Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

IAPM took first place in TOP-10 private universities of Ukraine – research

On July 4, the Ukrainian information resource published its annual consolidated ranking, which covers 235 higher education institutions and is divided into 10 thematic sub-ratings.
The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management took first place in the top ten best private universities in Ukraine!

“TOP-10: The Best Private Universities” is based on the data of other three well-known rankings based on important evaluation criteria: “TOP-200 Ukraine”, Scopus and “NMT Score for Contract”. As a result, IAPM demonstrated the best results among all private higher education institutions in the country in 2024.

Such a high rating is a confirmation that the IAPM team pays much attention to the development of all areas of the university’s activities – educational, educational and scientific, and is committed to its mission – to train highly qualified specialists who can make a significant contribution to the development of the future of our country.


Winter crop yields in Ukraine in 2024 will be 5-7% lower – Vysotsky

Ukraine has already harvested more than 4 million tons of winter wheat, barley, rapeseed, and peas for the 2024 harvest, Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky said during a national telethon.

“This year’s harvest started two weeks later than the average due to the weather. We are currently harvesting winter barley, winter wheat and winter rapeseed. In addition, some regions have already started harvesting peas. If we look at the figures, we have already harvested more than 4 million tons as of today. The figure is increasing every day,” he said.

According to the acting minister, despite the shelling, particularly of the fields, in most cases the problems are being localized. Grain harvesting is proceeding at a very active pace, which makes it possible to forecast a grain harvest of about 56 million tons.

Mr. Vysotsky specified that the harvest of early (winter – IF-U) crops accounts for more than 10% of the total gross harvest. The largest share – 36 million tons – will be corn, which will be harvested in the fall.

Speaking about the yield of winter wheat and barley, the acting Minister stated that the yield is 5-7% lower than last year’s result due to weather conditions.

“Unfortunately, some regions are experiencing a record drought and lower yields. At the same time, in the western and central regions, the figures are higher than last year. So far, the forecast is within 5-7% less than the previous year, which, given all the challenges posed by the war, is a really good result,” he emphasized.

Mr. Vysotsky confirmed that the heat wave could have a negative impact on the growth of crops, particularly corn and soybeans. However, so far this trend is not widespread, which gives us hope for decent results.

UN establishes Ukraine Community Recovery Fund

The United Nations in Ukraine, in coordination with the government, has established a flexible Ukraine Community Recovery Fund (UCRF), which has already attracted $7.25 million for mine action.

“The fund is designed to support an inclusive, locally-driven approach that is fully aligned with the early recovery priorities identified in the third Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA-3),” the UN website says in a presentation of the fund’s mine action.

It is specified that the UCRF, established in November 2023, is expected to raise $300 million over five years. By the beginning of May this year, $11.74 million had been received, including $7.25 million for demining: Denmark – $5.76 million (DKK40 million) and South Korea – $1.25 million.

It is emphasized that mine action is a key condition for the restoration of housing, energy, social infrastructure and investment in local economic development at the community level. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has led to the fact that up to 30% of the country’s territory is likely to be contaminated with unexploded ordnance, landmines and cluster munitions.

According to UN materials, the first mine action project of the fund will be the construction of a logistics base for humanitarian demining for the SES. The feasibility study, designs for all necessary works and site preparation are estimated at $1.18 million. With separate funding for the second phase, construction can be completed by the second quarter of 2025.

It is expected that this facility will significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of SES demining operations throughout Ukraine and enable it to better defuse explosive ordnance in affected communities.

It is also planned to establish the position of a senior advisor on mine action and community recovery, who will advise all stakeholders on improving the effectiveness of mine action for affected communities.

It is noted that the UCRF Mine Action Window is a tool through which the UN will stimulate strategic mine action efforts, address gaps in needs in targeted communities and pilot innovative mine action initiatives.

According to the RDNA-3, an investment of at least $300 million per year over the next five years is required for explosive ordnance survey and clearance. To sustain this level of financial commitment, national and international partners will need to work together to maximize the effectiveness of traditional mine action approaches, while implementing cost-effective, high-impact solutions and considering private partnerships as a way forward.

“UCRF’s Mine Action Window is aligned with the Government of Ukraine’s National Mine Action Strategy and focuses on its three pillars – demining, mine action training and victim assistance.

The UCRF Secretariat is located in the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Kyiv.


Ukrainian athletes receive 124 licenses to participate in Olympic Games

Ukrainian athletes have received 124 licenses to participate in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris (France), said Vadym Gutzeit, president of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine (NOC).

“As of today, we have 124 licenses in total. These are 140 sportsmen and women who will participate in the Olympic Games. We have completed the selection for the Olympic Games, Ukraine finally has 124 licenses,” Gutzeit said at a press conference in Kyiv on Tuesday.

According to him, on July 8, the NOC has already submitted an application to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the team composition.

The head of the NOC said that Ukraine will be represented at the Olympics in almost all sports, except for the games.

At the same time, he emphasized that for the first time since the country’s independence, the Ukrainian national football team qualified for the Olympics.

As reported, the Summer Olympics in Paris will be held from July 26 to August 11.

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Kolomoisky’s partner Hennadii Boholiubov is served notice of suspicion of forgery of documents for crossing border of Ukraine

Under the procedural supervision of prosecutors from the Prosecutor General’s Office, Ukrainian businessman Gennadiy Bogolyubov was served a notice of suspicion of illegally obtaining another person’s passport and organizing the illegal transportation of a person across the state border of Ukraine.

“According to the investigation, the suspect organized an illegal border crossing by involving the head of the group of border control inspectors of the Yahodyn border service inspectors’ department of the Lutsk border detachment. For this purpose, the businessman used the passport of a citizen of Ukraine, which was lost in 2022, and the State Migration Service of Ukraine was notified. On the night of June 24, 2024, with the assistance of a border guard who knew for certain that he had been provided with a document in the name of another person for verification, the Ukrainian businessman illegally left the country,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said in a telegram.

The message does not specify the name of the businessman, but according to a press release from the State Bureau of Investigation, it is the former co-owner of Privat-Bank, Gennadiy Boholyubov.

The border guard was also served a notice of suspicion on the fact of illegal transportation of a citizen across the state border of Ukraine (Part 2 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). At the request of the prosecutor, a custody was chosen as a measure of restraint with bail set at UAH 25 million.


Real GDP in 2021-2025 (forecast)

Real GDP in 2021-2025 (forecast)

Source: and