Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine to produce record volume of nitrogen fertilizers in August

Ukraine will produce about 100,000 tons of nitrate in August and reach a record 220,000+ tons for all types of nitrogen fertilizers, the highest level since March 2022, according to industry analytical agency Infoindustria.

According to the report, growing demand for nitrogen fertilizers in the EU and Asian markets allows Ukrainian producers to hope for continued demand over the next three months.

“Thanks to successful nitrogen fertilizer sales in June and July, Ostchem was able to secure orders ahead of September, so it is now important to turn on production to the maximum. The task before the two plants is not insignificant, because, according to various calculations, the market for two months could have already sold from 120 to 150 thousand tons of nitrate and 60-70 thousand tons of urea, not to mention UAN and other fertilizers, demand for which is not yet fully sufficient – autumn field work in Ukraine continues,” the report says.

The plants in Cherkassy and Rivne are expected to produce up to 100,000 tons of nitrate in August. Cherkassy “Azot” will fulfill the maximum plan for urea and will load UAN by 60%, and “Rivneazot” will be able to launch limestone nitrate in the second half of August. So, in general, the plants will produce 220-225 thousand tons of products – an absolute record for the last 530 days of the war in Ukraine.

At the same time, Infoindustria analysts note that Odessa Port Plant and Dniprazot may be launched in September, which will bring additional volumes of nitrogen fertilizers to the country’s market. The enterprises will compete for the consumption-limited Ukrainian market and try their hand at the global market.

“Those producers who will not have time to sell nitrogen on the domestic market in August (when agroholdings buy) will be forced to hold it until February (when small and medium-sized agribusinesses will buy). Another sales option is to supply nitrogen for export. It is this option that will be of interest to everyone from September 2023. Fertilizer market conditions were complicated by Russia’s withdrawal from the “grain deal”, which affects the price level of agricultural products,” analysts predict.

Fertilizer market experts expect that due to a good harvest in 2023, if the crop is successfully sold, farmers have every chance to buy more fertilizers for the 2024 season.

Program of forum “Grain Industry 2023” has been expanded and updated

On August 17-18 in Vinnytsia (Hotel France), the All-Ukrainian Conference and Exhibition “Bread Industry-2023” will address the most pressing issues of the grain processing industry of Ukraine.

Taking into account the approaching start of the forum, the program of Bread Industry-2023 has been updated and expanded. It should also be noted that more than 150 companies have confirmed their participation in the conference.

The conference will feature 2 informative specialized sessions, two panel discussions, a round table and an excursion to Vinnytsia Food and Flavor Factory.

The general partner of the event is Concern Khlibprom PJSC, partners: Export Support Center and Ukrainian Export Alliance. Support is provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Ministry of Economy, Vinnytsia Regional State Administration, the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, USAID, Chemonics and other industry organizations and agencies.

So, here is the conference program in detail.

Session 1: Ukraine’s economy after 1.5 years of war: consequences and expectations for business

The session will analyze the state of Ukraine’s economy after 1.5 years of war, consider the consequences and prospects for the market, business expectations of the state and tools to support it.

Speakers will include Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Nadiya Bihun, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Danylo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy, Anatoliy Amelin, Director of Economic Programs at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future, and Ksenia Sydorkina, Director of the USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Program.

The moderator will be Olena Kovaleva, National Food Expert at UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization).

Panel discussion “Quality issues of Ukrainian raw materials in 2023/24 MY”

The panel will highlight the quality of wheat grain, the quality and use of enriched flour in the production of bread and pasta, and discuss general problems with the quality of raw materials and finished products.

Invited speakers: Oleg Onishchenko, Technical and Presentation Manager, SGS-Ukraine; Dmytro Zhygunov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Technology of Grain Products, Bread and Confectionery, ONTU; Nadiya Bachal, Deputy Director for Product Quality and Safety, Stolychnyi Mlyn LLC; Nadiia Nepokrytova, Technologist, Sales Manager, Stern Ingredients Ukraine (Mühlenchemie); Andrii Mishyn, Head of Quality of Raw Materials and Finished Products, Bushtruk Farm (Kyiv Mix TM); Nataliia Grunwald, Executive Director, AGROSERT LLC; Pavlo Lebedev, Senior Associate, AGA Partners.

The discussion will be moderated by Rodion Rybchynsky, Chairman of the Board of Ukrkharchoprom, Director of the Union of Millers of Ukraine, FAO OON grain sector expert.

In addition, a roundtable discussion “Interaction of food companies with suppliers and consumers: B2B and B2C”.

It will be attended by Hanna Lichman, MP of Ukraine, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Policy of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Development, USAID representative, Maryna Zabarylo, Director of Consumer Panel Services, GfK Ukraine, representative of the Research Institute “Ukragropromproductivity”, Natalia Petrivska, Head of GR Department of the Association of Retailers of Ukraine, Dmytro Romanov, foreign markets expert, consultant of FAO/EBRD development projects, Volodymyr Ivchenko, acting Director General of the Research Institute “Ukragropromproductivity”, Viktor Zhabchyk, Director of the private enterprise “Vilis” (produces pasta under its own trademarks “Vilis”, “Makarella”, “Italino”, “Viverelli”, etc.), Vladyslav Averchenko, Director General of PJSC “Concern Khlibprom” (TM “Agrola”, “Vinnytsiakhlib”, “Bandinelli”, Grill & Bakery, etc. ), Artem Shtangeev, Commercial Director of Mixmart, Oleksandra Avramenko, Head of the European Integration Committee of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club and moderator of the event, Oleksandr Taranenko, President of the All-Ukrainian Association of Bakers.

The first day of the conference will end with a friendly dinner hosted by the general partner, Concern Khlibprom.

Session 2: Bread industry: market and technology

This session will be dedicated to discussing the development of technologies and the market of the Ukrainian bread industry (flour, bread, pasta, cereals, flour products, additives and ingredients), as well as marketing and distribution.

Speakers will include Rodion Rybchynskyi, Director of the Union of Millers of Ukraine, Oleksandr Taranenko, President of the All-Ukrainian Bakers Association, Sergiy Sakirkin, Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Union of Millers of Ukraine, Oleksandr Vereshchynskyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Founder of OLIS LLC, Vadym Horyelyi, Director of GVP Equipment. Also, representatives of the Export Credit Agency of Ukraine, the Alliance of Trade Finance and Factoring, banks and financial institutions, as well as an expert in grant writing (grant attraction), Ruslan Rokhov, Advisor to Export Credit Agency, Natalia Gavrilko, expert in grant writing (grant attraction), will share their vision of the situation in the industry.

The session will be moderated by Borys Shestopalov, co-owner of HD-group and GFS GROUP.

The practical end of the two-day conference will be an excursion to Vinnytsia Food and Flavor Factory, one of the leading canned food producers in Vinnytsia region and Ukraine as a whole.

Follow the updates to the program of the Bread Industry 2023 conference at this link.

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International Sugar Organization predicts shortage of sugar on world market

The International Sugar Organization (ISO) has made its first forecast for the global sugar balance for the 2023/2024 season (October to September).

According to the review, published on Thursday, the new season on the world sugar market will be in deficit.

Production is projected at 174.839 million tons compared to 174.024 million tons in 2022/2023, while global consumption is projected at 176.957 million tons compared to 176.531 million tons, respectively.

Thus, the deficit of sugar on the world market in the coming season will amount to 2.118 million tons.

USAID AGRO program to provide UAH 57 mln for flour vitaminization projects in Ukraine

The USAID AGRO Program announced the launch of a grant program to co-finance 15 flour vitaminization projects with a total budget of up to UAH 57 million to make Ukrainian products competitive and in demand in new international markets, expand the range of products, and increase processing volumes.

According to the report, fortification (enrichment) of flour with vitamins and trace elements to improve public health in the world has already become a common practice, implemented in more than 80 countries. International organizations speak out in favor of vitaminized flour and purchase it for humanitarian programs, in particular and to provide food for countries in Africa and Asia.

“In the context of war and limited exports, low grain prices, the production of vitaminized flour will help improve distribution channels and markets, increase access of micro, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises (MSMEs) – grain producers to flour mills and establish long-term cooperation,” the donor organization’s press office wrote on Facebook.

Those wishing to participate in the grant program have until August 21 to register for a pre-application online workshop to be held on August 22. The deadline for applications (technical proposal, budget and supporting documents) is September 17.

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Ukrainian agrarians threshed 22.9 mln tons of grain of harvest-2023

Agrarians of all regions of Ukraine have harvested early grain and leguminous crops on the area of 5292 thousand hectares, having threshed 22 million 961 thousand tons of grain at a yield of 43.7 c/ha, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reported.

According to the report, the largest threshing – 3.2 million tons – was recorded in Odessa region, where agrarians have already completed the collection of early grains and legumes.

To date, Ukraine has harvested barley on 1263 thousand hectares, which is 85% of the planned, of which 4.901 million tons were threshed; wheat from 3.830 million hectares (82%) was harvested 17.698 million tons; peas from 146.6 thousand hectares (98%) received 361.2 thousand tons.

Agrarians of Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions have started harvesting millet, which was threshed 0.2 thousand tons from 0.3 thousand hectares, and buckwheat – 0.1 thousand tons from 0.08 thousand hectares.

In addition, on the area of 1315.21 thousand hectares (92% of the planned areas) harvested 3702.1 thousand tons of winter rape.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy in connection with the revision of the forecast for the harvest of all crops monitors information on their yields. Thus, for barley this week it amounted to 38.8 c/ha, wheat – 46.2 c/ha, peas – 24.6 c/ha, winter rape – 28.1 c/ha, which is almost the same as last week. The yield of millet – 6.9 c/ha, buckwheat – 11.3 c/ha.

As reported, winter wheat sowing this season amounted to 4166 thousand hectares (-834 thousand hectares to the previous season), winter barley – 536 thousand hectares (-255 thousand hectares), rapeseed – 1374 thousand hectares (+110 thousand hectares).

According to the adjusted forecast of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, in 2023 agrarians will be able to harvest grain in the following volumes: wheat – 20.9 million tons, barley – 5.8 million tons and corn – 28.1 million tons. Gross production of oilseeds will reach 20.3 million tons, in particular, sunflower – 12 million tons, rapeseed – 4 million tons, soybeans – 4.2 million tons. The sugar beet harvest is forecasted at 13.7 million tons.

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Energy imports to Ukraine in 2021-2022

Energy imports to Ukraine in 2021-2022

Source: and