Business news from Ukraine

State budget received UAH 616 mln from tourism industry

Representatives of the tourism industry paid UAH 616 million 391 thousand to the budget in the first quarter of 2024, which is 61% more than in the same period of 2023, when the budget received UAH 383 million 221 thousand, the press service of the State Agency for Tourism Development (DART) reports.

At the same time, they clarify that before the full-scale invasion in 2021, the state budget received UAH 629 million 135 thousand.

“The budget revenues for the first quarter of this year clearly demonstrate that tourism has not only adapted to the difficult working conditions during martial law, but is also developing, creating jobs and supporting local communities. Taxes from the tourism industry are an important part of the economy that is now working to support our army,” said DART Head Mariana Oleskiv, quoted in a press release.

The agency noted that in January-March, the total number of taxpayers engaged in tourism activities increased by 19% compared to the first quarter a year earlier. The number of legal entities increased by 6%, and individuals by 24%.

The largest share of state budget revenues (64%) was paid by hotels – UAH 395 million 194 thousand. This is 69% more than in the same period in 2023 (UAH 233 million 693 thousand) and 32% more than in the same period in 2022 (UAH 299 million 782 thousand). In the pre-war year of 2021, in January-March, the treasury received almost the same amount from hotels – UAH 394 million 576 thousand.

Tax revenues from the activities of tour operators have doubled – UAH 88 million 727 thousand compared to UAH 44 million 854 thousand for the same period last year. In 2021, the state treasury received UAH 47 million from tour operators.

In addition, tax revenues from the activities of travel agencies also increased – UAH 50 million 330 thousand compared to UAH 33 million 844 thousand for the same period in 2023 and UAH 46 million 238 thousand in January-March 2021).

In 2024, the share of tax paid by tourist centers and children’s recreation camps increased by 41%. In the first quarter, the budget received UAH 36 million 180 thousand of tax from these accommodation facilities, compared to UAH 25 million 653 thousand in the first three months of last year. However, compared to the same period in 2021, tax revenues fell by 70% from UAH 119 million 183 thousand.

There was an increase in taxes paid from campsites and parking lots for residential caravans – UAH 704 thousand against UAH 499 thousand. Although compared to 2021, taxes from these accommodation facilities are halved, the budget received UAH 1 million 535 thousand.


Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, in 01.03.2024-31.03.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for €1, in 01.03.2024-31.03.2024)

Source: and

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for $1, in 01.03.2024-31.03.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (UAH for $1, in 01.03.2024-31.03.2024)

Source: and


Spain recognizes Palestine on 1967 borders

The Spanish government on Tuesday called for the recognition of the state of Palestine within the 1967 borders, according to the Spanish TV channel RTVE.

“Spain will join more than 140 countries that have already recognized Palestine as a state. This is a historic decision whose sole purpose is to contribute to peace between Israelis and Palestinians,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said at a press conference following the government meeting. The press conference was broadcast by the Spanish TV channel RTVE.

He noted that “it is not directed against anyone, especially Israel”. According to Sanchez, Madrid recognizes Palestine within the 1967 borders. He specified that he hopes for the creation of a Palestine that includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip with its capital in East Jerusalem, governed by the Palestinian National Authority.

Spain recognized Palestine, along with Ireland and Norway, which sparked a serious political crisis in relations with Israel.

After it became known about the decision of these three countries to recognize the independence of the Palestinian state, the Israeli Foreign Ministry announced the recall of ambassadors to Spain, Ireland and Norway for consultations and threatened these countries with “serious consequences.” The ambassadors of these countries were summoned to the Israeli Foreign Ministry.


Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has banned all types of advertising of gambling business

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has banned all types of advertising of gambling business, follows from the government decree № 583.

Thus, amendments were made to paragraph 1 of the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 566 of May 17, 2024 “Some issues of counteraction to the negative consequences of the functioning of gambling on the Internet”.

“Subparagraph one after the words ‘order of restriction’ is supplemented with the words ‘of all forms’, and after the words ‘by restriction’ – with the words ‘namely a ban’, – stated in the resolution.

According to the document, the ban will be in force until the entry into force of the law on combating game addiction, which is now under consideration by the Verkhovna Rada.

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Ukraine increases exports of granulated slag to EU by 53%

Ukraine increased its exports of granulated slag to the EU in 2023 to 367 thousand tons, up 53% compared to 2022, of which 324.5 thousand tons (+47.5% compared to 2022) were supplied by Recycling Solutions, the company’s press service reports.

“We have managed to attract new customers and expand our sales market, despite the fact that the European construction sector is going through a crisis. Europe lacks its own similar raw materials, and Ukraine can meet the demand of European manufacturers. For us, this is an opportunity to support the national economy and ensure the inflow of foreign currency into the country,” Vadym Khoroshko, Director of the Construction Admixtures Department, explained in a press release.

According to the published data, the total volume of granulated slag imports to the EU countries in 2023 amounted to 3.35 million tons. The leading suppliers are Japan (1.2 million tons), China (0.7 million tons), Turkey (0.7 million tons) and Ukraine. The main consumers of this product are cement plants, which are currently operating unstably due to lower demand. The European construction market and road construction have slowed down significantly. On the other hand, the launch of the Carbon Based Import Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in October 2023 is having a positive impact on the waste and by-products market. In the spring, a new cement production season begins, in which Recycling Solutions expects demand to remain at the level of 2023, the press release said.

It is reported that in 2023, 44% of construction admixtures sold by Recycling Solutions were exported. The largest volumes were purchased by customers from Poland and Slovakia. In addition to slag, last fall the company was the first Ukrainian producer to export 1380 tons of dry ash.

The company also notes an increase in sales in the domestic market, explaining that demand for construction admixtures is driven by reconstruction projects and the emergence of small tenders for road resurfacing. In particular, last year Recycling Solutions shipped 407.2 thousand tons of granulated slag to Ukrainian customers, which is 69% more than last year. The company also sold 363.3 thousand tons of dump slag used for road construction and emergency repairs, and shipped 282 thousand tons of other ash and slag materials, 30% more than in 2022.

In addition, last year Recycling Solutions launched an aluminosilicate microsphere production plant in Burshtyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region. The company operates on equipment evacuated in 2022 from Druzhkivka (Donetsk region), which was located in close proximity to the front line. Investments in the project amounted to $313 thousand. The launch of production made it possible to ship 521 tons of microspheres in 2023.

Recycling Solutions was founded in 2012 and is part of Rinat Akhmetov’s umgi investment company. It provides strategic by-product and waste management services. Currently, it is an integrated operator of secondary resources management for the coal, metallurgical, heat and power, and agricultural sectors of Ukraine. The company’s activities include processing and sale of ash and slag materials, metallurgical slag, rare and industrial gases, ammonium sulphate, livestock by-products, and production of heat and electricity from coal mine methane.

umgi founded SCM in 2006 to manage assets in the raw materials sector. Later, it expanded its range of activities and changed its business model from management to investment. The total market value of its portfolio companies exceeds $500 million.

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