Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Charity boom: number of charitable organizations has almost doubled since beginning of full-scale war

The number of charitable organizations has increased by 74% since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. At the same time, the total number of non-profit organizations, including charities, has remained almost unchanged.

As of early December 2023, there were 20,671 charitable organizations in Ukraine. Their number has increased by 74% since the beginning of the full-scale war.

At the same time, the total number of non-profit organizations has remained almost unchanged, with 1,600 organizations added. This is less than 1% of the total number of organizations. In total, there are currently 208,385 nonprofit organizations in Ukraine.

Among all nonprofit organizations, the largest number of them are public associations – 57,497 or 27.5% of the total number. Before the start of the full-scale war, various state employees were in second place, but now they have been replaced by apartment building co-owners associations – 33,402 or 16.03%. The top is rounded out by 31,293 non-profit budgetary institutions.

The number of budgetary institutions and creative unions decreased most significantly – by 27.6% and 26.9%, respectively.

The capital has the largest number of registered nonprofit organizations – 11.8% of the total number in the country. Their number is growing every year. Over 4,000 such institutions have been added to the capital during the full-scale war.

The second place is occupied by Lviv region – 7.8%. Dnipropetrovs’k region is in third place: 7.3%. Odesa and Kyiv regions round out the top five with 5.8% and 5% respectively.

You can check the nonprofit status of an organization in the Opendatabot. To do this, send the bot the company code.

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SE SETAM sells seized building in Pechersk district of Kyiv

The Enforcement Division of the State Enforcement Service Department of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has put up for sale at an electronic auction on OpenMarket (SE SETAM of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) a building located at 139 Saksaganskogo Street in Kyiv.

The building has an area of 10,182.30 sq. m. (according to the technical inventory – 10,160.50 sq. m.). The price per square meter is UAH 27,510.

The lot is subject to a mortgage.

“The seized building on Saksaganskogo Street has been re-auctioned for the third time, so the lot is discounted by 30% from the first one. The building is located between Universytet and Vokzalna metro stations. Nearby, you can find a parking lot, public transport stops, shops, bank branches, a bus station, and much more. You can take part in the auction on December 18 by paying the guarantee fee in advance, namely UAH 14,005,740,” said Oleksandr Mamro, CEO of SETAM.

For more information, please follow the link:

The OpenMarket auction (SE SETAM of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine) is a simple and effective means of selling and purchasing property via the Internet. The online auction has been operating throughout Ukraine since 2014. The total amount of sales since its launch is UAH 21.4 billion.

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Skoda double-decker electric train to run on Kyiv-Lviv route

Ukrzaliznytsia JSC (UZ) has assigned a double-decker Skoda electric train to the Intercity+ route No. 741/742 Kyiv-Lviv for the New Year’s Eve and holidays, the company’s press service said on Wednesday.
According to the telegram, the train will depart from Kyiv on December 22, 24, 28, 30, and January 1, 2, 5, 7 at 14:58 and arrive in Lviv at 20:56.
The train will run back from Lviv on December 23, 25, 29, 31, and January 2, 3, 6, 8, departing at 8:05 a.m. and arriving in Kyiv at 14:10 a.m.
“A convenient transfer to Lviv from a Warsaw flight via Rava-Ruska has also been agreed in this direction,” UZ emphasized.
The company added that at the time of the Skoda electric train’s arrival in Lviv, a train with seating cars will run to Cherkasy on the route No. 729/730 according to a changed schedule.
In addition, an additional train No. 159/160 Kyiv – Truskavets (via Lviv) has been scheduled. It will depart from Kyiv on December 23 and 29 at 10:24 and arrive in Truskavets at 19:35.
In the opposite direction, the train will depart from Truskavets on December 23 and 29 at 8:26 a.m. and arrive in Kyiv at 18:44.
“Tickets for the upcoming dates are already available in the Ukrzaliznytsia app, chatbot, website, and at the ticket offices of the stations,” UZ said.
The Skoda EJ 675 Elephant electric train consists of six double-decker cars, has 636 seats and can accelerate to 160 km/h.
“Ukrzaliznytsia has purchased two Czech electric trains Skoda EJ 675 Elephant in preparation for Euro 2012.

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More Ukrainian distilleries to be privatized

The government has amended the regulations necessary for further privatization of the unified property complexes of state-owned enterprises Ichnianskyi Distillery (Chernihiv region) and Chervonenskyi Food Product Plant (Chervone village, Zhytomyr region).
“According to the decision taken at the Cabinet of Ministers meeting on December 12, the State Property Fund received grounds to stop the reorganization of these plants and the opportunity to privatize them,” the Ministry of Economy said in a statement on Wednesday.
The ministry reminded that the government resolution of October 28, 2010, approved the reorganization of these two plants by merging them with the state-owned Ukrspyrt. However, the reorganization processes have not been carried out, and both are in a state of legal entity termination.
It is specified that in January 2003, the Ichniansky Distillery received permission to start producing high-octane oxygen-containing gasoline additives. The plant also produced ethyl alcohol (including rectified alcohol, Extra alcohol, Lux alcohol, and technical alcohol), as well as isoamyl alcohol for the needs of the chemical industry and bard, and alcoholic beverages. In 2014, it was no longer in operation.
“According to the Ministry of Economy, Krasnenskyi Food Product Plant is capable of producing organic solvents, glass cleaning liquids based on alcohol production technology, as well as alcohol, alcoholic beverages, liqueurs, fruit drinks, liqueurs, and juices. The raw materials used are molasses (molasses), sugar beet processing waste, and grain.


“Kyivstar expects to restore services tomorrow

Ukraine’s largest mobile operator Kyivstar has partially restored fixed-line services after a large-scale failure at 20:00 on Tuesday, the company promised to complete the restoration of other services during the day on December 13.

“As of 20:00 on December 12, the work of fixed-line services has been partially restored. Now the company’s specialists are working on the restoration of other services and are doing their best to finally complete this work during December 13, 2023. Restoration of services may occur gradually, about which we will inform additionally”, – stated in the message of the press service of “Kyivstar”.

The attack on the company on Tuesday in Kyivstar called “the largest hacker attack in the history of the global telecom market”. They also assured that the company’s specialists started resuming services without delay.

“Kyivstar” expressed gratitude to law enforcement agencies, state services, Security Service of Ukraine for the immediate response and professional assistance in solving the unprecedented situation.

Also, on behalf of the entire Kyivstar team thanked for the understanding and support of subscribers, colleagues in the telecom market, and corporate customers.

The company assured that after the stabilization of the network operation all subscribers and corporate clients, for whom Kyivstar services were unavailable as a result of the hacker attack, will receive compensation.


Government bill on lobbyism will be registered in Verkhovna Rada in nearest future, Ukrainian parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk has said.

A government bill on lobbyism will be registered in the Verkhovna Rada in the near future, the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Ruslan Stefanchuk, has said.

“The recommendation of the European Commission was that we need to adopt a law on lobbyism in accordance with European standards… Already now the government has developed the necessary bill. I think it will be registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the coming week,” Stefanchuk said in an interview with the We-Ukraine TV channel, which broadcast a national telethon on Tuesday.

According to the speaker, there will be no problems with the adoption of the bill and it will take into account all the recommendations of the European Commission.

He recalled that four draft laws on lobbyism had already been registered in parliament.
