine and Brand Journalism arose.

All-Ukrainian tasting contest “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards”

Some 65 Ukrainian companies (305 wine samples) took part in the competition.

The evaluation used a specialized tasting program of the English company Gustos Life, which uses blockchain technology (eliminates the possibility of changing the ratings of experts during the competition and after its completion).

A feature of the competition examination is a combination of the methodology of sensory analysis and the work of the jury, which consisted of 16 qualified and certified experts. The work of the jury could be watched live.

According to the results of the competition in the category of wines, 30 wines won gold medals, 49 wines won silver medals, while in the category of strong drinks there were seven gold medals and seven silver ones.

The winners of the competition are given the right to place the logo of the award on the product label.

A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners was held with the participation of national and regional media, wine and business communities.

“Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”

This competitive project is aimed at promoting the brand “Ukrainian wine,” the formation of the image of Odessa Black wine as a business card of Ukrainian winemaking in the world – by analogy with Saperavi (Georgia), Feteasca (Moldova), Malbec (Argentina), Carmenere (Chile), Shiraz (Australia) and others.

Some 32 samples of wine from the autochthonous grape variety “Odessa Black” were submitted to the competition.

During the project, the best glass of the world-famous Riedel brand was officially chosen for the local wine “Odessa Black.” From nine variants of glasses, wine experts chose glass № 4 from the Performance collection.

The best wine from the “Odessa Black” variety was Aliberne Reserve Limited Edition, 2017, Gigineishvili Wine House. The Ukrainian native received the first official glass.


Ricardo Nunez, a winemaker with extensive experience, the owner of the Vinos de La Luz group of companies (wineries in Spain, Italy, Argentina, the United States), conducted an author’s tasting of eight wines of his international company.

Circular tastings were held by 18 wine companies of Ukraine – partners and participants of Odessa Wine Week.

Tasting on alternative aging under Bousinage technology was conducted by Wood International LLC.

The conference “Innovative tools in viticulture in the context of climate change” brought together leading winegrowers and oenologists from Ukraine, Moldova, France, Italy and the United States. This is a very important professional event for winegrowers, during which experts shared methods of ensuring sustainable viticulture, discussed current issues of the industry and ways to solve them.

OENOVITI International Network 2021 international symposium

The online symposium was attended by 18 scientists from 15 countries on five continents.

Topic: “Challenges in viticulture and oenology: geographical indications of wines and wine tourism, authenticity, innovation.”

OENOVITI International Network (OIN) is a unique international community of researchers in the field of viticulture and winemaking. Ukraine has been represented by the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies in this prestigious scientific institution since 2015.

“Enogastronomic tourism – a driver for the development of tourist destinations”

Organizer: Department of Culture and Tourism of Odesa City Council.

The conference brought together representatives of tourism, restaurant and wine industries, who discussed enogastronomic tourism as a growing sector of the world tourism market.

They listened to thorough reports on grant projects in the field of enogastronomic tourism, in particular, on the “Wine and Taste Road,” on tools for the promotion of enogastronomic roads and wine tourism operators in Ukraine, on the experience of author’s tours.

Participants in the discussion “Wine and Tourism” talked about wine as a driver of regional development on the example of Bordeaux, watched presentations of wine and enogastronomic locations of Ukraine (Wine Culture Center SHABO, Chateau Chizay, Wine Station, Koblevo wine location) and the United States (Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery).

Participants in the discussion “Odesa cuisine – a tourist magnet of the region” talked about the phenomenon of Odesa cuisine, identified the top five dishes of local Odesa cuisine and offered ideas for the promotion of Odesa cuisine in the world.

The moderators and participants in Odessa Wine Week events were high-class professionals: Yevhenia Nikolaichuk (the co-founder of “Like a Local’s Wine Bar,” a sommelier school teacher, WSET4), Tetiana Ponomarenko (the expert in wine marketing, advertising and PR, an associate professor of journalism, advertising and publishing of Odesa Mechnikov National University, the coordinator of projects on wine journalism), Volodymyr Pechko (the head of UKRSADVINPROM), Vladyslav Blumberg (the president of the Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Odesa region), Ivan Bachurin (the president of the Association of Sommelier of Ukraine), Anna Sarkisyan (the dean of the Faculty of Wine and Tourism at the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies), Maksim Urakin (the sales and marketing director at Interfax-Ukraine and the editor of Open4Business), Maria Kalenska (an enogastronomic expert, the ambassador of Odesa cuisine in London).

At Odessa Wine Week, the exposure area was organized with the participation of Ukrainian wine companies and producers of goods, services and technologies related to winemaking.

All the main events of Odessa Wine Week took place in the halls of Premier Hotel Odesa and even in the open air in front of the hotel (the AGSOLCO Ukraine exposition).

For the general public, the highlight of the program was the project “Wine Flight” (“Air Tasting”), a horizontal flight with tasting the top five Ukrainian wines and culinary specialties of Odesa cuisine on board the UIA aircraft.

This is a joint project of Odessa Wine Week and UIA to promote the “Ukrainian wine” brand.

The air tasting was attended by 130 guests, the UIA team, sommelier Hanna-Yevhenia Yanchenko, brand chef of Le grand cafe Bristol Hotel 5* Odesa Stefan Whiteinadan and showman Kolya Serga.

The passengers tasted the best five Ukrainian wines according to the tasting contest “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards,” which took place the day before as part of Odessa Wine Week:

Cabernet Grande Reserve, 2017 – SHABO;

El Captain Pinot Gris, 2019 – 46 Parallel;

Riesling Rhine, 2016 – Prince Trubetskoi Winery;

Riesling, 2019 – Villa Tinta;

Aliberne Reserve Limited Edition, 2017 – Gigineishvili Wine House.

Wine tasting was combined with the tasting of local dishes of Odesa cuisine.

The Odessa Wine Week program ended with the open-air gastronomic festival “Taki Da, Vkusno” on the territory of the Odesa film studio. The participants in the festival presented to the mass audience of visitors branded culinary products and wine brands.

The Odessa Wine Week project received strong partner support. Odessa Wine Week partners took part in the events, shared their experience and opportunities, and joined the organization of events. The fact that so many leading organizations and companies have joined the event is a very positive sign that gives faith in the good future of Ukrainian winemaking.

The general news partner of Odessa Wine Week is Interfax-Ukraine

Official support

– Odesa Regional State Administration

– Odessa City Council

Authors of the Odessa Wine Week concept:

– Expo-Yug-Service Company

– Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies

Odessa Wine Week organizers:

– Expo-Yug-Service Company

– Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies


General partner: SHABO company

Official partner hotel: Premier Hotel Odesa

Innovative partner: AGSOLCO Ukraine

General media partner: Drinks+ communicative media group


– JMJ Oak Alternative

– Goodwill Consulting: financial consulting for winemaking business

– Koblevo trademark

– ODESSA champagne of Ukraine trademark

– Wine and Taste Roads project

– Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Odesa region

– Frumushika-Nova family winery

– Aromic-Aromafishki company

Scientific partner: Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking

Digital partner: Gustos Life

Multimedia partner: Sertsevyna

Information partners:

– Wine Guide of Ukraine project

– Technologies and Innovations media group

– Odesa Life city edition

Printing partner: ALFA PRESS printing house

Wine Flight project partner (Air Tasting): UIA

Information support:

▪ Airport Odessa magazine

▪ Facebook public “Wine of Ukraine”


▪ Easy Quizzy

The official photographer of Odessa Wine Week is Arsen Fedosenko

Organizer of the conference “Enogastronomic tourism – a driver for the development of tourist destinations”: the Department of Culture and Tourism of Odesa City Council

Organizers of the project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”:

▪ RIEDEL company

▪ MIRS Corporation is the official distributor of RIEDEL in Ukraine

▪ Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies

▪ IKPMG Limited, Maria Kalenska

Organizers of the “Wine Flight” project (“Air Tasting”): UIA and Odessa Wine Week.

General project partners: Crédit Agricole Bank and MasterCard.

Project partners: MIRS Corporation – the official distributor of RIEDEL in Ukraine, Bristol Hotel 5* Odesa, Odesa International Airport.

Organizer of the conference “Innovative tools in viticulture in the context of climate change”: UKRSADVINPROM association

Organizers of the OENOVITI International Network symposium:

Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine

OENOVITI International Network, Bordeaux, France

Project details:

Project news:

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The international project Odessa Wine Week – a series of events focusing on key areas of development of the wine market and enogastronomic tourism will be held for the first time in Odessa from 18 to 23 May 2021.
Odessa Wine Week unites the efforts of the Ukrainian wine community, aimed at promoting and promoting the brand “Ukrainian wine”, the creation of a wine business card of Ukraine, the integration of Ukraine into the world wine community.
Odessa Wine Week events will bring together leading wine experts, scientists, oenologists, winemakers, government officials, national and foreign wine associations, tourism industry, HoReCa, retail, sommelier, wine traders, producers of related products and technologies, marketers, guilty experts, journalists.
The program includes events of various orientations: branch, cross-branch, educational, mass.

Event formats: offline, online, hybrid (offline + online); live broadcasts.
Odessa Wine Week speakers represent Ukraine, France, Italy, Spain, Austria, USA, Argentina, China.
In particular, the program includes famous winemakers Lenz Moser (“Chateau Changyu Moser XV”), Frederic Frank (“Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery”), Ricardo F. Nunez (“Vinos de La Luz”), Roberto Chipresso (“Winecircus”) ), Olga Bussinello (Consortium for the Protection of Valpolicella Wines), leading French scientists – oenologists and microbiologists Stephane Badé, Jean-Philippe Robbie, Guillermo Martins.
Odessa Wine Week partners are actively involved in the program – leading Ukrainian industry brands and organizations: SHABO, TM Koblevo, JMJ Oak Alternative, TM ODESSA champagne of Ukraine, the project “Roads of wine and taste”, the Association of winegrowers and winemakers of Odessa region , Frumushika-Nova.

Odessa Wine Week locations :
▪ Premier Hotel Odesa – conference halls “Sapphire”, “Onyx”, “Aquamarine”; Mare DiVino restaurant; Roof Bar
▪ Laboratory of Sensory Analysis of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies (ONAHT)
▪ Odessa film studio
Online platforms: Facebook, Youtube.
Odessa Wine Week events (according to the calendar principle):

► All-Ukrainian tasting competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards”

■ May 18, 19: work of the tasting commission.

Laboratory of sensory analysis of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

Offline with live broadcast on YouTube channel.
Awards of the competition:
Gold medal (86-95.5 points); Silver medal (82-85.99 points); Diploma of the contestant.
The winners of the competition have the right to place the logo of the award on the product label.
► International Symposium 2021 OENOVITI International Network
May 18, 19, 20. Online (Zoom).
“Challenges in viticulture and oenology: geographical indications of wines and wine tourism, authenticity, innovation.”
Participants – scientists from 15 countries.
OENOVITI International Network (OIN) is a unique international community of researchers in the field of viticulture and winemaking.
Ukraine has been represented in this prestigious scientific institution since 2015 by the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.

► Conference “Innovative tools in viticulture in the context of climate change”
May 19, 10.30-15.30. Premier Hotel Odesa, Sapphire Conference Hall.
Offline + online
Top topic: “Ensuring sustainable viticulture, current problems and ways to solve them.”
► Author’s tastings from OWW guests and partners for HoReCa and retail representatives
May 19, 12.00-15.00, Premier Hotel Odesa, Mare DiVino restaurant
► Wine talks “The future of wine: the view of winemakers”
May 19, 16.00-18.00. Premier Hotel Odesa, Onyx Conference Hall.
Offline + online
Meeting with famous winemakers, guests and OWW partners.
Обладнання та технології для виноробної та алкогольної промисловості; експозиції виноробних компаній.
► Circular tastings from OWW partners and participants
May 19, 15.30-18.30, Premier Hotel Odesa, Roof Bar
The wines of the participants of the All-Ukrainian tasting competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards” and the finalists of the project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety” are presented in circular tastings.
► OWW exposure area
May 19, 20, 10.00-18.00, Premier Hotel Odesa.
► Wine Future Forum
May 20, 9.30-18.00, Premier Hotel Odesa, Sapphire Conference Hall
Offline + online
▪ State, grant, banking programs to support winemaking. Investment in winemaking. Experience of Argentina, Italy.
▪ Digital wine marketing and social media.
▪ Promotion of the Ukrainian wine brand. Creating a wine business card of Ukraine.

► Project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”
Selection of the optimal Riedel glass for local wine Odessa Black.
The project aims to promote the brand “Ukrainian wine”, the formation of the image of Odessa Black wine / Odessa Black as a business card of Ukrainian winemaking in the world – by analogy with Saperavi (Georgia), Fetyasca (Moldova), Malbec (Argentina), Carmener (Chile), Shiraz ( Australia) and others.
● The first stage. It took place on April 22 at the ONAHT Sensory Analysis Laboratory. Competitive selection of wines, tasting of 32 samples. 10 wines passed to the second stage.
● The second stage. Selection of the optimal Riedel glass for Odessa Black wine, work of the expert commission – May 20, 10.00-14.00, Premier Hotel Odesa, Mare DiVino restaurant.
► Solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the tasting competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards” and participants and winner of the project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”
May 20, 18.30-20.00, Premier Hotel Odesa, Aquamarine Conference Hall.
In order to disseminate information about the best Ukrainian wines, the awards will be held in the form of a spectacular ceremony with the participation of national and regional media, wine and business communities.
► Conference “Food and wine tourism – a driver for the development of tourist destinations”
May 21, 10.00-18.00, Premier Hotel Odesa, Aquamarine Conference Hall.
Offline + online
▪ Food and wine tourism – a growing sector of the world tourism market:
– Cases of the UNESCO Gastronomy Bridge.
– Wine is a driver of the region’s development. Bordeaux experience.
▪ Odessa cuisine is a tourist magnet of the region.
▪ Wine and tourism: the best examples of local projects. Presentations of wine and enogastronomic locations.
▪ The influence of the media on the creation of a positive tourist image of the region. Oenogastronomic journalism.
▪ Grant projects in the field of enogastronomic tourism. “Roads of wine and taste of Ukraine”.

► “Air tasting”
May 22, 12.00-14.00, Odessa airport.
Air travel with tasting on board the UIA plane of the top 5 Ukrainian wines – winners of the All-Ukrainian tasting competition “Odessa Wine & Spirit Awards”, as well as culinary specialties of Odessa and Bessarabian cuisine.
A joint project of Odessa Wine Week and UIA to promote the Ukrainian wine brand.
► XI gastronomic festival “Yes, delicious”
May 22, 23, 11.00-20.00, Odessa Film Studio.
A two-day festival, the participants of which present branded culinary products and wine brands. The basis of the festival menu are dishes and drinks of local Odessa cuisine. The festival is accompanied by an entertainment program for the whole family.
Large selection of delicious food, excellent conditions for outdoor recreation, live music and shows on the festival stage, entertainment program on the “Territory of children’s games and creativity”, original photo areas.
The festival is very popular with residents of Odessa and guests of the city, is held in Odessa for the eleventh time.
More about each event and conditions of visit:
Project news
Official support
▪ Odessa Regional State Administration
▪ Odessa City Council

Authors of the Odessa Wine Week concept:
▪ Expo-South-Service Company
▪ Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Odessa Wine Week organizers:
▪ Expo-South-Service Company
▪ Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
General partner: SHABO company
Official partner hotel: Premier Hotel Odesa
Innovation partner: AGSOLCO Ukraine
General news partner: Interfax-Ukraine
General media partner: communicative media group Drinks +
▪ TM “Koblevo”
▪ JMJ Oak Alternative
▪ TM ODESSA champagne of Ukraine
▪ Wine and Taste Roads Project
▪ Association of winegrowers and winemakers of Odessa region
▪ Frumushika-Nova
Scientific partner: NSC “Institute of Viticulture and Enology. VE Tairov »
Digital партнер: Gustoslife
Information partners:
▪ Wine Guide of Ukraine Project
▪ Technology and Innovation Media Group
Multimedia partner: “Core”
Printing partner: printing house “ALPHA PRESS”
Information support:
▪ Interlingua foreign language courses
▪ «Easy Quizzy»
Organizer of the conference “Food and wine tourism – a driver of tourist destinations”: Department of Culture and Tourism of Odessa City Council
Organizers of the project “Best Riedel glass for Odessa Black variety”:
▪ RIEDEL Company
▪ MIRS Corporation is the official distributor of RIEDEL in Ukraine
▪ Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
▪ IKPMG Limited, Maria Kalenska
Organizers of the OENOVITI International Network symposium:
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine
OENOVITI International Network, Bordeaux, France
Conference organizer “Innovative tools in viticulture in the context of climate change”: public union UKRSADVINPROM

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