Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Netherlands to provide EUR 2 mln for forensic research in Ukraine

The Netherlands will allocate EUR 2 million through the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) to expand Ukraine’s capacity in the field of forensic research and will also provide a mobile laboratory for forensic medical examination, said the newly appointed Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp.
At a joint press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in Kyiv, the Dutch Foreign Minister emphasized the importance of justice and the responsibility of the Russian Federation for serious crimes against the Ukrainian people.
“Crimes against Ukraine must be brought to justice, and deported children must be returned to their families. That is why I am pleased to announce that the Netherlands will provide 2 million euros to enhance Ukraine’s capacity in forensic research, data collection and analysis through the International Commission on Missing Persons,” Veldkamp said.
In addition, the Netherlands will provide Ukraine with a mobile forensic laboratory to help with activities near the front line. “This will help to restore justice for the many dead Ukrainians whose bodies are being returned from the front. It will also facilitate the investigation of cases of missing persons and help collective efforts to return deported children from Russia and reunite them with their families,” the head of diplomacy noted.
He also announced the decision to support the activities of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine for fact-finding over the next two years for a total of EUR 8 million. “The mission’s mandate is to report objectively on the situation throughout Ukraine, to provide indisputable facts that serve as a basis for international discussions on Ukraine, as well as for alternative legal analysis of many crimes, which can then be used by justice mechanisms,” the minister explained.
Veldkamp emphasized that justice is needed “for the sake of thousands of killed and wounded, for millions of displaced persons, for innocent children who were deported to Russia and whose fate is unknown.”
The Minister assured that the Netherlands will continue to support the work of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office, the International Criminal Court, the International Center for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression and the Register of Damages for Ukraine.
Separately, the Foreign Minister emphasized the Netherlands’ support for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, stressing the importance of reforms and readiness to share the necessary experience.
“Of course, the path to EU membership is a marathon in itself. Reforms are needed. Good governance, transparency, and the rule of law are of paramount importance. And yes, the Copenhagen criteria must be fulfilled. The rules are strict. But there is no rule that says you have to go it alone. We will share our experience as an EU member state,” Veldkamp said.

Kyiv Employment Service has published data on highest salaries

The Kyiv Employment Service has released data on the highest salaries offered by employers in Kyiv. Although the average salary level in vacancies is about 15 thousand hryvnias, some employers are willing to pay much more for highly qualified specialists.
Here are the top 10 best-paid vacancies in the capital:
1. Inspector and special police officer – UAH 125-126 thousand
2. Software engineer – 110 thousand UAH
3. Software engineer – 90 thousand UAH
4. Professional in the organization of information security – 69 thousand UAH
5. Sales manager – 67 thousand UAH
6. Journalist – 54 thousand UAH
7. Combat medic – 51 thousand UAH
8. Editor – 50 thousand UAH
9. Psychologist – 47 thousand UAH
10. Public procurement specialist – 45 thousand UAH
It is interesting that the IT sector, which until recently was the leader in terms of salaries, has now lost ground to the security sector. Employers are ready to pay competitive salaries and create modern working conditions, but expect a high level of professional training of candidates.
Despite the fact that many employers have lowered their requirements for candidates due to labor shortages, this is not the case for highly paid positions. To succeed in your career and earn a high salary, you need to constantly develop your knowledge and skills.
The Capital Employment Service offers effective programs and services to increase the competitiveness of job seekers. An individual approach and consideration of the needs and competencies of each person help to find a prestigious and well-paid job.



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Forecast of unemployment rate in Ukraine according to methodology of international labor organization until 2025

Forecast of unemployment rate in Ukraine according to methodology of international labor organization until 2025

Source: and

Bulgaria may provide €80 mln to Ukraine – Glavchev

Bulgaria may provide Ukraine with €80 million at the NATO summit, but “this or any other” amount will be known after a vote in parliament, said Acting Prime Minister Dimitri Glavchev, Radio Bulgaria reported on Friday.
“Our main goal is to defend our national interests as a NATO ally,” Glavchev said of Bulgaria’s position at the summit. At the same time, Glavchev did not specify what exactly this amount would be allocated for.
The report also says that earlier today, the leader of the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) party, Boyko Borisov, said that Bulgaria would not give Ukraine money in cash. The co-chairman of the DPS party (Movement for Rights and Freedoms), Delian Peevski, explained that there is no contradiction in Glavchev’s and Borisov’s statements.
“This money will not be transferred by our country directly to Ukraine, but will be deducted from the amounts Bulgaria receives for the weapons provided to Kyiv,” Peevski said.
Speaking to the media, Glavchev also welcomed the proposals made in the plenary session hall of the parliament that Bulgaria act as a mediator in peace talks or peace initiatives between Russia and Ukraine.
“The only thing that should be emphasized is that these peace talks must comply with international law,” Glavchev said.
As reported earlier, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev refused to participate in the NATO summit to be held in Washington on July 9-11, as he does not agree with the country’s commitments to support Ukraine.

Number of vacancies as of 30.04.2024 (thousand units) according to the data of the state employment center

Number of vacancies as of 30.04.2024 (thousand units) according to the data of the state employment center

Source: and